## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in ## Copyright: Sámediggi/Divvun/UiT ## Licence: GPL v3+ # Included by several *.am files. Process the including files with automake. # This include file contains build targets and variables shared among # all speller tools # Files and filenames: GSDATA=../all-gs-$(GTLANG).txt SPELLERINPUT=goldstandard.spin.txt SPELLEROUTPUT=goldstandard.spout.txt SPELLERVERSION=sp-version.txt SPELLERTESTRESULT=$(shell if test "x$(GSDOC)" != "x" ; then \ echo "$(GSDOC)-gs-results.html"; \ else \ echo "corpus-gs-results.html"; \ fi) # Variables: DATE = $(shell date +%Y%m%d) TESTTIME = $(shell date +%H%M) LEXICONVERSION=$(shell readlink $(GTLANG2)-latest | tr -d '/') # Forrest publishing: SPLTESTREPDIR = $(GTBIG)/techdoc/proof/spelling/testing2 # Convert the speller output to an xml format: $(SPELLERTESTRESULT): \ $(GSDATA) \ $(SPELLEROUTPUT) \ $(SCRIPTDIR)/speller-testres.pl $(SCRIPTDIR)/speller-testres.pl \ --engine=$(TESTTOOL) \ --lang=$(GTLANG) \ --input=$< \ --output=$(SPELLEROUTPUT) \ --document=$(