import sys import copy import getopt import numpy as np from collections import defaultdict, deque def extract_words(line): sents = line.split() words = [] for word in sents: word = word.lower().replace('ё', 'е') i = len(word) - 1 while i >= 0 and not (word[i].isalpha() or word[i].isdigit()): i -= 1 if i >= 0: words.append(word[:(i+1)]) return words def make_levenstein_table(source, correct, allow_transpositions=False, removal_cost=1.0, insertion_cost=1.0, replace_cost=1.0, transposition_cost=1.0): """ Строит динамическую таблицу, применяемую при вычислении расстояния Левенштейна, а также массив обратных ссылок, применяемый при восстановлении выравнивания Builds a dynamic table, applied while computing Levenshtein distance, also an array of backward links, applied while restoring alignment :param source: list of strs, исходное предложение original sentence :param correct: list of strs, исправленное предложение corrected sentence :param allow_transpositions: bool, optional(default=False), разрешены ли перестановки соседних символов в расстоянии Левенштейна whether permutations of neighboring symbols are allowed in Levenshtein distance :param removal_cost: float, optional(default=1.0), штраф за удаление cost of deletion :param insertion_cost: float, optional(default=1.0), штраф за вставку cost of insertion :param replace_cost: float, optional(default=1.9), штраф за замену символов cost of replacing symbols :param transposition_cost: float, optional(default=1.9), штраф за перестановку символов cost of switching symbols :return: table, numpy 2D-array of float, двумерная таблица расстояний между префиксами, 2-dimensional table of distance between prefixes table[i][j] = d(source[:i], correct[:j]) backtraces, 2D-array of lists, двумерный массив обратных ссылок при вычислении оптимального выравнивания 2-dimensnional array of backward links during computation of optimal alignment """ first_length, second_length = len(source), len(correct) table = np.zeros(shape=(first_length + 1, second_length + 1), dtype=float) backtraces = [([None] * (second_length + 1)) for _ in range(first_length + 1)] for i in range(1, second_length + 1): table[0][i] = i backtraces[0][i] = [(0, i-1)] for i in range(1, first_length + 1): table[i][0] = i backtraces[i][0] = [(i-1, 0)] for i, first_word in enumerate(source, 1): for j, second_word in enumerate(correct, 1): if first_word == second_word: table[i][j] = table[i-1][j-1] backtraces[i][j] = [(i-1, j-1)] else: table[i][j] = min((table[i-1][j-1] + replace_cost, table[i][j-1] + removal_cost, table[i-1][j] + insertion_cost)) if (allow_transpositions and min(i, j) >= 2 and first_word == correct[j-2] and second_word == source[j-2]): table[i][j] = min(table[i][j], table[i-2][j-2] + transposition_cost) curr_backtraces = [] if table[i-1][j-1] + replace_cost == table[i][j]: curr_backtraces.append((i-1, j-1)) if table[i][j-1] + removal_cost == table[i][j]: curr_backtraces.append((i, j-1)) if table[i-1][j] + insertion_cost == table[i][j]: curr_backtraces.append((i-1, j)) if (allow_transpositions and min(i, j) >= 2 and first_word == correct[j-2] and second_word == source[j-2] and table[i][j] == table[i-2][j-2] + transposition_cost): curr_backtraces.append((i-2, j-2)) backtraces[i][j] = copy.copy(curr_backtraces) return table, backtraces def extract_best_alignment(backtraces): """ Извлекает оптимальное выравнивание из таблицы обратных ссылок Derives optimal alignment from tables of backward links :param backtraces, 2D-array of lists, двумерный массив обратных ссылок при вычислении оптимального выравнивания 2-dimensional array of backward links during computation of optimal alignment :return: best_paths, list of lists, список путей, ведущих из точки (0, 0) в точку (m, n) в массиве backtraces list of paths leading from point (0,0) to point (m,n) in array of backtraces """ m, n = len(backtraces) - 1, len(backtraces[0]) - 1 used_vertexes = {(m, n)} reverse_path_graph = defaultdict(list) vertexes_queue = [(m, n)] # строим граф наилучших путей в таблице # build graph of best paths in table while len(vertexes_queue) > 0: i, j = vertex = vertexes_queue.pop(0) if i > 0 or j > 0: for new_vertex in backtraces[i][j]: reverse_path_graph[new_vertex].append(vertex) if new_vertex not in used_vertexes: vertexes_queue.append(new_vertex) used_vertexes.add(new_vertex) # проходим пути в обратном направлении # walk paths in backward direction best_paths = [] current_path = [(0, 0)] last_indexes, neighbor_vertexes_list = [], [] while len(current_path) > 0: if current_path[-1] != (m, n): children = reverse_path_graph[current_path[-1]] if len(children) > 0: current_path.append(children[0]) last_indexes.append(0) neighbor_vertexes_list.append(children) continue else: best_paths.append(copy.copy(current_path)) while len(last_indexes) > 0 and last_indexes[-1] == len(neighbor_vertexes_list[-1]) - 1: current_path.pop() last_indexes.pop() neighbor_vertexes_list.pop() if len(last_indexes) == 0: break last_indexes[-1] += 1 current_path[-1] = neighbor_vertexes_list[-1][last_indexes[-1]] return best_paths def extract_basic_alignment_paths(paths_in_alignments, source, correct): """ Извлекает из путей в таблице Левенштейна тождественные замены в выравнивании Derives from paths in the Levenshtein table identical substitutions in alignment :param paths_in_alignments: list of lists, список оптимальных путей в таблице из точки (0, 0) в точку (len(source), len(correct)) list of optimal paths in the table from point(0,0) to point (len(source), len(correct)) :param source: str, исходная строка, original line :param correct: str, строка с исправлениями line with corrections :return: answer: list, список вариантов тождественных замен в оптимальных путях list of options of identical substitutions in optimal paths """ m, n = len(source), len(correct) are_symbols_equal = np.zeros(dtype=bool, shape=(m, n)) for i, a in enumerate(source): for j, b in enumerate(correct): are_symbols_equal[i][j] = (a == b) answer = set() for path in paths_in_alignments: answer.add(tuple(elem for elem in path[1:] if are_symbols_equal[elem[0]-1][elem[1]-1])) return list(answer) def extract_levenstein_alignments(source, correct): """ Находит позиции тождественных замен в оптимальном выравнивании между source и correct Finds positions of identical substitutions in optimal alignment between source and correct :param source: str. исходная строка Original line :param correct: str, исправленная строка Corrected line :return: basic_alignment_paths, list of lists of pairs of ints список позиций тождественных замен в оптимальном выравнивании list of positions of identical substitutions in the optimal alignment """ table, backtraces = make_levenstein_table(source, correct, replace_cost=1.9) paths_in_alignments = extract_best_alignment(backtraces) basic_alignment_paths = extract_basic_alignment_paths(paths_in_alignments, source, correct) return basic_alignment_paths def get_partition_indexes(first, second): """ Строит оптимальное разбиение на группы (ошибка, исправление) Группа заканчивается после first[i] и second[j], если пара из концов этих слов встречается в оптимальном пути в таблице Левенштейна для " ".join(first) и " ".join(second) Build optimal partition into groups (mistake, correction) The group ends after first[i] and second[j], if pair from ends of these words is found in optimal path in the Levenshtein table for " ".join(first) and " ".join(second) :param first: list of strs, список исходных слов List of original words :param second: list of strs, их исправление Their correction :return: answer, list of pairs of ints, список пар (f[0], s[0]), (f[1], s[1]), ... list of pairs отрезок second[s[i]: s[i+1]] является исправлением для first[f[i]: f[i+1]] segment second[s[i]: s[i+1]] is the correction for first[f[i]: f[i+1]] """ m, n = len(first), len(second) answer = [(0, 0)] if m <= 1 or n <= 1: answer += [(m, n)] elif m == 2 and n == 2: answer += [(1, 1), (2, 2)] else: levenstein_table, backtraces = make_levenstein_table(" ".join(first), " ".join(second)) best_paths_in_table = extract_best_alignment(backtraces) good_partitions, other_partitions = set(), set() word_ends = [0], [0] last = -1 for i, word in enumerate(first): last = last + len(word) + 1 word_ends[0].append(last) last = -1 for i, word in enumerate(second): last = last + len(word) + 1 word_ends[1].append(last) for path in best_paths_in_table: current_indexes = [(0, 0)] first_pos, second_pos = 0, 0 is_partition_good = True for i, j in path[1:]: if i > word_ends[0][first_pos]: first_pos += 1 if j > word_ends[1][second_pos]: second_pos += 1 if i == word_ends[0][first_pos] and j == word_ends[1][second_pos]: if first_pos > current_indexes[-1][0] or second_pos > current_indexes[-1][1]: current_indexes.append((first_pos, second_pos)) first_pos += 1 second_pos += 1 else: is_partition_good = False if current_indexes[-1] == (m, n): if is_partition_good: good_partitions.add(tuple(current_indexes)) else: other_partitions.add(tuple(current_indexes)) if len(good_partitions) == 1: answer = list(good_partitions)[0] else: answer = list(other_partitions)[0] return answer def align_sents(source, correct, return_only_different=False): """ Возвращает индексы границ групп в оптимальном выравнивании Returns indices of group boundaries in optimal alignment :param source, correct: str, исходное и исправленное предложение original and corrected sentence :param return_only_different: следует ли возвращать только индексы нетождественных исправлений Whether it is only necessary to return indices of identical corrections :return: answer, list of pairs of tuples, оптимальное разбиение на группы. Если answer[i] == ((i, j), (k, l)), то в одну группу входят source[i:j] и correct[k:l] optimal partition into groups. If answer[i] == ((i, j), (k, l)), then source[i:j] and correct[k:l] belong to one group. """ alignments = extract_levenstein_alignments(source, correct) m, n = len(source), len(correct) prev = 0, 0 answer = [] for i, j in alignments[0]: if i > prev[0] + 1 or j > prev[1] + 1: partition_indexes =\ get_partition_indexes(source[prev[0]: i-1], correct[prev[1]: j-1]) if partition_indexes is not None: for pos, (f, s) in enumerate(partition_indexes[:-1]): answer.append(((prev[0] + f, prev[0] + partition_indexes[pos+1][0]), (prev[1] + s, prev[1] + partition_indexes[pos+1][1]))) else: answer.append((prev[0], i-1), (prev[1], j-1)) if not return_only_different: answer.append(((i-1, i), (j-1, j))) prev = i, j if m > prev[0] or n > prev[1]: partition_indexes =\ get_partition_indexes(source[prev[0]: m], correct[prev[1]: n]) for pos, (f, s) in enumerate(partition_indexes[:-1]): answer.append(((prev[0] + f, prev[0] + partition_indexes[pos+1][0]), (prev[1] + s, prev[1] + partition_indexes[pos+1][1]))) return answer if __name__ == "__main__": args = sys.argv[1:] output_differences = False opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, "d:", ["--differences="]) for opt, val in opts: if opt in ["-d", "--differences"]: output_differences = True diff_file = val else: print(ValueError("Wrong option {0}".format(opt))) if len(args) != 3: sys.exit("Использование: source_file correct_file answer_file\n" "source_file: исходный файл\n" "correct_file: файл с эталонными исправлениями\n" "answer_file: файл с ответами системы\n") source_file, correct_file, answer_file = args with open(source_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as fsource,\ open(correct_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as fcorr,\ open(answer_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as fans: source_sents = [extract_words(line.strip()) for line in fsource.readlines() if line.strip() != ""] correct_sents = [extract_words(line.strip()) for line in fcorr.readlines() if line.strip() != ""] answer_sents = [extract_words(line.strip()) for line in fans.readlines() if line.strip() != ""] etalon_corrections = dict() answer_corrections = dict() for num, (source, correct, answer) in\ enumerate(zip(source_sents, correct_sents, answer_sents)): indexes = align_sents(source, correct, return_only_different=True) for ((i, j), (k, l)) in indexes: etalon_corrections[(num, i, j)] = tuple(correct[k:l]) indexes = align_sents(source, answer, return_only_different=True) for ((i, j), (k, l)) in indexes: answer_corrections[(num, i, j)] = tuple(answer[k:l]) TP = 0 for triple, answer_correction in answer_corrections.items(): etalon_correction = etalon_corrections.get(triple) if etalon_correction == answer_correction: TP += 1 precision = TP / len(answer_corrections) recall = TP / len(etalon_corrections) f_measure = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) print("Precision={0:.2f} Recall={1:.2f} FMeasure={2:.2f}".format( 100 * precision, 100 * recall, 100 * f_measure)) print(TP, len(answer_corrections), len(etalon_corrections)) if output_differences: false_positives = defaultdict(list) false_negatives = defaultdict(list) miscorrections = defaultdict(list) for (num, i, j), answer_correction in answer_corrections.items(): etalon_correction = etalon_corrections.get((num, i, j)) if etalon_correction is None: false_positives[num].append(((i, j), answer_correction)) elif etalon_correction != answer_correction: miscorrections[num].append(((i, j), answer_correction, etalon_correction)) for (num, i, j), etalon_correction in etalon_corrections.items(): answer_correction = answer_corrections.get((num, i, j)) if answer_correction is None: false_negatives[num].append(((i, j), etalon_correction)) with open(diff_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as fout: width = 24 for num, sent in enumerate(source_sents): current_false_positives = false_positives[num] current_false_negatives = false_negatives[num] current_miscorrections = miscorrections[num] if (len(current_false_positives) == 0 and len(current_false_negatives) == 0 and len(current_miscorrections) == 0): continue fout.write("{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n".format( " ".join(sent), " ".join(answer_sents[num]), " ".join(correct_sents[num]))) for (i, j), answer_correction in current_false_positives: fout.write("{0:<{width}}{1:<{width}}{2:<{width}}\n".format(" ".join(sent[i:j]), " ".join(answer_correction), " ".join(sent[i:j]), width=width)) for (i, j), etalon_correction in current_false_negatives: fout.write("{0:<{width}}{1:<{width}}{2:<{width}}\n".format(" ".join(sent[i:j]), " ".join(sent[i:j]), " ".join(etalon_correction), width=width)) for (i, j), answer_correction, etalon_correction in current_miscorrections: fout.write("{0:<{width}}{1:<{width}}{2:<{width}}\n".format(" ".join(sent[i:j]), " ".join(answer_correction), " ".join(etalon_correction), width=width)) fout.write("\n")