HERE ARE THE FORMS FOR THE FIRST 6 WORDS (life event, link, photo, post, status, status update). FORMS USED IN SENTENCES AS: #. John Doe likes a X. #. John Doe commented on a X. #. John Doe and Jane Doe commented on a X. #. John Doe was tagged in a X. #. %a1 is a person's name, %a2 is something like (always?) "a link" msgid "%a1 shared %a2." msgstr "%a1 delte %a2." #. %a1 and %a2 as above, and %a3 is something like (always?) "a link" msgid "%a1 and %a2 shared %a3." msgstr "%a1 og %a2 delte %a3." #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "life event" msgstr "en livshendelse" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "link" msgstr "en lenke" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "photo" msgstr "et bilde" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "post" msgstr "et innlegg" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status" msgstr "en status" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status update" msgstr "en status" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMS USED IN SENTENCES AS: #. John Doe likes Jane Doe's X. #. John Doe shared Jane Doe's X. #. John Doe and Jane Doe shared Kevin Scannell's X. #. John Doe was tagged in Jane Doe's X. #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "life event" msgstr "sin livshendelse" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "link" msgstr "sin lenke" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "photo" msgstr "sitt bilde" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "post" msgstr "sitt innlegg" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status" msgstr "sin status" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status update" msgstr "sin status" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMS USED IN SENTENCES AS: #. John Doe shared her/his own X. #. John Doe commented on her/his own X. #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "life event" msgstr "sin egen livshendelse" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "link" msgstr "sin egen lenke" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "photo" msgstr "sitt eget bilde" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "post" msgstr "sitt eget innlegg" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status" msgstr "sin egen status" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status update" msgstr "sin egen status" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMS USED IN SENTENCES AS: #. John Doe commented on your X. #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "life event" msgstr "din livshendelse" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "link" msgstr "din lenke" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "photo" msgstr "ditt bilde" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "post" msgstr "ditt innlegg" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status" msgstr "din status" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status update" msgstr "din status"