Pirjo Paavalniemi/ Mervi Haavisto FORMS USED IN SENTENCES AS: #. John Doe likes Jane Doe's X. #. John Doe likes a X. #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "life event" msgstr "elämäntapattumasta" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "link" msgstr "linkistä" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "photo" msgstr "kuvasta" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "post" msgstr "muisteluksesta" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status" msgstr "staattuksesta" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status update" msgstr "staattuksen uuđistamisesta" FORMS USED IN SENTENCES AS: #. John Doe shared Jane Doe's X. #. John Doe shared her/his own X. #. John Doe and Jane Doe shared Kevin Scannell's X. #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "life event" msgstr "elämäntapattuman" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "link" msgstr "linkin" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "photo" msgstr "kuvan" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "post" msgstr "muisteluksen" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status" msgstr "staattuksen" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status update" msgstr "staattuksen uuđistamisen" FORMS USED IN SENTENCES AS: #. John Doe was tagged in Jane Doe's X. #. John Doe was tagged in a X. #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "life event" msgstr "elämäntapattumhaan" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "link" msgstr "linkkhiin" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "photo" msgstr "kuvhaan" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "post" msgstr "muisteluksheen" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status" msgstr "staattuksheen" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status update" msgstr "staattuksen uuđistamisheen" FORMS USED IN SENTENCES AS: #. John Doe commented on a X. #. John Doe and Jane Doe commented on a X. #. John Doe commented on her/his own X. #. John Doe commented on your X. #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "life event" msgstr "elämäntapattummaa" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "link" msgstr "linkkii" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "photo" msgstr "kuvvaa" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "post" msgstr "muistelusta" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status" msgstr "staattusta" #. Always a link. Used in longer sentences as above. msgid "status update" msgstr "staattuksen uuđistamista"