BA - Program

BOA Bachelor in Reindeer Husbandry Studies

  • Language of instruction: North Sámi
  • Study place: Guovdageaidnu
  • bachelor's degree programme - 3 years full time study
  • Studyplan, in North Sámi

An exciting study where reindeer husbandry is in focus and prepares you to meet the challenges!


Bachelor in reindeer studies is a three-year study (180 credits) at Sami University College where immersing yourself in themes about reindeer husbandry and where you end the program with a Bachelor's thesis with a chosen topic.

In the study you will learn scientific work and dissemination methods, and how traditional reindeer herders knowledge has a different system of knowledge and perspective. The program also provides the opportunity to immerse themselves in different disciplines. After completing the program, you possess the knowledge on the one hand about working in the Sami reindeer herders, about livelihoods and siida exercise, and on the other side of public reindeer management, governmental regulations and other work.

In the 1st semester students will become familiar with scientific writing methods, indigenous philosophy and research methods, in three compulsory subjects of study in the Bachelor's degree (of 10 credits).

In the 2nd semester there are two study courses: "The reindeer and reindeer as a resource" (20 credits) and the first part of the study "Grazing pasture access and guess"; called "Grazing Animals and knowledge of grazing" (10 credits).

In 3rd semester continues the second part of the study "Grazing pasture access and guess"; "Knowledge of lands and conjecture" (10 credits) and also "Siida governance and management of reindeer husbandry" (20 credits).

In the 4th semester there are two studies "Reindeer Legal introductory course" (10 credits) and "reindeer laws and jurisprudence" (20 credits).

In the 5th semester, you select which studies you want to attach as part of your bachelor's degree (it is also possible and apply for courses approved by other studies or from other educational institutions).

In the 6th semester, complete Bachelor's thesis.

Specialisation opportunities
This bachelor's degree qualifies for further studies on certain master's degrees, and also the master degree in reindeer studies which are being planned by
Sámi University of Applied Sciences.

Work Opportunities
The program provides the skills to work in various positions in the public and private sectors. Graduates can work, for example within various administrative sectors where it is needed knowledge of cultivated areas exercise, social or Sámi and indigenous perspectives.
You can also work like herding supervisor, within assessment and as a expert, cultural worker, as secretary of reindeer husbandry districts / reindeer husbandry boards, and also as a researcher or in other types of work.


Generally, the program useful if you want to work in an environment where reindeer husbandry cases are processed and Sámi scientific and academic communities. Completing Practical Pedagogical Education In Norway, provides the expertise to teach reindeer husbandry topics at primary or secondary school.

Entrance requirements

  • General admission or Prior Learning and competence in Sámi language
  • Sámi requirement can be met as follows: Sámi language as a 1st or 2nd language in Upper Secondary School in Norway
  • Native language exam or extended foreign language exams at high school in Finland and Modersmål A, B and C, or only A and B in Sweden.
  • Sámi language requirement can also be achieved with North Sámi Semester Course (30 credits) or language test organized by the Sámi University of Applied Sciences.


mikkelns's picture
Sara, Mikkel Nils M