About the ministry

The Ministry of Transport and Communications has overall responsibility for the framework conditions for postal and telecommunications activities, for the civil aviation, public roads and rail transport sector and for ferry services forming part of the national road system.

The ministry’s field of responsibility includes long-range planning, research and analysis as well as regulatory development and budgetary matters in the above sectors. The ministry manages the Public Roads Administration, National Rail Administration, Civil Aviation Authority, Railway Inspectorate, Post and Telecommunications Authority, Statutory Services – Aerial Ropeways and the Accident Investigation Board Norway. The ministry also manages the government owner interests in AVINOR AS, Norway Post, Norwegian State Railways and Rail Contractors.

Functions of the Ministry of Transport and Communications


Policy formulation:
Preparation of matters to be submitted to the Storting, including the government budget and revisions, proposals for laws and law amendments; plans for the transport and communications sector; and matters related to the organisational set-up and affiliation of enterprises under the ministry.

Agency and enterprise management:
Implementation of guidelines and requirements laid down by the Storting for the administrative agencies and enterprises for which the ministry is responsible. Where the administrative agencies are concerned, management consists in monitoring and checking that appropriations are spent as intended, that laws and regulations are complied with and that each agency has an organisational form suited to its functions. Where enterprises are concerned, the ministry is responsible for administering government ownership in the interest of both corporate profitability and society as a whole.

Handling of matters under relevant legislation within the ministry’s jurisdiction or on behalf of the central administration in general. Enquiries from individuals or institutions, and matters circulated for comment by other ministries etc, are also handled.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications consists of five departments:


Contact information

Ministry of Transport and Communications

Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90
Fax: 22 24 95 70


PO Box 8010 Dep
0030 Oslo

Akersgata 59 (R5),

Ministry of Transport and Communications

Contact information

Ministry of Transport and Communications

Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90
Fax: 22 24 95 70


PO Box 8010 Dep
0030 Oslo

Akersgata 59 (R5),