Department of Aquaculture, Seafood and Markets

The department regulates the aquaculture industry (Aquaculture Act and Food Safety Act), including fish health and environmental impact. The department also deals with quality control of fisheries products and overseas regulations and monitoring of seafood for the entire production chain, including fish feed. Trade policy and market access, at the global (WTO), European (EU-EEA) and regional/bilateral level (EFTA), is another important sphere of the responsibility. Furthermore, the department contributes to enhance added-value of Norwegian marine products, which includes generic marketing funded by the industry and administered by the Norwegian Seafood Export Council.

Director General – Department of Aquaculture, Seafood and Markets

Contact information

Department of Aquaculture, Seafood and Markets

Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

Contact information

Department of Aquaculture, Seafood and Markets