Department of Marine Resources and Coastal Management

The Department of Marine Resources and Coastal Management is responsible for matters related to fisheries, the marine environment and coastal management. A wide array of issues is incorporated in the department’s portfolio – including quota negotiations and international fisheries agreements, IUU-fishing, coordination of environmental policies, capacity adjustment schemes for the fishing fleet, fishing licenses and permits, maritime safety and emergency preparedness system for acute pollution. The department is responsible for the implementation and follow-up of laws and regulations such as Havressursloven (The Marine Resource Act), Deltakerloven (Fisheries Participation Act), Losloven (The Pilot Act), Havne- og Farvannsloven (Port and Waters Act), and Råfiskloven (The First-Hand Sales Act). 

The department is divided into four sections that are working with different subject areas.  These are the Coastal Management Section, the Marine Environment Section, the Fisheries Management Section, and the Legal Affairs and Fisheries Economics Section. 

The Coastal Management Section is responsible for maritime safety and the national contingency response system to acute pollution from oil and chemicals. These areas encompass the implementation of navigation systems, lighthouses, navigational marks and navigational infrastructure, as well as vessel traffic service centres, pilot services and tugboat capacity.  The Section is also responsible for issues concerning the relationship between fisheries and oil activities. It also coordinates the Ministry’s participation in the International Maritime Organization (IMO). 

The Marine Environment Section works with issues in the realm of the interaction between human activity, biodiversity, the environment and the sea.  Importantly, this section is responsible for issues related to Norwegian marine area management, monitoring activities, and maritime spatial planning, as well as the coordination of the Ministry’s environmental policy and participation in international marine environment processes (e.g. CITES, OSPAR). 

The Fisheries Management Section deals with various issues related to the national, regional and global fisheries management. This includes bilateral and multilateral fisheries negotiations and regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs). The Section is responsible for national quota regulations, as well as technical regulations for fishing activities in Norwegian waters. 

The Legal Affairs and Fisheries Economics Section handles the overarching legal, economic and budgetary processes of the department, as well as the system for first-hand sale of fish, fishing licenses and annual permits, and capacity adjustment schemes for the fishing fleet.  The Section also works with international economic issues concerning the fishing fleet through OECD and WTO. It also serves as an overall expert on legal matters. 

Currently, the Department of Marine Resources and Coastal Affairs has approximately 40 employees.  The Director General of the Department of Marine Resources and Coastal Management is Johán H. Williams.


Director General - Department of Marine Resources and Coastal Management

Contact information

Department of Marine Resources and Coastal Management

Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

Contact information

Department of Marine Resources and Coastal Management