Gender equality

The Ministry of Children and Equality is the ministry with primary responsibility for the government's gender equality policies, but all ministries have a responsibility for gender equality in their own policy areas.


The ministry deals with issues related to gender equality in employment, women and power, and men and equality. It also participates in international collaborative efforts.
The ministry is a proponent of developing a gender-policy perspective in the national budget, and it has overall administrative responsibility for the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud and for the Norwegian Equality and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal.

menn og likestilling
menn og likestilling

Men and gender equality

Gender equality can only be achieved when men and women work together towards the same goals and agree that traditional masculinities and femininities have aspects that need to be changed.

Likestilling og diskrimineringsombudet
Likestilling og diskrimineringsombudet

A joint machinery against all forms of discrimination

The Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud and the Equality and Anti-discrimination Tribunal were established 1 January 2006.

Kjønn og makt
Kjønn og makt

Balanced gender representation on company boards

From 1 January 2004, the boards in all state owned companies are obliged to have a minimum of 40 percent representation of each gender. The Parliament has passed corresponding amendments regarding public limited companies in the private sector.

Norway congratulates new UN head of gender equality

Norway congratulates Chile’s former President Michelle Bachelet on her appointment as head of the UN’s new entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women (UN Women).

Adaption in working life and equality for both women and men

Seminar hosted by the Norwegian Consulate in New York, Women`s Forum and Catalyst The last 40 years has seen substantial equality between the genders come true, with great changes in Norwegian culture, politics and economic life. Today, we are discussing men’s roles and rights in terms of parental leave, along with promoting women to the upper echelons of economic life.

Including men for women’s rights and gender equality

Gender equality is good business for a country. OECD declared in 2007 that “gender equality strengthens long-term economic development”. The former European Commissioner Vladimir Spidla said that “Women are driving job growth in Europe and helping us reach our economics target”.

Equal rights, equal opportunities: Progress for all

UN COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN 1 – 12 MARCH 2010 UN – commemoration of the International Women’s Day Equal rights, equal opportunities: Progress for all Beijing + 15: the Unfinished Agenda

Norway provides NOK 60 million to promote women’s rights

Norway will provide NOK 40 million (USD 7 million) to UN efforts to combat female genital mutilation and violence against women in developing countries. At the same time, Norway will contribute NOK 20 million (USD 3.5 million) to the new UN Fund for Gender Equality.

Putting policy into practice

- For me, women, peace and security is not a gender issue. It is a cross-gender issue. It is a security issue. It is an issue for women and men alike – and an issue of our common interest and future, State Secretary Gry Larsen said in her opening statement at a conference in Oslo on 11.11.09.

New UN agency for women and gender equality

The UN General Assembly yesterday approved the establishment of a new agency designed to intensify UN efforts to promote gender equality and the rights of women. “This is an important measure to secure the rights and empowerment of women,” said Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

Public policies supporting the wish to have children

Speach held at the Council of Europe Conference of Ministrers responsible for family affairs June 16th-17th 2009.

White Paper on male roles and gender equality

Read the White Paper Document from the government to Stortinget (Parliament) on male roles and gender equality

Ekspedisjonssjef Arni Hole
Author: Siri Wolland

Gender balance on company boards - article on the web site WOMEN-omics

The fall of 2008, Director General Arni Hole spent some time in New York and Washington, working for the UN. During her stay, she was asked to write an article regarding the Norwegian legislation on gender balance on company boards for a web site called WOMEN-omics. WOMEN-omics is focusing on the theme of promoting women as an economic opportunity.

More documents about this subject

Contact information

Department of Family Affairs and Equality

Telephone: 22 24 25 19
Fax: 22 24 27 18
Ministry of Children and Equality

Contact information

Department of Family Affairs and Equality

Telephone: 22 24 25 19
Fax: 22 24 27 18