Ethnic discrimination

The government will combat all forms of discrimination, repression, intolerance and racism.

The Anti-Discrimination Act came into force 1 January 2006. The purpose of the Act is to promote equality, ensure equal opportunities and rights and prevent discrimination based on ethnicity, national origin, descent, skin colour, language, religion or belief. The Act shall apply in  all areas of society except for family life and personal relationships. The Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud and the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal shall monitor compliance with and help to implement this Act, cf. The Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud Act.

Action plan to promote equality and prevent ethnic discrimination

Action Plan - Action plan to promote equality and prevent ethnic discrimination 2009-2012

Comprehensive protection against discriminiation (NOU 2009:14)


Strengthening anti-discrimination efforts

The government has increased the resources of the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud in 2009 by NOK 9 million in order to combat discrimination of people with disabilities and to strengthen existing anti-discrimination provisions. An additional NOK 4 million has been allocated for a new action plan against ethnic discrimination.

National Anti-discrimination information tour

The Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud (EADO) did in 2007 on behalf of the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion an information campaign called ”National Anti-discrimination information tour.” The project was financed by ”European Community Action Program to combat discrimination (2001-2006).”

The Anti-Discrimination Ombud Act

Ministry of children and equality

Text of the law (in Norwegian)

More documents about this subject

Contact information

Department of Family Affairs and Equality

Telephone: 22 24 25 19
Fax: 22 24 27 18
Ministry of Children and Equality

Contact information

Department of Family Affairs and Equality

Telephone: 22 24 25 19
Fax: 22 24 27 18