Financial social assistance

As a result of their responsibility for preventing social problems and improving living conditions for the disadvantaged, the social services are an important player in the efforts against poverty.

By engaging in preventive efforts, providing advice, guidance, financial support and social services, the social services shall work to ensure that individuals are capable of supporting themselves. The main responsibility for social services and financial support rests with the municipalities.

The Ministry of Labour has the overriding responsibility for the Social Services Act chapter 5 (Financial Support), chapter 5A (The Qualification Programme) and section 4-5 (Temporary Accommodation). In addition, the Ministry is responsible for the municipalities’ financial advisory service/ advisory service on debt settlement.

The Ministry of Health and Care Services has overriding responsibility for the Social Services Act and it also has sector responsibility for the other parts of the Act. The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration is responsible for administering the Social Services Act with pertaining Regulations, with the exception of the rules relating to state supervision, which are administered by the Norwegian Board of Public Health.

In the new labour and welfare administration, financial support will be administered by the local labour and welfare offices (NAV offices). The Ministry has issued guidelines for calculating support for subsistence pursuant to the Social Services Act section 5-1.


About temporary accommodation and financial advisory services/ advisory services on debt settlement

In cooperation with the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and the Ministry of Justice and the Police, a circular has been produced containing guidelines for work on social housing. In addition, a circular has been produced that contains guidelines for quality requirements for temporary accommodation. The Ministry of Labour has overriding responsibility for financial advisory services in the municipalities. The training of municipal staff and other measures in relation to the municipalities in the field of financial advisory services/ advisory services on debt settlement are coordinated by the Directorate for Health and Social Affairs. The Ministry of Children and Equality is responsible for the Debt Settlement Act.


Contact information

The Department of Welfare Policy

Telephone: +47 22 24 85 01 / 22 24 86 30
Fax: 22 24 27 68


The Department of Welfare Policy
The Ministry of Labour
Postboks 8019 Dep
0030 Oslo
Visiting adress
Møllergata 37
Ministry of Labour

Contact information

The Department of Welfare Policy

Telephone: +47 22 24 85 01 / 22 24 86 30
Fax: 22 24 27 68


The Department of Welfare Policy
The Ministry of Labour
Postboks 8019 Dep
0030 Oslo
Visiting adress
Møllergata 37