How to make changes on your ballot paper

The Parliamentary Election

Your ballot paper determines which party you vote for. It is up to you whether you will change your ballot paper. If you do not change it, you are voting for the candidates in the order in which they are listed on the ballot paper.

For the changes made on the ballot paper to have an effect on the election results, the changes made to the same candidate name must be made by more than half of the voters in the county who have cast their vote for the list in question.

There are also guidelines on the ballot papers for how to make changes.

Don’t be afraid to change your ballot paper! It will not be rejected, even if you make a mistake.

How to change your ballot paper


Changing the order in which the
candidates are listed:

Enter a (new) number in the box to the
left of the names(s) of the candidate(s) to
clearly indicate your order of preference.

Illustrasjon 1

Deleting candidates from the list:
Place a cross or tick in the box to the right
of the name(s) of the candidate(s) whom
you wish to delete from the list.
Illustrasjon 2