
The Ministry functions as the secretariat for the Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs and exercises its administrative authority through such tasks as drafting and implementing laws and regulations.

The Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs has a staff of approximately 110. Broken down by gender there is almost an equal number of men and women.

The Ministry was created in 1946. Norway was the first country in the world to establish a separate ministry for its fisheries. Before then, fisheries matters came under the purview of the Ministry of Trade.  

The Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs is responsible for these areas

  • The fisheries industry
  • The aquaculture industry
  • Seafood safety and fish health and welfare
  • Harbours, infrastructure for sea transport and emergency preparedness for pollution incidents

The Ministry functions as the secretariat for the Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs and exercises its administrative authority through such tasks as drafting and implementing laws and regulations. The Ministry concentrates on the most vital policy tasks, while tasks concerning technical matters are performed by and individual cases largely dealt with by subordinate agencies and institutions.

The Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs is organized into three departments

Organisation chart

Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs