Right to vote and electoral register

The Parliamentary Election

The following have the right to vote at Parliamentary (Storting) elections:

Norwegian citizens who

  • will have turned 18 by the end of the election year and who 
  • are, or at some time have been, registered in the National Population Register as resident in Norway, and who
  • have not lost their right to vote according to Section 53 of the Constitution.

Persons employed in the diplomatic corps or consular service and their households have the right to vote even if they do not fulfil the residence criterion. If they have never been registered as resident in Norway, they shall be registered as electors in Oslo municipality.

In order to be eligible to vote in the Parliamentary (Storting) elections, you must be registered as an elector in a municipality.

Are you registered as an elector?

Voters resident in Norway:
All persons who are eligible to vote will automatically be registered as electors in the municipality in which they were registered as resident on 30 June 2009.

If you moved to another municipality after 30 June 2009, you are registered as an elector in the municipality from which you have moved.

Voters resident abroad:
If you live abroad, but have been registered in the National Population Register as resident in Norway at any time during the last 10 years, you will automatically be entered as an elector in the municipality in which you were registered as residing when you moved from Norway.

If you have not been registered as resident in Norway for the last 10 years, you must apply to be registered as an elector. You apply by signing the cover envelope that is used for voting in advance abroad. If you vote in advance in Norway, or do not use this cover envelope, you must apply separately. You can do this in a separate letter or by using a special form. The application must contain a statement that you are still a Norwegian citizen. The application must be in the hands of the electoral committee of the municipality where you were last registered in the National Population Register as resident by 9 p.m. on 14 September.

  • Form for application to be registered as an elector (the form is only in norwegian) [pdf-format]  [word-format]  