The Research Council of Norway

The Research Council of Norway (NRF) in Oslo administers a considerable part of the funds available for fisheries-related research according to guidelines issued by the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs.


Contact information

The Research Council of Norway

Telephone: +47 22 03 70 00
Fax: +47 22 03 70 01

The webpage of The Research Council of Norway


Visiting address Stensberggata 26
Postbox 2700 St. Hanshaugen
N-0131 Oslo

Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

Contact information

The Research Council of Norway

Telephone: +47 22 03 70 00
Fax: +47 22 03 70 01

The webpage of The Research Council of Norway


Visiting address Stensberggata 26
Postbox 2700 St. Hanshaugen
N-0131 Oslo