Violence and abuse in close relationships

Violence that occurs within the confines of close relationships is a serious and often hidden social problem. Women are the primary victims of this type of violence, but men are also affected. Such violence may be either physical or psychological in nature.

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An action plan to combat domestic violence has been implemented. Its measures include efforts to strengthen knowledge and collaboration within the public support system, to highlight and prevent violence within close relationships, and to provide help, protection and advice to victims of such violence. The range of treatment services available to perpetrators of violence will also be strengthened.

Violence and abuse in close relationships

Violence that occurs within the confines of close relationships is a serious and often hidden social problem. Women are the primary victims of this type of violence, but men are also affected. Such violence may be either physical or psychological in nature.


Legislative proposal on shelter services for victims of domestic violence

In its inaugural declaration, the Government stated its intention that women`s shelter services should be made available to everyone in Norway. The main aim of the Government is to ensure assistance and protection to all persons exposed to domestic violence and threats of domestic violence.

Criminalizing early and forced marriages and female genital mutilation

At the Clarion Royal Hotel Oslo 6th of june Organized by Musu Kangbeng Kafo (MKBK)

Speech at the International Conference on Female Genital Mutilation in the EU

International Conference on Female Genital Mutilation in the EU Organised by EuroNet-FGM April 15-17, 2009 - European Parliament, Brussels High Level Panel 15, april 2009

Clear prohibition against child punishment

- There should be no more doubt over whether we've abolished with the right of parents to punish children physically and psychologically in Norway. Clarifications to the law are intended to remove all discussion about its provisions," says Minister of Children and Equality Anniken Huitfeldt. She's now seeking comments on a proposal for changes to the Children Act.

Action Plan for Combating Female Genital Mutilation (2008 - 2011)

February 5th 2008, the Government launched the new four-year's Plan for Combating Genital Mutilation. The Plan contains 41 measures. The Plan constitutes a broad initiative against genital mutilation aimed at preventing genital mutilation and secure easy accessible health care for women and girls who has been exposed to genital mutilation.

Pre-natal support

"Children with parents who are mentally ill or who abuse alcohol or drugs must be followed closely from before birth to the start of school. We have initiated a major project in which specialized teams will guide and assist municipalities in their efforts to improve the lives of vulnerable children," says Minister of Children and Equality Manuela Ramin-Osmundsen.

An Indian-Norwegian heroine

Dear Sarita Skagnes,Thank you for your book, which I read with great interest. Your story fills me with sadness, anger and sorrow. But most of all you make me proud to be an immigrant and a woman, and you inspire and challenge me through your book and your commitment.

Author: Kai Holdnes Jørgensen og Henrik Mevold

Domestic violence in families with a minority ethnic background

There is political consensus in Norway that domestic violence is not a private matter, and that public authorities are responsible for preventing and helping to avert this kind of violence.

Lifting Domestic Violence from the Private to the Public Sphere

Gender based violence is the utmost expression of unequal status for women; to work for gender equality is therefore a prerequisite to abolish gender based violence. A vital basis for gender equality, is economic independence for women; economic power.

Combating forced marriage in Norway

Thank you for this opportunity to speak upon such an important topic – on behalf of the Norwegian Govt, and take part in the dialogue. We say: No culture, religion or tradition can ever excuse violence in close relations, like forced marriages

Domestic Violence

The Norwegian position is clear; no religion, culture or tradition can ever serve as excuse for violence in the family. Further, domestic violence is not a private matter, but highly political an should be dealt with by Governments.

More documents about this subject

Contact information

Department of Family Affairs and Equality

Telephone: 22 24 25 19
Fax: 22 24 27 18
Ministry of Children and Equality

Contact information

Department of Family Affairs and Equality

Telephone: 22 24 25 19
Fax: 22 24 27 18