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The Queen’s Impressions of Norway

Yesterday evening Her Majesty Queen Sonja gave an illustrated talk entitled “Impressions of Norway” for His Majesty The King and 200 representatives of the Norwegian and international tourism industry.


Dronnet Sonja lea ollu jagiid mátkkoštan ruossut rássut Norggas, sihke vácci ja čuoigga, buot áiggiid jagis. Son lea maid viššal govvet. Ja eske eahkes juogadii ge son iežas vásáhusaid.

Mátki vulggii Lillehammeris ja Oslos, Finse ja Hardanger bokte gitta Lofuhttii. Dronnet čájehii logi riikka ealáhusovddasteddjiide Norgga eatnamiid ja luonddu buot jagi njealji áiggiin, sihke fiertun ja veaháš heajos dálkin.

The talk was centred around photographs taken by the Queen herself and her observations on Norway’s natural surroundings.

Over the course of many years, Queen Sonja has explored the reaches of Norway, by foot and on skis, during all seasons of the year. She is also a keen amateur photographer. Yesterday evening she shared some of what she has seen.

The Queen took the audience of tourism representatives from ten countries on a journey from Lillehammer and Oslo in Eastern Norway , to Finse and Hardanger in Western Norway, and finally to Lofoten in Northern Norway, illustrated with photographs taken in all four seasons and in clement as well as more inclement weather. The event was organised by Innovation Norway, and was held at the Nobel Peace Center. The 2012 Reiselivspris, a Norwegian tourism award, was also presented during the evening.

2012 award for best tourism company

Each year Innovation Norway selects the year’s best tourism company in Norway. The prize is awarded to a company that has introduced a new, innovative tourism experience or further developed an existing one that further enhances Norway’s position as a tourist destination.
This year’s nominees were:

  • Høyt og lavt aktivitetspark AS (“High and low activity park”), which offers treetop and ground-based adventure courses with varying levels of difficulty. All activities are organised in a sustainable manner and do not damage or have a negative impact on the environment.
  • XXLofoten AS, which organises small and large-scale events, conventions and conferences, and offers experiences involving nearly every possible type of outdoor activity in Lofoten.
  • Skistar Norge AS, which offers ski holiday experiences and has helped to make Trysil and Hemsedal popular international alpine skiing destinations.

Following a video presentation of the three nominees, a representative of Innovation Norway announced the winner and Queen Sonja offered her congratulations to XXLofoten AS, the winner in 2012.


Lei Innovasjon Norge mii lei lágideaddjin, ja dilálašvuohta lei Nobel Ráfiguovddážis, gos maiddái dán jagi Mátkeealáhusbálkkašupmi addojuvvui.

Mátkeealáhusbálkkašupmi 2012

Innovasjon Norge vállje juohke jagi ovtta mátkeealáhusfitnodaga dán jagi fitnodahkan. Mátkeealáhusbálkkašupmi addojuvvo fitnodahkii mii lea fuobmán ja álggahan ođđa mátkeealáhusvásáhusa dahje ovdánahttán vásáhusaid maid fitnodat juo ovdalaččas lea fállan. Vásáhus galgá buori lági mielde váikkuhit ja geasuhit olbmuid boahtit vásihit Norgga. Dan jagi bálkkašupmái ledje evttohuvvon:

  • Høyt og lavt aktivitetspark AS gos gávdnojit apparáhtat muorain ja lahtut main leat iešguđetlágan váttisvuođa dásit. Buot diet doaimmat leat huksejuvvon nana vuogi mielde, dan láhkái ahte eai billis dahje vuorjja birrasa.
  • XXLofoten AS mii lágida smávit ja stuorát doaluid, kongreassaid ja konferánssaid, vásáhusaid ja dadjat juo juohkelágan olgodoaimmaid Lofuohtas.
  • Skistar Norge AS mii čuoiganvásáhusaiguin lea ožžon Trysila ja Hemsedála šaddat nanu internašunála alpinčierastallanbáikin.

Go buot golbma fitnodaga ledje video bokte presenterejuvvon, de almmuhii Innovasjon Norge vuoiti, ja Dronnet Sonja beasai sávvat XXLofotenii lihku Dán jagi mátkeealáhusfitnodahkan.



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