Climate and energy 

The County Administrative Board coordinates the regional effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and we are working to adapt society to a changing climate.  

Emissions of greenhouse gases mean that climate is changing and getting warmer, which brings with it major global implications. Human impact on the climate must be limited: we need to use energy more efficiently, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and produce more renewable energy. At the same time, we must prepare ourselves for rising sea levels and the fact that flooding will be more common.

What causes problems?

Climate change is due to human emissions of gases that reflect back the earth's heat radiation. These heat reflective gases in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases. Much of the gas is carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, peat and natural gas. Other greenhouse gas emissions derive from land use, livestock husbandry, waste disposal, inefficient wood boilers and industrial processes.

Climate and energy strategy

The County Administrative Board, in collaboration with the county's municipalities, authorities and industry, has developed a climate and energy strategy that shows how we can help attain climate targets and energy conversion.

Climate and energy strategy

The County Administrative Board, in collaboration with the county's municipalities, authorities and industry, has developed a climate and energy strategy that shows how we can help attain climate targets and energy conversion.

Climate adaptation

The County Administrative Board coordinates the regional effort to adapt society to a changing climate. The focus of this work is to increase knowledge about climate change and its consequences and through dialogue encourage measures to prevent future problems.

Contact us

Tina Holmlund
tina punkt holmlund snabela lansstyrelsen punkt se¤tina punkt holmlund snabela lansstyrelsen punkt se