Environmental objectives 

The County Administrative Board has the mandate to coordinate regional efforts in order to achieve Sweden's environmental objectives.

The Swedish Parliament has decided on a comprehensive environmental policy for a sustainable Sweden. The overall objective for the environmental policy is to hand over to the next generation a society in which the major environmental problems in Sweden have been resolved, without causing greater environmental and health problems outside of Sweden's borders. In addition to the generation objective there are 16 national environmental quality objectives with specifications and milestones.

The County Administrative Board plays a coordinating role in the regional work with the environmental objectives. We are working together with municipalities, the business community, voluntary organisations and other stakeholders to ensure that the environmental objectives will be reflected in the county and that the environment will become better. We are also following up how the environmental work is progressing.

The 16 national environmental quality objectives

  1. Limited climate impact
  2. Fresh air
  3. Natural acidification only
  4. Non-toxic environment
  5. Protective ozone layer
  6. Safe radiation environment
  7. No over-fertilisation
  8. Living lakes and waterways
  9. Groundwater of good quality
  10. The seas in balance and a living coast and archipelago
  11. Vibrant wetlands
  12. Living forests
  13. A richly cultivated landscape
  14. Magnificent mountain environments
  15. A good built environment
  16. A rich plant and animal life


Contact us

County Administrative Board of Dalarna
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