Know Your Civil Rights!
The Constitution guarantees individual civil rights, e.g. legal equality, freedom of expression, freedom of religion and conscience, freedom of assembly, freedom to choose one’s residence, and the freedom of movement.
Every Finnish citizen who has reached the age of 18 has the right to vote in parliamentary elections, presidential elections, elections to the European Parliament and municipal elections. In elections to the European Parliament and municipal elections, also citizens of other countries may be entitled to vote.
The right to one’s language is also guaranteed. The national languages of Finland are Finnish and Swedish, which may freely be used in contacts with the authorities.
The linguistic rights of the Sami, the Romani and other groups are part of the Constitution. The state and the municipality of residence have to guarantee preconditions for a life with human dignity in situations in which one’s own resources do not suffice. Moreover, everyone has to be arranged basic education free of charge.
Privacy, honour and home are protected by the Constitution. One is entitled to keep one’s secrets: a message by someone may neither be read nor listened to without permission.
We all are responsible for the preservation of our environment – we cannot expect that others will do everything.