Lapland chamber orchestra: Chamber music conert I ‘Sumptuous contrasts’ PDF Print
Lapland Chamber orchestra performs Chamber Music Concert I ´Sumptuous Contrasts´at Sajos Thursday 4th of February at 7 p.m.


Nicholas Daniel, oboe, conductor and musical direction and Lauri Angervo, cello


Arvo Pärt: In Spe
Simon Bainbridge: Concertante in Moto Perpetuo, Finnish premiere
Manuel de Falla: El Amor Brujo Suite,  edited Nicholas Daniel
Geoff Palmer: Concerto a light like no other,  WORLD PREMIERE
Johann Sebastian Bach: Oboe Concerto in F Major


Tickets: 15/12 €

Sajos info, Inari +358 (0) 10 839 3168 and 

Ticket sale by the door opens an hour before the play.


People with wheelchair or other special needs are asked to contact the info This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or 050-5651346 for tickets.  


Lapland Chamber Orchestra



lapin kamariorkesteri - kontrastien rikkautta.jpg





Last Updated ( torstai, 14 tammikuu 2016 )
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