SáFá - Preparatory Project PDF Print

At the recommendation of the Sámi Parliamentary Council, early in 2011 the Sámi Parliaments in Finland, Norway and Sweden launched SáFá, an Interreg-funded preparatory project for the establishment of a Nordic research and vocational/resources centre for the Sámi languages. 


The motivation behind the project is the development of Sámi languages, and their increased use as written languages, which in turn has increased the need for language planning, development, research and standardisation in all Sámi languages. A common language centre with all the relevant services for all Sámi languages would help people to find the information they need. Additionally, the centre would enhance communication and cooperation between the various Sámi languages. The centre would provide various linguistic services, such as research activities; language planning, language development, terminology work, standardisation, onomastic services,a place name archive and information services for Sámi language professionals.


The project period is six months, and Hanna Mattila, BA, was hired as Project Manager for a fixed period as of 28 March 2011. The Sáfá preliminary project aims to determine the necessary resources for the establishment and funding of the language centre. The aim is to produce a report on the establishment of a Nordic research and vocational/resources centre for the Sámi languages and to draw up an Interreg application for further funding for a pilot project. The total budget for the preparatory project is €45,385, and the main funders include Interreg IV A North, Troms fylkeskommune, Lännstyrelsen Norrbotten and the Norwegian Sámi Parliament. 


Interreg IV A  North is a EU programme that supports cooperation across borders during the programme period of 2007-2013. Through cooperation across national borders, the programme aims to support economic and social development and to enhance competitiveness and communality within the programme area. The programme covers Northern Sweden, Northern Finland, Northern Norway, and the Sámi areas. The programme provides funding for cross-national projects in four areas of priority, with the SáFá preparatory programme included in part 4 ´ Development without borders - Sápmi´ of the programme. The administrative authoritŧ for Interreg IV A North during the current programme period is the Norrbotten State Provincial Office, Sweden.   


Further information:

Hanna Mattila, fixed-term Project Manager for the SáFá Preparatory Project This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Outi Paadar, acting Official for Sámi Language Matters This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it









SáFá -förstudieprojekt

Last Updated ( tiistai, 14 helmikuu 2012 )
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