General Office PDF Print

The purpose of the General Office is to attend to the financial, personnel and other general administrative issues, as well as issues that have not been assigned to other offices.

The appointments in the General Office include Executive Director, Cultural Secretary, Legal Secretary, Social Affairs and Health Secretary, Financial Secretary, Office Secretary and the planner of a Sámi Unit. The job descriptions are defined in the standing orders of the Sámi Parliament. The Plenum can establish other posts, if necessary.

The Sámi Unit of the Social Affairs Learning Centre of Northern Finland also functions within the General Office. Other personnel can also work at the General Office. The director of the General Office is the Executive Diractor.

Executive Director

Pia Ruotsala

Legal Secretary

vs. Kalle Varis

Cultural Secretary

vs. Riitta Orti-Berg

Social Affairs and Health Secretary

Pia Ruotsala


vs. Esko Aikio  


Kaisa Tapiola-Länsman

Sámi Unit of the Social Affairs Learning Centre in Northern Finland


Coordinator, The Sámi Childrens Center

Petra Biret Magga-Vars

The Sámi Cultural Centre 

Johanna Alatorvinen  

Project planner, Alkuperäiskansojen elokuvakeskus Skabma

Tarja Porsanger

Suunnittelija, Saamelainen musiikkikeskus

vs. Oula Guttorm

Financial Secretary

Hilkka Kukkonen

Administrative Secretary

Anneli Länsman

Office Secretary

Laila Aikio


vs. Pietari Seppänen


Joonas Saari


Janne Lappalainen


Pauli Saijets


Pirkko Pieski

Last Updated ( perjantai, 12 helmikuu 2016 )
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