Sámi Learning Materials Work PDF Print

Learning materials work enables teaching the Sámi language and culture, and teaching in Sámi at different school levels.


The creation of learning materials in Sámi began when  elementary instruction in Sámi was started in the middle of the 1970s.   Initially, the Lapland County Administrative Board was in charge of materials work. A specific planner for Sámi education worked at the Board from 1976. Today, the learning materials work is part of the tasks of the Sámi Parliament, which receives annual subsidies for producing learning materials. Appropriation of learning materials is included in the state budget, in the operating expenses of the National Board of Education, which is under the Ministry of Education main category. The Sámi Parliament makes an annual profit contract with the National Board of Education and reports on the results of the learning materials work.


The Educational Committee , set up by the Sámi Parliament, approves the production plans and principles concerning the learning materials work. The Educational Office is responsible for the planning of learning materials work, for the application of the plans in practice, for distribution and public relations, for the administration concerning the use of the appropriation, and for the Nordic co-operation in materials work.    


Learning materials are produced in Inari, Skolt, and North Sámi languages. The Sámi Parliament also supports the private production of learning materials.  The Educational Committee grants subsidies for the Sámi learning materials projects. There is no set application period, but usually applications are completed from November-January, when the production plan for the following year is being prepared. The Sámi Parliament can hire temporary full-time employees for creating learning materials manuscripts or for other assignments.  The most significant group working on learning materials is the Sámi teachers.  



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Last Updated ( torstai, 13 marraskuu 2014 )
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