The Plenum PDF Print

The Plenum represents the supreme authority of the Sámi Parliament. It meets 4-5 times per year. The Plenum decides mainly on the statements, proposals, and other comments. The Council of State appoints the people who have gained the most votes in the elections as members (21) and deputies (4). However, every municipality of the Sámi homeland (Enontekiö, Inari, Sodankylä, and Utsjoki) must have at least three members and one deputy.   



The members and deputies for the term of office 2008-2011 are:



Sanila-Aikio Tiina, chair

Paltto Heikki, I vice-chair

Magga Ulla-Maarit, II  vice-chair

Avaskari Anu

Guttorm Veikko

Haltta Tauno

Heikkuri Pertti

Hetta Jouko

Länsman Asko

Magga-Vars Petra

Morottaja Anna

Musta Yrjö

Nuorgam Anne

Näkkäläjärvi Janne

Pohjanrinne Arto

Porsanger Veikko 

Tapiola Ilmari

Tapiola Nilla

Valkeapää Nihkolas

Valle Pentti

Äärelä Rauni



Aikio Antti

Juuso Tuomas Aslak

Pekkala Pekka

Sujala Antti 


Last Updated ( maanantai, 31 elokuu 2015 )
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