For teachers

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Home in English

Here are relevant links for teachers teaching North Saami.

  • OAHPA-davvi - Interactive programs for training words and grammar
  • Manual for Oahpa
  • Oahpa giela (Kursa) - course paths for university students learning North Saami. Explanations are in Norwegian and Saami, and one path has explanations in Finnish. Audiofiles and links to exercises.
  • Grammar, also in English
  • Paradigms - Tool for word inflection
  • Neahttadigisánit – Saami-Norwegian and Norwegian-Saami online dictionary
    • Understands inflected words
    • Offers inflection paradigms.
    • Linked to corpus search.
    • With a bookmarklet: click a word in a text to get it translated.
  • Webdict: Saami-Norwegian and Norwegian-Saami online dictionary.
    • The words are presented as a list, which can be useful if you don't know how to spell the word.
    • Only baseforms.
  • More dictionaries
  • Corpus search – look up words in texts
  • GEO - place names from language to language
  • Her en installing list for the IT-workers at school.