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Pronouns are words that appear in context where nouns would be expected, i.e. they are used instead of nouns. Some pronouns can come before a noun. Most pronouns are declined in the singular and plural form of all cases. There are several kinds of pronouns:
There are personal pronouns, which, more often than not, indicate nouns or persons that have just been mentioned or persons participating in the discourse, e.g. mun (I), du (you/your[sg.]), singuin (with them[pl.]), dasa (to it)
Demonstrative pronouns, which are used when making reference to things seen or understood in the discourse context, e.g. dát (this), dien (that [next to you]), duos (in/from that over there)
Interrogative and relative pronouns, which introduce questions or relative clauses, e.g. mii (what/which/that), guhte (which/that), geainna (with whom/with which)
Reflexive pronouns, which refer back to the subject of the sentence, e.g. ieš (myself, yourself, himself, etc.), alccesan (to myself), iežas (his/her/its own)
Resiprocal pronouns, which consist of two words and mean 'each other', e.g. goabbat guoimmáde (you two ... one another), nubbi nuppiin (with each other)
Indefinite pronouns, which do not indicate any specific thing, e.g. buohkaide (to everyone), muhtun (someone), juohke (each)
You can click on the pronoun types to learn about declension and other things.
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