Walking  Canoeing Boating  Access to the nature center Ski cross-country off trails Fishing Hunting Pick berries and mushrooms  Snowmobiling

What can one do in Pulju Wilderness Area?

Walk on Marked Trails

There are no marked trails within Pulju Wilderness Area, but there are some clearly visible old tracks, which however are unmarked. One such track starts at Kalmakaltio and leads into Lemmenjoki National Park.

Go Canoeing or Rowing

You can set out canoeing from Lake Korsajärvi into the head waters of the River Ivalojoki, which flows through Lemmenjoki National Park . If the water in the stream leading to the River Ivalojoki is too shallow for canoeing, you will have to transport your canoe across land. A good end point for canoeing excursions is Ivalon Matti, which is by road 955 between Kittilä and Inari.

See the Nature Centre

Fell-Lapland Nature Centre provides information on the natural features of and hiking possibilities in the area. The centre of the municipality of Enontekiö, the village of Hetta where the nature centre is, is located 40 km west of Pulju Wilderness Area.

Ski Cross-country off Trails

Skiing is permitted in the wilderness area and you are free to ski where you wish, but there are no maintained or marked skiing trails in the area. However, you can ski along the snowmobile track, which runs between the villages of Nunnanen and Pulju.

Go Fishing

Angling and ice fishing are Everyman's Rights (www.environment.fi) in Pulju Wilderness Area. This means that you will not need a permit. Angling with worm bait and ice fishing are forbidden in flowing waters. To fish in the part of the wilderness area in the municipality of Enontekiö you must have paid the national fishing management fee (www.eraluvat.fi) as well as have the Metsähallitus recreational fishing permit 1551 for the Enontekiö area. Fishing permits are sold by Fell-Lapland Nature Centre, Kellokas Visitor Centre and local tourist enterprises.

In the part of Pulju Wilderness Area situated in the municipality of Kittilä you must have paid the national fishing management fee (www.eraluvat.fi) as well as have 1401 lure fishing permit (www.eraluvat.fi). Permits can be bought from Metsähallitus netstore (www.eräluvat.fi).

A Trout. Photo: Martti Rikkonen

Go Hunting

In the part of the wilderness area, which is in the municipality of Enontekiö a valid hunting permit 1616 Nunnanen is needed if you wish to hunt. The Willow Grouse (Lagopus lagopus ), the hare and waterbirds are the most common game in the area. Hunting permits can be bought from Metsähallitus netstore (www.eräluvat.fi) and at Fell-Lapland Nature Centre at Enontekiö. Local tourist enterprises can also sell permit packages.

In the part of the wilderness area, which is in the municipality of Kittilä, you will need a valid hunting permit 2611 Pokka-Pulju.  Permits can be bought from Metsähallitus netstore (www.eräluvat.fi) and at Fell-Lapland Nature Centre at Enontekiö. The Willow Grouse (Lagopus lagopus), the Western Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus ), the Black Grouse (Tetrao tetrix ) and many waterbirds are the most common game in the area.

Go Berry and Mushroom Picking

Picking berries and mushrooms is permitted in the wilderness area. The road running through the area makes picking easier as there are mires on the sides of the road. There are plenty of cloudberries to be found there during good years. The area is a good place to pick blueberries and lingonberries and the wooded parts of the wilderness area are bursting with mushrooms. Although a favorite of reindeer, many are left each year in the forests to rot.

Mushroom picking. Photo: Sauli Koski

Go Snowmobiling

A snowmobile track between the villages of Nunnanen and Pulju, leads through Pulju Wilderness Area. The track continues from the village of Pulju as a marked snowmobile route to Levi and Kittilä. It also continues from the village of Nunnanen as a marked route to Hetta. Snowmonile permit can be bought from Fell-Lapland Nature Centre.