Walking Canoeing Birdwatching Sightseeing Visit a Nature Centre  Ski cross-country off trails Ski cross-country on maintained trails

What can one do in Malla Strict Nature Reserve?

Walk on Marked Trails

During the snow-free season, walking in Malla Strict Nature Reserve is only allowed on the marked trail. The trail meanders through the fell landscape of slopes, mires and heaths. It also crosses several brooks and a stony area. It is a suitable day trip route for hikers in average condition. Camping and mountain biking are not allowed.

From Malla, it is possible to continue hiking to the Three Nations' Border Point and onwards to the large fells in Sweden and Norway.

You may see the White-throated Dipper (Cinclus cinclus) in Siilaskoski Rapids if you are lucky. Photo: Markus Varesvuo

Go Canoeing

The shallow shore waters of Lake Kilpisjärvi are suitable for canoeing, but you should not venture out in the open waters unless you are an experienced canoeist. The water in Lake Kilpisjärvi is always cold, so help might come too late if you end up in the water.

Go Bird Watching

Birdlife in the Malla and Kilpisjärvi area is arctic and unique. In summertime, you can walk in the Mountain Birch forests and admire Bluethroats, Bramblings and even Ring Ouzels (Turdus torquatus), and up in the bare fells you may see Long-tailed Skuas, Eurasian Dotterels and European Golden Plovers (Pluvialis apricaria). In the winter, a hiker may well spot a Ptarmigan and delight in the Willow Grouse's courtship display in the springtime birch forest. With a pair of binoculars directed at Lake Kilpisjärvi, you may catch a glimpse of arctic waterfowl like Long-tailed Ducks (Clangula hyemalis) and Velvet Scoters (Melanitta fusca).

Eurasian Dotterel (Charadrius morinellus). Photo: Markus Varesvuo

See the Sights and Scenery

One of the attractions in Malla Strict Nature Reserve is Pikku-Malla Fell, with a hiking trail all the way to the top. From the top you will have a beautiful view over Lake Kilpisjärvi. The trail also passes the Kitsiputous Falls and the Three Nations' Border Point. More information on sights.

See the Visitor Centre

Kilpisjärvi Visitor Centre provides the last-minute tips for your trip to the Malla area. There you may also buy maps for your hikes extending to Norway and Sweden, and some presents to take back home with you. "At the Edge of Scandinavia", the permanent exhibition at the visitor centre, depicts the nature, geology, animals and people of the Kilpisjärvi region.

Ski Cross-country on Maintained Trails or off Trails

During the snow season you may go cross-country skiing anywhere in the area. From March to May there will be a maintained skiing trail through the reserve to Koltalahti. Elsewhere in the fells, skiers have to make their own tracks.