Reviews and critics (In Norwegian or Sami language)
![]() The book is available in Norwegian book stores and can also be ordered from the publisher Davvi Girji. |
ForewordThis second volume in the book collection Sami school history is, similar to the first volume, a collection of articles, stories, memories and documents from different sides of the school for Sami pupils and students. It is published as a book and an online version, at the address, at the same time. The online version has more or less the same contents as the book, but also a few more pictures.This book is a result of collaboration between many people and institutions. We would like to profoundly thank everyone who has given their contributions and made it possible for this book to be published; authors, narrators, translators, proofreaders, photographers, artists, the staff at the publisher and libraries, archives, museums and schools. Last but not least we would like to thank the institutions who have contributed in financing the publishing of this volume. They are listed at the back of the book. With this volume we wish to map what the sami pupils have experienced in Norwegian schools. The map still have some blank spots, and only with help from our readers are we able to fill them. We are still interested in stories and documents for later volumes. We are also interested in corrections and further particulars to this volume. Changes will in that case be made in the online version and in later editions of the book. If you have any contributions, please contact the publisher: Davvi Girji, Postboks 13, N-9735 Kárášjohka tel 78469500 or the head of the editing committee: |
None of these articles are yet translated into English
Introduction: Jiehkku, petroglyphs (rock carvings), juoŋasteapmi and laestadians
Lydolf Lind Meløy: The continuation school
The school board in Karasjok: Sami language and culture in the continuation school
Olav Malin: The continuation school in Kautokeino 1950–1966
Compulsory continuation school - resistance and absence
Bjørn Aarseth: Testing reindeer husbandry as a subject in school
– The biggest milestone in the history of reindeer husbandry
Paul Fjellheim: The first teacher at the school of reindeer husbandry
Loyd Villmo: Pioneer work for teaching reindeer husbandry
Inge Andersen: Pupil and teacher at the school of reindeer husbandry
Svein Lund: Reindeer husbandry schooling in one room
Ánte Mihkkal Gaup: The teaching of reindeer husbandry is diluted
"A one of a kind in the whole world"
Ragnar Nordby: Practical school for sami people in Norway
Lempi Mikalsen: Gakti-sewing teacher and head of household
Hans Guttorm: Mechanical subjects in the 1960s
Hans Nergård: Headmaster without a board
Pupils in high school demands mandatory Sami
Svein Lund: Fish on shore - a dáža in Sami school
Stein Henriksen: Why a Sami high school?
Glimpses from the battle of a Sami high school
High school students in Karasjok fights for better schooling
Sigbjørn Hølmebakk: The local pope of Karasjok
Ragnhild Ravna: Memories from the school in Tana
Siri Broch Johansen: From Norwegian speaking pupil to Sami language teacher
Solbjørg Ravna: Experiences from Buolbmát and Deanu sámeskuvla
Kirsti Suongir: Norwegian speaking mother in the Sami school
Anne Smeland and Svein Kollstrøm: Tana montessori school – from protest to alternative
Siv Rasmussen: From the Sami school history in Sør-Varanger
Ivar Utsi: Prohibited to speak one's language
Ingunn Utsi: The last Sami speaking children at Nordkapp
Lone Synnøve Hegg: Existential school history from Loppa
Harald Samuelsberg and Leonhard Gamst: The Sami people and the school in Loppa
Ragnhild Enoksen: Involuntarily pioneers in Nordreisa
Nils Sneberg: – I didn't learn much at school
Eliva Isaksen: – No boorish children at that time
Kaia Kalstad: – A child of my time
Karl M. Paulsen: School in Lule Sami in the period of assimilation
Frank A. Jenssen: Skull measuring in elementary school
Randi Nordback Madsen and Trygve Madsen: The school for Sami people viewed from several angles
Asta Balto: – My loyalty was in the Sami society
Kautokeino: Forsvar for framhaldsskolen
Anders Guttormsen: Statens heimeyrkeskole for samar, Kautokeino
Finnefondssøknad fra Nordkapp
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