Visitor's story: I’m desperate to fit in!

I’m desperate to fit in.

I dress like everybody else and I copy how they act. Naturally I only say things the way other people say them, when those people aren’t around. Otherwise, I risk being seen as a wannabee.

Illustration of a hand holding a pencil.Putting make- up on in the morning is a duty! I listen to music that I don’t like just so I can talk about it with the others in the dressing room. I don’t eat much, to keep from getting fat. After school I go to town with the others and spend my money ion cafés and on clothes instead of saving up for the computer that I really want.

I hang out with the smokers even though the smoke makes me sick. Nobody can notice, it’s dorky. I pretend that I just don’t want to waste money on cigarettes.

I feel locked in! All the demands! All the rumours! All the bullshit!
I feel sick when I look at myself in the mirror!

Why do I do this? Why do I hang out with these people? Why don’t I just leave? Why don’t I dare to?
