Visitor's story: Your sexuality isn't you

Illustration of a hand holding a pencil.Your sexuality is not who you are. It is what you are. Being gay doesn’t make you “feminine” and being a lesbian doesn’t make you “masculine”. Being straight doesn’t make you “normal” or “normally feminine or masculine”.

Who I want to have sex with has nothing to do with the clothes I wear or who I am. It has nothing to do with my family. Maybe I have a normal family, maybe I’m a normal girl who happens to like sleeping both with girls and guys. I get so fed up with people who make a big thing out of it, who whisper behind my back and spread rumours. Who make judgements about whether I’m more masculine or feminine. About whether I’m normal. I’ m just like you, I’m not a green alien. Accept that and try to understand that this is not a big thing! There are more of us than you think, it’s more common than you think.

it’s not who I am it’s what I am