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PLU Gudnidoavttir

Majestehta Gonagas jotkkii USA guossástallama lávvordaga, son finai Pacific Lutheran Universitehtas (PLU) Tacomas. Gonagas nammaduvvui gidnidoavttirin dien universitehtas, mas leat lagas čanastagat Norgii.


Ii leat vuosttaš geardi go Norgga gonagasbearraša lahtut leat PLU guossis. Gonagas Harald ja Dronnet finaiga doppe 20 jagi dás ovdal ja Gonagas Olav finai dien universitehtas 1975:s. Gonagas Olav guossástallamii muitun lea ceggejuvvon muitonammageađgi campusii, ja ikte beasai universitehta presideanta, Thomas Krise, láidestit Gonagas Haralda geađggi lusa, masa dál lei derpojuvvon vel okta guossástallannamma.

Stuora oassi PLU studeanttain leat lonohallanstudeanttat mat bohtet Norggas, ja dasa lassin fállá universitehta dárogiella lohkanfáddán. Gonagas Harald beasai deaivvadit sihke Norgga ja Amerihká studeanttaiguin su guossástallamis odne.

Universitehta ávvuda

Ledje Norgga fárrejeaddjit mat vuođđudedje Pacific Lutheran University 1890:s, ja dán jagi ávvudit ge 125- ávvudeami. Gonagas Harald lei mielde ávvudanlunššas ikte, ja sártnistis maŋŋel lunšša deattuhii son dan man dehálaš oahppu lei dan áigi olbmuide geat fárrejedje Amerihkkái – ja man dehálaš diet universitehta galggai šaddat áiggi mielde:

- Education was a priority for these immigrants. Starting with very little, they first built their farmhouses, then their church, and then a school. Over the decades, this university has grown to become a proud and acclaimed institution— noted for its commitment to diversity, justice and sustainability, in addition to academic excellence. (…) The PLU of today is a testament to the hard work and core values of these first Norwegian immigrants (…).

Sártnui studeanttaide

Tacoma Domes ledje studeanttat mat ledje oahpuin geargamin čoahkkanan «commencement ceremony» - allaáiggálaš seremoniijai mii lágiduvvo mearkan dasa ahte sin akademalaš lohkanáigi lea loahpahuvvon ja doppe sii ožžo iežaset loahpahandiploma. Gonagas Harald sártnui studeanttaide dan birra man dehálaš dat oahppu lea mainna sii dál leat geargan, ja sávai sidjiide ollu lihku dan stuora beaivái:

- For all of you who are now graduating— today marks the end of a voyage. Yet it is also the beginning of another exciting journey. After all your hard work, your diplomas are now in sight. You have reached your first major destination, and for that I would like to congratulate each and every one of you.


- You have the power to make a difference. The future belongs to you – take good care of it!


Gonagas Harald nammaduvvui maid gudnidoavttirin - jure dignitatis - Tacoma Dome seremoniijas. Gonagas giittii dan gudniduođaštusa ovddas, ja oaivvildii ahte son lea dál seamma dássásaš Dronnegiin, guhte oaččui seamma gudni dalle go soai finaiga doppe 20 jagi dás ovdal:

- When the Queen and I visited PLU 20 years ago, she received an Honorary Doctorate – of which I have been informed quite a few times. I am therefore particularly proud to receive an Honorary Doctorate myself. Finally, the Queen and I are equal – at least on your campus.

- Thank you very much for this great honour.


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