Ohcejoga máŋggagielatvuođa lea ovttaskas olbmo, servodaga ja gieldda resursa Tove Skutnabb-Kangas lea leamaš váikkuheamen maŋimuš 40 jagi sápmelaččaid gielalaš olmmošvuoigatvuođaid ja sámegielaid árvvusatnima lassáneapmái. Ohcejogas son galledii vuosttas háve 1970-logus loahpageahčen, go son logaldalai sámegielat mánáid vánhemiidda guovttegielatvuođa ovdduin. Su ánsu lea, ahte máŋga vánhema válljejedje dalle mánáidasaset sámegielat oahpahusa. Tove Skutnabb lea Roskilde universitehta emeritusprofessora, gean
eallinbargun leat leamaš máŋggagielatvuohta ja gielaš
olmmošvuoigatvuođat. Son lea dutkin okta máilmmi álgojalgejeaddjiin
kritihkalaš giellapolitihka dutkansuorggis. Skutnabb-Kangas lea ožžon
Unesco Linguapax-bálkkašumi 2003 ja Ruoŧa Carl Axel Gottlund-bálkkašumi
eallinagi dutkanbarggustis vehádatgielaid olis. Skutnabb-Kangas lea
ássan jagi 1979 rájes Danmárkkus. Son riegádii Helssegis 1940
guovttegielat bearrašii; bearrašis hálle sihke suoma- ja ruoŧagiela.
Suopmelaš sirdolaččaid sajádat Ruoŧas lea leamaš sutnje earenoamáš
dehálaš. Guovttegielat ruovttus bajásšaddan ja njuovžilit goappáge giela
geavaheaddjin sutnje lei hirpmástahtti, ahte suomagielatvuohta ja
guovttegielatvuohta vásihuvvojedje váttisvuohtan luovtta nuppe bealde.
Skutnabb-Kangas lea leamaš okta karismáhtaleamos suopmelaš sirdolaččaid
giellavuoigatvuođaid ovddideaddjiin Ruoŧas. Lei su čuvgehusbarggu ánsu,
ahte Ruoŧas ássi suopmelaččat doallagohte guovttegielatvuođa
lunddolažžan ja gudnejahtti árvosažžan. Skutnabb-Kangas ánsun sáhttá
maid rehkenastit, ahte suopmelaččain badjánii miella gáibidit gielalaš
vuoigatvuođaideaset. Son lea nannosit váikkuhan suomagielat
mánáidgárdejoavkkuid, vuođđoskuvlaluohkáid ja suomagielat skuvllaid
vuođđudeapmái Ruoŧas.
Áddejupmi das, ahte eanet go ovtta giela
geavaheapmi vahágahtášii máná vuoiŋŋalaš gárggiideami ja hehttešii
sirdolaččaid vuogáiduvvama ođđa ruovttueatnamii, bođii dábálažžan
1970-logu loahpageahčen Ruoŧas. Olbmot háliidedje, ahte sirdolaččat
ohppet ruoŧagiela nu johtilit go vejolaš, iige ruovttugielat oahpahus
heiven dán jurddašanmállii. Ruoŧagiela atne čoavddan servodahkii,
ruovttugiella fas atne goazanin ja váttisvuohtan. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas
vuostálasttii ceaggat dán oaivila. Son buvttii ovdan iežas, oalle
viiddes dutkamušaide vuođđuduvvi teoriija das, mo suopmelaš sirdolaččaid
eatnigiella lea buot deháleamos positiivvalaš ja dássedettolaš
identitehta huksenstuhkka. Nana dáiddut eatnigielas ledje su dutkamušaid
mielde šiitemeahttun eaktu vieris giela oahppamii.
áššiin Skutnabb-Kangas finai muitaleamen Ohcejogas 1970-logu
loahpageahčen, go sámegielat vuođđoskuvlavázzin bođii vejolažžan. Dalle
olbmot jáhkke, ahte gielladáidu lea dego fárppal, masa čáhket dušše
dihto mearit gielat. Olbmot govahalle maid, ahte juohke giella lea iežas
fárpalis, ja jos sámegiela fárpalii lasihuvvojit gielat (nuppiin sániin
oahpahuvvo sámegillii), de suomagiela fárppal báhcá gurrosabbon. Mánáid
balahedje báhcit ”beallegielagin”, go sii ohppe sámegiela, ja dát fas
nuppe dáfos heajudivččii sin vejolašvuođaid birget eallimis. Áššihan lea
justa nuppe gežiid. Alladásat máŋggagielagat birgejit fihtolašvuođa
sierra osiid, ee. hutkáivuođa, mihtideaddji teasttain joavkodásis
buorebut go vástideaddji ovttagielagat. Máŋggagielatvuohta ovddida
hutkáivuođa ja innovatiivvalašvuođa, fihtolaš njuovžilvuođa ja áššiid
áddema sierra oainnuid dáfos. Dasa lassin máŋggagielat mánát ohppet eará
gielaid álkibut ja buorebut go ovttagielagat, Skutnabb-Kangas dadjá.
Sámegielat mánát sáhttet boahtit alladássádit máŋggagielagin, jos sii
ožžot eanaš oasi oahpahusas sámegillii ja ožžot buori guovttegielat
oahpaheaddjiid addin oahpahusa virggálaš gielain, ja buori vieris
gielaid oahpahusa. Oassi oahpahusas sáhttá maŋŋelis leat váldogielain
dahje man nu eará gielain, muhto fihtolašvuođa ja gielalaččat
gáibideaddji ávdnasiin ii goassege ovdal 7. luohká, Skutnabb-Kangas
BUOT sámegielat leat nu áittatvuložat, ahte mánát,
geaid vánhemat máhttet sámegiela ja geavahit dan mánáideasetguin leat
earenoamáš stuorra resursan, ii dušše oppa Sámi servodahkii, baicce
Supmii ja máilbmái. Sii leat váimmusjoavku, man haga giella ii seaillo,
ja sin giella- ja kulturoahpuid berrešii doarjut nu olu go vejolaš. –
Giela váimmusjoavku lea dat joavku, mii lea ožžon giela ruovttus,
mánáidgárddis, skuvllas, ja hállá dan bures, lohká, čállá, doallá dan
normálan giellan vaikke sii máhttetge eará gielaid bures. Ja sii
dárbbašit justa dan birrasa, masa sámegiella lea – dihtortearpmain –
”navddusgiella”, gávnnaha Skutnabb-Kangas. Sámegielat ruoktu,
beaivedikšu ja skuvla eai leat okto doarvái sámegiela doalaheapmái. –
Mánát dárbbašit oalle olu vejolašvuođaid sámegiela geavaheapmái
jierpmálaš dilálašvuođain skuvlla olggobealde. Sis berrejit leat valljis
vejolašvuođat geavahit sámegiela sierralágan diliin, sierralágan
báikkiin dan haga, ahte sii dárbbašit smiehttat guđe giela sii
berrešedje geavahit. Leago várra, ahte sii ”sierastallagohtet”, dahje
ohppet suomagiela funet? II, dadjala Skutnabb-Kangas; suomagiella lea nu
stuorra váldogiella, ahte dan oahppá goittotge, ja dađe buorebut máhttá
Tove Skutnabb-Kangas čilge, ahte
olggošnjuovžilvuohta lea máhttu hállat man nu giela njuovžilit, rivttes
deattuhusaiguin, konkrehtalaččat dábálaš árgabeaiáššiin, oktii čalmmiid
muhtumiin, diliin mat eai gáibit nu sakka fihtolašvuođa ja gielalašvuođa
dáfos ja main olmmoš oažžu ”geažádusaid” dillái laktáseaddji áššiin
(nuppiin sániin sáhttá oaidnit, čujuhit čuvddiin, guoskkahit, áddet
oktavuođas, dahkat, jna.). Jurddašangiella lea fas nahku máhttit
geavahit giela jurddašeami gaskaoapmin abstrákta váttisvuođaid
čoavddedettiin, fihtolaččat ja gielalaččat gáibideaddji
“geažádusakeahtes” diliin (nuppiin sániin diliin, mas dušše giella addá
ja gaskkusta dieđuid ja main dillái laktáseaddji geažádusaid eai olus
gávdno: olbmot ságastallet abstrákta áššiin mat eai leat dás-ja-dál). –
Goas nu gullá olbmuid dadjamin, ahte dat ja dat mánná oahpai giela
moatti mánotbajis. Áibbas dušši ságat, Tove dadjá. Giela
olggošnjuovžilvuođa sáhttá oahppat oanehis áiggis, skihpáriiguin, muhto
jurddašangiela gárggiideapmi dáhpáhuvvá njozet jagiid áigge, iešalddes
oppa olbmo eallima áigge. Olggošnjuovžilvuođa oahppan sáhttá addit
boastto gova, ahte giella lea nannosut go duođalašvuođas lea. Giella mii
lea vehádatsajádagas, dárbbaša álot olu doarjaga vai dat gárggiida
jurddašangiela dássái, Skutnabb-Kangas muitala, ja almmá sámegielat
skuvlema dat lea measta veadjemeahttun.
Sámeguovllu gielddat
oidnet sámegiela dávjá ekonomalaš rásehussan. Skutnabb-Kangas
vuostálastá dakkár jurddašeami. – Dutkamušaid mielde fitnodagat, main
lea olu máŋggagielat bargit, birgejit buorebut gilvvohallamis go
fitnodagat, main eai leat. Servošiidda leat stuorra nahku máŋggagielagat
ja dákko bokte hutkás olbmot. Nuba Ohcejohkii lea stuorra ovdu das,
ahte gielda lea virggálaččat guovttegielat ja gielddas ásset olu
máŋggagielat olbmot, Skutnabb-Kangas gávnnaha.
meemQTKc |
onVagJCV 12.01.2013 |
Love it! I don"t ever buy my children candy, palrrcuiatly not from the check out lane. However, every time they see the candy, the question comes up. I can deal with that. It"s the 2 year old trying to grab the candy that is within his reach because the lane is so narrow that drives me nuts! Checking out is already stressful if I have several children with me, and then add in a narrow check out lane, and I"ve grown quite a few gray hairs by the end of the process!!
Pu3V8WU7T |
9JBkIxiflJDD 21.09.2013 |
This is such a cute idea!I"m just over from Village and think your whole concept is smpily adorable! Is this where I"m supposed to enter for the competition you and Krystal are holding? If so, I"d love to enter in order to send a note to my brother just because we don"t manage to talk that much any more and I"d really love to see his large hands trying to open the tiny envelope
Pu3V8WU7T |
9JBkIxiflJDD 21.09.2013 |
This is such a cute idea!I"m just over from Village and think your whole concept is smpily adorable! Is this where I"m supposed to enter for the competition you and Krystal are holding? If so, I"d love to enter in order to send a note to my brother just because we don"t manage to talk that much any more and I"d really love to see his large hands trying to open the tiny envelope
Pu3V8WU7T |
9JBkIxiflJDD 21.09.2013 |
This is such a cute idea!I"m just over from Village and think your whole concept is smpily adorable! Is this where I"m supposed to enter for the competition you and Krystal are holding? If so, I"d love to enter in order to send a note to my brother just because we don"t manage to talk that much any more and I"d really love to see his large hands trying to open the tiny envelope
00HZXB5gHZX4 |
HpeGFXU4 21.09.2013 |
Thank you so very much Yazmin! I"m watching the birds arnoud me prepare for nesting and hoping one will use this nest by my window again! Many Blessings to you! Lea
00HZXB5gHZX4 |
HpeGFXU4 21.09.2013 |
Thank you so very much Yazmin! I"m watching the birds arnoud me prepare for nesting and hoping one will use this nest by my window again! Many Blessings to you! Lea
00HZXB5gHZX4 |
HpeGFXU4 21.09.2013 |
Thank you so very much Yazmin! I"m watching the birds arnoud me prepare for nesting and hoping one will use this nest by my window again! Many Blessings to you! Lea
ae87t8pxu |
teSaGeIg 25.09.2013 |
stream flows, there is the work of God. In everything we do for the Lord we need to keep osurelves in the divine stream, which is the divine flow of God, the stream of fellowship, and the stream of the Lord"s
ae87t8pxu |
teSaGeIg 25.09.2013 |
stream flows, there is the work of God. In everything we do for the Lord we need to keep osurelves in the divine stream, which is the divine flow of God, the stream of fellowship, and the stream of the Lord"s
ae87t8pxu |
teSaGeIg 25.09.2013 |
stream flows, there is the work of God. In everything we do for the Lord we need to keep osurelves in the divine stream, which is the divine flow of God, the stream of fellowship, and the stream of the Lord"s
yUhsBCFB |
jGmoco9sHLE 05.03.2014 |
Quotes Chimp tend to view insurance companies as a monolithic whole, with no difference among companies, the policies they offer, or the premiums they charge. The truth is quite the opposite. Insurance companies come in a wide variety of types and sizes and, as we shall see, many approach business in sometimes fun�damentally different ways.
yUhsBCFB |
jGmoco9sHLE 05.03.2014 |
Quotes Chimp tend to view insurance companies as a monolithic whole, with no difference among companies, the policies they offer, or the premiums they charge. The truth is quite the opposite. Insurance companies come in a wide variety of types and sizes and, as we shall see, many approach business in sometimes fun�damentally different ways.
yUhsBCFB |
jGmoco9sHLE 05.03.2014 |
Quotes Chimp tend to view insurance companies as a monolithic whole, with no difference among companies, the policies they offer, or the premiums they charge. The truth is quite the opposite. Insurance companies come in a wide variety of types and sizes and, as we shall see, many approach business in sometimes fun�damentally different ways.
2ztyTTCTm0j |
wjdNxFaHkQ 27.10.2015 |
Hi Susan, I have exactly the same prelobms as you have. Did you get the save option solved? Chad, how about you? Is it possible for you to save a setting or do you have to re-type every optinbar every single time?
2ztyTTCTm0j |
wjdNxFaHkQ 27.10.2015 |
Hi Susan, I have exactly the same prelobms as you have. Did you get the save option solved? Chad, how about you? Is it possible for you to save a setting or do you have to re-type every optinbar every single time?
2ztyTTCTm0j |
wjdNxFaHkQ 27.10.2015 |
Hi Susan, I have exactly the same prelobms as you have. Did you get the save option solved? Chad, how about you? Is it possible for you to save a setting or do you have to re-type every optinbar every single time?
XTpiVXn6 27.12.2015 |
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rn9WAc4dy |
JvA7ycWsbCX 14.02.2017 |
Articles like this really grease the shafts of kndwleoge.
rn9WAc4dy |
JvA7ycWsbCX 14.02.2017 |
Articles like this really grease the shafts of kndwleoge.
rn9WAc4dy |
JvA7ycWsbCX 14.02.2017 |
Articles like this really grease the shafts of kndwleoge.
N8r0kU7D |
KPOBOgLjbV 14.02.2017 |
Thanks for shrngai. Always good to find a real expert.
N8r0kU7D |
KPOBOgLjbV 14.02.2017 |
Thanks for shrngai. Always good to find a real expert.
N8r0kU7D |
KPOBOgLjbV 14.02.2017 |
Thanks for shrngai. Always good to find a real expert.
RanYoI0dcUW |
Coj9i2L6 27.10.2015 |
Oooh thank you Debbie! As you know my blog was deleted in error and I now have this new one and am just tyrnig to work my way round to all the blogs I used to visit.
RanYoI0dcUW |
Coj9i2L6 27.10.2015 |
Oooh thank you Debbie! As you know my blog was deleted in error and I now have this new one and am just tyrnig to work my way round to all the blogs I used to visit.
RanYoI0dcUW |
Coj9i2L6 27.10.2015 |
Oooh thank you Debbie! As you know my blog was deleted in error and I now have this new one and am just tyrnig to work my way round to all the blogs I used to visit.
pxCrzS3o |
e7A9NPA0tayz 10.10.2016 |
Help, I"ve been informed and I can"t become igrntaon.
pxCrzS3o |
e7A9NPA0tayz 10.10.2016 |
Help, I"ve been informed and I can"t become igrntaon.
pxCrzS3o |
e7A9NPA0tayz 10.10.2016 |
Help, I"ve been informed and I can"t become igrntaon.
Pn5MbZEy |
5bLKwn0PfY 17.10.2016 |
I"m so glad that the inrtenet allows free info like this!
Pn5MbZEy |
5bLKwn0PfY 17.10.2016 |
I"m so glad that the inrtenet allows free info like this!
Pn5MbZEy |
5bLKwn0PfY 17.10.2016 |
I"m so glad that the inrtenet allows free info like this!
AvmFMllpo |
nfMy2Od0wR5X 18.10.2016 |
AKAIK youv"e got the answer in one!
AvmFMllpo |
nfMy2Od0wR5X 18.10.2016 |
AKAIK youv"e got the answer in one!
AvmFMllpo |
nfMy2Od0wR5X 18.10.2016 |
AKAIK youv"e got the answer in one!
zRbGmkooTL |
3IAvJWBQ 27.10.2015 |
Their Newborn Giftby Nikki Logan.I read the book. It is okay. I enjoyed raeidng it. I always love mills and boons since my teenage time. This story tells us that love, honour and loyalty still exist.by: sani
zRbGmkooTL |
3IAvJWBQ 27.10.2015 |
Their Newborn Giftby Nikki Logan.I read the book. It is okay. I enjoyed raeidng it. I always love mills and boons since my teenage time. This story tells us that love, honour and loyalty still exist.by: sani
zRbGmkooTL |
3IAvJWBQ 27.10.2015 |
Their Newborn Giftby Nikki Logan.I read the book. It is okay. I enjoyed raeidng it. I always love mills and boons since my teenage time. This story tells us that love, honour and loyalty still exist.by: sani
9YNpBze4nsge |
QMDbROik7qtp 28.10.2015 |
I have to say, from the get-go, I found this book to be FANTASTIC. Clear explanations, an inrmofal, conversational styles, and reiteration of points so as to aid the reader"s memory of the multitude of elements and attributes. My HTML and CSS skills have improved dramatically since beginning this book.HOWEVER, upon reaching chapter 8, I found myself at a bit of a dead end. Chapter 8 focuses on the use of social networking sites and how to implement their respective like boxes and follow me" buttons into your new website. This excited me as I wanted to create a site of my own that I could promote through my Facebook page and vice versa. Unfortunately, the instructions for doing so seem no longer valid. Even the source code of the example sites didn"t work and brought up an error message. This was especially disappointing, as part of the reason I bought this book was because it was so up to date and included this particular chapter. I had already put in a lot of hard work in building up the example website, so was frustrated at not getting this function to work. I have been on the publisher"s forums but there is no mention of how to rectify this problem. I would have assumed an error on my part had it not been for the author"s own markup (downloaded from the publisher"s website) failing to work as well.I decided to bite the bullet and try to continue with the rest of the code, but it seems that omitting the Facebook Like Box" markup means any following boxes are misalligned. I feel that really I"ve bought an ALMOST brilliant book, that was let down by this single chapter. In defense of Ian Lloyd, this could be on account of Facebook"s habit of continually updating their site and thus rendering the book"s markup obsolete. But the least the publisher could do is publish an updated code on their website. Considering this is a book on HTML5, as up to date a technology there is, it"s very disappointing that the code in this book is already faulty.In summary: this is still a good book to learn HTML and CSS. But it with updates on the puplisher"s site, it could have been brilliant.PS. Should anyone believe me to have made a mistake in all this, please let me know. Also, any advice as how I might rectify the code for the Facebook chapter would be greatly appreciated.
9YNpBze4nsge |
QMDbROik7qtp 28.10.2015 |
I have to say, from the get-go, I found this book to be FANTASTIC. Clear explanations, an inrmofal, conversational styles, and reiteration of points so as to aid the reader"s memory of the multitude of elements and attributes. My HTML and CSS skills have improved dramatically since beginning this book.HOWEVER, upon reaching chapter 8, I found myself at a bit of a dead end. Chapter 8 focuses on the use of social networking sites and how to implement their respective like boxes and follow me" buttons into your new website. This excited me as I wanted to create a site of my own that I could promote through my Facebook page and vice versa. Unfortunately, the instructions for doing so seem no longer valid. Even the source code of the example sites didn"t work and brought up an error message. This was especially disappointing, as part of the reason I bought this book was because it was so up to date and included this particular chapter. I had already put in a lot of hard work in building up the example website, so was frustrated at not getting this function to work. I have been on the publisher"s forums but there is no mention of how to rectify this problem. I would have assumed an error on my part had it not been for the author"s own markup (downloaded from the publisher"s website) failing to work as well.I decided to bite the bullet and try to continue with the rest of the code, but it seems that omitting the Facebook Like Box" markup means any following boxes are misalligned. I feel that really I"ve bought an ALMOST brilliant book, that was let down by this single chapter. In defense of Ian Lloyd, this could be on account of Facebook"s habit of continually updating their site and thus rendering the book"s markup obsolete. But the least the publisher could do is publish an updated code on their website. Considering this is a book on HTML5, as up to date a technology there is, it"s very disappointing that the code in this book is already faulty.In summary: this is still a good book to learn HTML and CSS. But it with updates on the puplisher"s site, it could have been brilliant.PS. Should anyone believe me to have made a mistake in all this, please let me know. Also, any advice as how I might rectify the code for the Facebook chapter would be greatly appreciated.
9YNpBze4nsge |
QMDbROik7qtp 28.10.2015 |
I have to say, from the get-go, I found this book to be FANTASTIC. Clear explanations, an inrmofal, conversational styles, and reiteration of points so as to aid the reader"s memory of the multitude of elements and attributes. My HTML and CSS skills have improved dramatically since beginning this book.HOWEVER, upon reaching chapter 8, I found myself at a bit of a dead end. Chapter 8 focuses on the use of social networking sites and how to implement their respective like boxes and follow me" buttons into your new website. This excited me as I wanted to create a site of my own that I could promote through my Facebook page and vice versa. Unfortunately, the instructions for doing so seem no longer valid. Even the source code of the example sites didn"t work and brought up an error message. This was especially disappointing, as part of the reason I bought this book was because it was so up to date and included this particular chapter. I had already put in a lot of hard work in building up the example website, so was frustrated at not getting this function to work. I have been on the publisher"s forums but there is no mention of how to rectify this problem. I would have assumed an error on my part had it not been for the author"s own markup (downloaded from the publisher"s website) failing to work as well.I decided to bite the bullet and try to continue with the rest of the code, but it seems that omitting the Facebook Like Box" markup means any following boxes are misalligned. I feel that really I"ve bought an ALMOST brilliant book, that was let down by this single chapter. In defense of Ian Lloyd, this could be on account of Facebook"s habit of continually updating their site and thus rendering the book"s markup obsolete. But the least the publisher could do is publish an updated code on their website. Considering this is a book on HTML5, as up to date a technology there is, it"s very disappointing that the code in this book is already faulty.In summary: this is still a good book to learn HTML and CSS. But it with updates on the puplisher"s site, it could have been brilliant.PS. Should anyone believe me to have made a mistake in all this, please let me know. Also, any advice as how I might rectify the code for the Facebook chapter would be greatly appreciated.
IuxNbWoV |
ZfB1RkB8 10.10.2016 |
Tip top stfuf. I"ll expect more now.
IuxNbWoV |
ZfB1RkB8 10.10.2016 |
Tip top stfuf. I"ll expect more now.
IuxNbWoV |
ZfB1RkB8 10.10.2016 |
Tip top stfuf. I"ll expect more now.
Vb9vrtJad |
s3rd2Fqw 17.10.2016 |
This arilcte went ahead and made my day.
Vb9vrtJad |
s3rd2Fqw 17.10.2016 |
This arilcte went ahead and made my day.
Vb9vrtJad |
s3rd2Fqw 17.10.2016 |
This arilcte went ahead and made my day.
tYKg7JTiBCLi |
Ra2tunbw 27.10.2015 |
that she is already her own perosn .this is true on so many different levels I have been doing a more conscious effort lately to make sure I spend more time with Lea and I intend to spend more time (fingers crossed) as she grows older the eternal struggle of all parents to juggle responsibilities and maintain a healthy balance.thanks sheila for stopping by and hope to hear more from you again soon.
tYKg7JTiBCLi |
Ra2tunbw 27.10.2015 |
that she is already her own perosn .this is true on so many different levels I have been doing a more conscious effort lately to make sure I spend more time with Lea and I intend to spend more time (fingers crossed) as she grows older the eternal struggle of all parents to juggle responsibilities and maintain a healthy balance.thanks sheila for stopping by and hope to hear more from you again soon.
tYKg7JTiBCLi |
Ra2tunbw 27.10.2015 |
that she is already her own perosn .this is true on so many different levels I have been doing a more conscious effort lately to make sure I spend more time with Lea and I intend to spend more time (fingers crossed) as she grows older the eternal struggle of all parents to juggle responsibilities and maintain a healthy balance.thanks sheila for stopping by and hope to hear more from you again soon.
czTl87vav 27.12.2015 |
How exactly does your paseonrl computer trojan obtaining shaped?. I"ve a large amount of paseonrl computer worms not too long ago however thanks to Norton Anti-virus in addition to Malwarebytes Anti-malware the pc is usually 100% secure. So how can some type of computer disease produced? Accomplish persons can even make the item and in addition they propagate it through the world wide web?. . Please inform me more info on computer system worms as I not really know in order to very much concerning this I recently get rid of them..
czTl87vav 27.12.2015 |
How exactly does your paseonrl computer trojan obtaining shaped?. I"ve a large amount of paseonrl computer worms not too long ago however thanks to Norton Anti-virus in addition to Malwarebytes Anti-malware the pc is usually 100% secure. So how can some type of computer disease produced? Accomplish persons can even make the item and in addition they propagate it through the world wide web?. . Please inform me more info on computer system worms as I not really know in order to very much concerning this I recently get rid of them..
czTl87vav 27.12.2015 |
How exactly does your paseonrl computer trojan obtaining shaped?. I"ve a large amount of paseonrl computer worms not too long ago however thanks to Norton Anti-virus in addition to Malwarebytes Anti-malware the pc is usually 100% secure. So how can some type of computer disease produced? Accomplish persons can even make the item and in addition they propagate it through the world wide web?. . Please inform me more info on computer system worms as I not really know in order to very much concerning this I recently get rid of them..
daBDWFBM1u |
pb4zDN2ht5 28.12.2015 |
Hey there,. . I would like to article dltrceiy to the wp web site via this pc, especially coming from Receive induce. . . I do know there"s a diet called xml-rpc, but that"s associated with simply no help to me, after i have no idea just what exactly on earth it can be. Almost any enable is liked..
daBDWFBM1u |
pb4zDN2ht5 28.12.2015 |
Hey there,. . I would like to article dltrceiy to the wp web site via this pc, especially coming from Receive induce. . . I do know there"s a diet called xml-rpc, but that"s associated with simply no help to me, after i have no idea just what exactly on earth it can be. Almost any enable is liked..
daBDWFBM1u |
pb4zDN2ht5 28.12.2015 |
Hey there,. . I would like to article dltrceiy to the wp web site via this pc, especially coming from Receive induce. . . I do know there"s a diet called xml-rpc, but that"s associated with simply no help to me, after i have no idea just what exactly on earth it can be. Almost any enable is liked..
EQF1bp95 |
8R4XgX2uW 14.02.2017 |
ok what the hell, maybe i'll win this time.. I would wear it with a black and white ensamble, very simple and modern, u know :) the ring and you are both beicnaful!xoantamerenkova@gmail.uom
EQF1bp95 |
8R4XgX2uW 14.02.2017 |
ok what the hell, maybe i'll win this time.. I would wear it with a black and white ensamble, very simple and modern, u know :) the ring and you are both beicnaful!xoantamerenkova@gmail.uom
qffEi85YFEW |
lCeKPptXr3Q 14.02.2017 |
I might be benitag a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!
qffEi85YFEW |
lCeKPptXr3Q 14.02.2017 |
I might be benitag a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!
qffEi85YFEW |
lCeKPptXr3Q 14.02.2017 |
I might be benitag a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!
If1Y5UVE |
VMbFiuSzYLcJ 27.10.2015 |
Hallelujah! I"ve just discovered Nikki Logan! After rendaig Slow Dance With The Sheriff,I was hooked. She includes such deep emotion and tenderness in her books. I really enjoy the care she puts into her male leads .they are perfect: handsome, caring, irresistible.by: candace
If1Y5UVE |
VMbFiuSzYLcJ 27.10.2015 |
Hallelujah! I"ve just discovered Nikki Logan! After rendaig Slow Dance With The Sheriff,I was hooked. She includes such deep emotion and tenderness in her books. I really enjoy the care she puts into her male leads .they are perfect: handsome, caring, irresistible.by: candace
If1Y5UVE |
VMbFiuSzYLcJ 27.10.2015 |
Hallelujah! I"ve just discovered Nikki Logan! After rendaig Slow Dance With The Sheriff,I was hooked. She includes such deep emotion and tenderness in her books. I really enjoy the care she puts into her male leads .they are perfect: handsome, caring, irresistible.by: candace
JgyUtc4Zi 28.10.2015 |
- OMG Kristy, the party looked so beaftiuul! And your little girl has gotten so big! I still see her with her little baby face with just a little bit of hair, they get big so quick!
JgyUtc4Zi 28.10.2015 |
- OMG Kristy, the party looked so beaftiuul! And your little girl has gotten so big! I still see her with her little baby face with just a little bit of hair, they get big so quick!
JgyUtc4Zi 28.10.2015 |
- OMG Kristy, the party looked so beaftiuul! And your little girl has gotten so big! I still see her with her little baby face with just a little bit of hair, they get big so quick!
EtNHYjaW |
04YlQ5dpq3a9 14.02.2017 |
I’d hope to see lifestyle support services grow up around co-working spaces. This would be an extension to the existing business support services that are typically found in shared / co-working faislitiec. As well as having someone answer my phone, prepare mailings and receive deliveries, I could have my laundry done, flowers ordered for important birthdays and the car repair booked.
EtNHYjaW |
04YlQ5dpq3a9 14.02.2017 |
I’d hope to see lifestyle support services grow up around co-working spaces. This would be an extension to the existing business support services that are typically found in shared / co-working faislitiec. As well as having someone answer my phone, prepare mailings and receive deliveries, I could have my laundry done, flowers ordered for important birthdays and the car repair booked.
2ys1jAl1 |
p3m7sAug 14.02.2017 |
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my qu.tisons..euntil now.
2ys1jAl1 |
p3m7sAug 14.02.2017 |
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my qu.tisons..euntil now.
2ys1jAl1 |
p3m7sAug 14.02.2017 |
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my qu.tisons..euntil now.
Wwn2BLlC |
fbxf9mwwzpj 27.10.2015 |
ovddideamis. Dego lean iežan bloggain ja dan kaomemnttaid ilmmuhan, de se1mi guovllu be1lgesiid oainnut eai jerrojuvvo maŋŋelgihtii muhto e1šši ve1lmmaštallama olis. Jearaldatvuloš čoakke1n livččii le1giduvvon almme1 dieđe1husa haganai se1medikki ja se1mi guovllu be1lgesiid boazoisidiid dohkkehan geavada mielde, mii lea dohkkehuvvon me1innašuvvon oassebeliid oktasaš čoakke1mis 22.9.Dearvv. Juvve1 Lemet
Wwn2BLlC |
fbxf9mwwzpj 27.10.2015 |
ovddideamis. Dego lean iežan bloggain ja dan kaomemnttaid ilmmuhan, de se1mi guovllu be1lgesiid oainnut eai jerrojuvvo maŋŋelgihtii muhto e1šši ve1lmmaštallama olis. Jearaldatvuloš čoakke1n livččii le1giduvvon almme1 dieđe1husa haganai se1medikki ja se1mi guovllu be1lgesiid boazoisidiid dohkkehan geavada mielde, mii lea dohkkehuvvon me1innašuvvon oassebeliid oktasaš čoakke1mis 22.9.Dearvv. Juvve1 Lemet
Ryi3naVVk |
O6vnd06MyX4 28.10.2015 |
Hi Amanda, I emailed my adsdres to you after I received your email that I won . I was wondering if you got it. and if you got it , did you mail out the coupons yet?mike
Ryi3naVVk |
O6vnd06MyX4 28.10.2015 |
Hi Amanda, I emailed my adsdres to you after I received your email that I won . I was wondering if you got it. and if you got it , did you mail out the coupons yet?mike
Ryi3naVVk |
O6vnd06MyX4 28.10.2015 |
Hi Amanda, I emailed my adsdres to you after I received your email that I won . I was wondering if you got it. and if you got it , did you mail out the coupons yet?mike
qq9HyG80Q |
SQSORdUSk 14.02.2017 |
Me and this article, sitting in a tree, L----ER-NAI-N-G!
qq9HyG80Q |
SQSORdUSk 14.02.2017 |
Me and this article, sitting in a tree, L----ER-NAI-N-G!
qq9HyG80Q |
SQSORdUSk 14.02.2017 |
Me and this article, sitting in a tree, L----ER-NAI-N-G!
k7XDWSkZ 14.02.2017 |
Sharp thkgniin! Thanks for the answer.
k7XDWSkZ 14.02.2017 |
Sharp thkgniin! Thanks for the answer.
k7XDWSkZ 14.02.2017 |
Sharp thkgniin! Thanks for the answer.
n5Hf7r5uTVP |
4GjzeZP2E 27.10.2015 |
I think you are very talented and becusae of your mental stamina it is no surprised that you have found all kinds of things so interesting. I am curious and want to learn about all the things you will be researching. I will be especially interested in crafts, design and fashion discoveries you find interesting and want to share. I have always admired you for your fashion and decorating talent! Oh and of you come across gardening tips please let me know, you always had a green thumb.
KmZ0H32h |
ISp91TA9 14.02.2017 |
Did you any of #n;0;&80392i2itial adjustment” to effects, or was/is and than in its class? thanks for any you (as as diazepam online fedex who has or takes a combination) are to provide.
KmZ0H32h |
ISp91TA9 14.02.2017 |
Did you any of #n;0;&80392i2itial adjustment” to effects, or was/is and than in its class? thanks for any you (as as diazepam online fedex who has or takes a combination) are to provide.
5OdYGQW2n0 |
obAs6DpMI 14.02.2017 |
Times are chnaigng for the better if I can get this online!
5OdYGQW2n0 |
obAs6DpMI 14.02.2017 |
Times are chnaigng for the better if I can get this online!
5OdYGQW2n0 |
obAs6DpMI 14.02.2017 |
Times are chnaigng for the better if I can get this online!
n5Hf7r5uTVP |
4GjzeZP2E 27.10.2015 |
I think you are very talented and becusae of your mental stamina it is no surprised that you have found all kinds of things so interesting. I am curious and want to learn about all the things you will be researching. I will be especially interested in crafts, design and fashion discoveries you find interesting and want to share. I have always admired you for your fashion and decorating talent! Oh and of you come across gardening tips please let me know, you always had a green thumb.
Xxa05U9l |
79wWMYJj 27.12.2015 |
I chose to use this book as a textbook for a benniging web design class and I am very happy with it. It explains everything in details and in a good language so that people who are just starting in the field do not get confused. It is also great because it touches HTML 5 basics and gives a good foundation about the overall subject. Though I wish there were exercises there and more complex assignments and solutions to real life problems.
Xxa05U9l |
79wWMYJj 27.12.2015 |
I chose to use this book as a textbook for a benniging web design class and I am very happy with it. It explains everything in details and in a good language so that people who are just starting in the field do not get confused. It is also great because it touches HTML 5 basics and gives a good foundation about the overall subject. Though I wish there were exercises there and more complex assignments and solutions to real life problems.
Xxa05U9l |
79wWMYJj 27.12.2015 |
I chose to use this book as a textbook for a benniging web design class and I am very happy with it. It explains everything in details and in a good language so that people who are just starting in the field do not get confused. It is also great because it touches HTML 5 basics and gives a good foundation about the overall subject. Though I wish there were exercises there and more complex assignments and solutions to real life problems.
9beV5lU5HAb |
XA700ozZjCi 28.12.2015 |
Hey there just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The words in your post seem to be runinng off the screen in Safari. I"m not sure if this is a format issue or something to do with web browser compatibility but I figured I"d post to let you know. The design and style look great though! Hope you get the issue fixed soon. Thanks
9beV5lU5HAb |
XA700ozZjCi 28.12.2015 |
Hey there just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The words in your post seem to be runinng off the screen in Safari. I"m not sure if this is a format issue or something to do with web browser compatibility but I figured I"d post to let you know. The design and style look great though! Hope you get the issue fixed soon. Thanks
9beV5lU5HAb |
XA700ozZjCi 28.12.2015 |
Hey there just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The words in your post seem to be runinng off the screen in Safari. I"m not sure if this is a format issue or something to do with web browser compatibility but I figured I"d post to let you know. The design and style look great though! Hope you get the issue fixed soon. Thanks
ZSRkaeP6UP83 |
mFdHac5bR24v 10.10.2016 |
I like to party, not look aricltes up online. You made it happen.
ZSRkaeP6UP83 |
mFdHac5bR24v 10.10.2016 |
I like to party, not look aricltes up online. You made it happen.
ZSRkaeP6UP83 |
mFdHac5bR24v 10.10.2016 |
I like to party, not look aricltes up online. You made it happen.
M9XX19Az |
uyM8Ds2gGr1 18.10.2016 |
There are no words to describe how boiduaocs this is.
M9XX19Az |
uyM8Ds2gGr1 18.10.2016 |
There are no words to describe how boiduaocs this is.
M9XX19Az |
uyM8Ds2gGr1 18.10.2016 |
There are no words to describe how boiduaocs this is.
n5Hf7r5uTVP |
4GjzeZP2E 27.10.2015 |
I think you are very talented and becusae of your mental stamina it is no surprised that you have found all kinds of things so interesting. I am curious and want to learn about all the things you will be researching. I will be especially interested in crafts, design and fashion discoveries you find interesting and want to share. I have always admired you for your fashion and decorating talent! Oh and of you come across gardening tips please let me know, you always had a green thumb.
SQRvmpxf |
RpZxd80ptqCq 14.02.2017 |
At last! Something clear I can unresdtand. Thanks!
SQRvmpxf |
RpZxd80ptqCq 14.02.2017 |
At last! Something clear I can unresdtand. Thanks!
SQRvmpxf |
RpZxd80ptqCq 14.02.2017 |
At last! Something clear I can unresdtand. Thanks!
8gwmWd8kpb |
0CqlGELfOR 14.02.2017 |
Reading this makes my deicnioss easier than taking candy from a baby.
8gwmWd8kpb |
0CqlGELfOR 14.02.2017 |
Reading this makes my deicnioss easier than taking candy from a baby.
8gwmWd8kpb |
0CqlGELfOR 14.02.2017 |
Reading this makes my deicnioss easier than taking candy from a baby.
8GtPHxO6 |
xzh1Jkpz5ba 27.12.2015 |
It seems the world is small enough and thnigs happen in the same way everywhere. So all the aborigines and natives need to fight for their land rights and they should support each other worldwide against oppression.
8GtPHxO6 |
xzh1Jkpz5ba 27.12.2015 |
It seems the world is small enough and thnigs happen in the same way everywhere. So all the aborigines and natives need to fight for their land rights and they should support each other worldwide against oppression.
DElIu5ScB |
Q2Foofj96JoP 28.12.2015 |
My friend we are aldeary talking about private information sites and web-based journaling. She"s of which personalized inner thoughts etc should not conveyed such wide open boards. I see no trouble by using it. Reveal your ideas:. Just one. Don"t you blog site or record?. A couple of. Would you favor in person concept regarding inner thoughts above composed conversation?.
DElIu5ScB |
Q2Foofj96JoP 28.12.2015 |
My friend we are aldeary talking about private information sites and web-based journaling. She"s of which personalized inner thoughts etc should not conveyed such wide open boards. I see no trouble by using it. Reveal your ideas:. Just one. Don"t you blog site or record?. A couple of. Would you favor in person concept regarding inner thoughts above composed conversation?.
kNNr3BgY |
hXfpL8GKOjm 14.02.2017 |
SimonFrom my professional point of view it is the ROM you flashed is responsible for overheating. Heat is created by higher than optimal charging current that is controlled by sorftafe.Unwortunately, very few ROM cooks know want they are doing especially if speed is the main goal.It would be useful presenting details of your ROM and hardware. It should be expected from the technical writer. Otherwise it is just complaining about bad weather.
kNNr3BgY |
hXfpL8GKOjm 14.02.2017 |
SimonFrom my professional point of view it is the ROM you flashed is responsible for overheating. Heat is created by higher than optimal charging current that is controlled by sorftafe.Unwortunately, very few ROM cooks know want they are doing especially if speed is the main goal.It would be useful presenting details of your ROM and hardware. It should be expected from the technical writer. Otherwise it is just complaining about bad weather.
cTZeWgoc |
IbkkjGbZZ 14.02.2017 |
Just do me a favor and keep writing such traehcnnt analyses, OK?
cTZeWgoc |
IbkkjGbZZ 14.02.2017 |
Just do me a favor and keep writing such traehcnnt analyses, OK?
cTZeWgoc |
IbkkjGbZZ 14.02.2017 |
Just do me a favor and keep writing such traehcnnt analyses, OK?
DElIu5ScB |
Q2Foofj96JoP 28.12.2015 |
My friend we are aldeary talking about private information sites and web-based journaling. She"s of which personalized inner thoughts etc should not conveyed such wide open boards. I see no trouble by using it. Reveal your ideas:. Just one. Don"t you blog site or record?. A couple of. Would you favor in person concept regarding inner thoughts above composed conversation?.
8ZRZp4XerSCr |
6glO8aW0 10.10.2016 |
Good point. I hadn"t thoguht about it quite that way. :)
8ZRZp4XerSCr |
6glO8aW0 10.10.2016 |
Good point. I hadn"t thoguht about it quite that way. :)
HFMs5c4UGOtR |
qvbTxOmQAoiL 14.02.2017 |
You have shed a ray of suinnhse into the forum. Thanks!
HFMs5c4UGOtR |
qvbTxOmQAoiL 14.02.2017 |
You have shed a ray of suinnhse into the forum. Thanks!
HFMs5c4UGOtR |
qvbTxOmQAoiL 14.02.2017 |
You have shed a ray of suinnhse into the forum. Thanks!
iS7trrDRnyiC 14.02.2017 |
A bit suieprsrd it seems to simple and yet useful.
iS7trrDRnyiC 14.02.2017 |
A bit suieprsrd it seems to simple and yet useful.
iS7trrDRnyiC 14.02.2017 |
A bit suieprsrd it seems to simple and yet useful.
8ZRZp4XerSCr |
6glO8aW0 10.10.2016 |
Good point. I hadn"t thoguht about it quite that way. :)
YEuTuvwS3 |
R6IxjI03yhCE 14.02.2017 |
It"s great to read something that"s both enjoyable and provides prtdgaaismc solutions.
YEuTuvwS3 |
R6IxjI03yhCE 14.02.2017 |
It"s great to read something that"s both enjoyable and provides prtdgaaismc solutions.
YEuTuvwS3 |
R6IxjI03yhCE 14.02.2017 |
It"s great to read something that"s both enjoyable and provides prtdgaaismc solutions.
VkVaUZ3l |
CVltFVhGAmt 14.02.2017 |
Hey, sutble must be your middle name. Great post!
VkVaUZ3l |
CVltFVhGAmt 14.02.2017 |
Hey, sutble must be your middle name. Great post!
VkVaUZ3l |
CVltFVhGAmt 14.02.2017 |
Hey, sutble must be your middle name. Great post!
tJ0ZgJsOrpp 17.10.2016 |
That"s a slick answer to a channelgilg question
tJ0ZgJsOrpp 17.10.2016 |
That"s a slick answer to a channelgilg question
seTmOMrX3V7V |
SfJr9BO3xR 14.02.2017 |
You know, one of these years we may have to go up to Alaska to see what can cause a person like the Queen of Quit to actully exist. That broad is stranger than fiction. Bad fiction. Ed Wood fiction. At least Ed872&1#;s had some redeeming social value.
seTmOMrX3V7V |
SfJr9BO3xR 14.02.2017 |
You know, one of these years we may have to go up to Alaska to see what can cause a person like the Queen of Quit to actully exist. That broad is stranger than fiction. Bad fiction. Ed Wood fiction. At least Ed872&1#;s had some redeeming social value.
FrnasiTY9 |
61VXpXFzzeW 14.02.2017 |
And to think I was going to talk to soonmee in person about this.
FrnasiTY9 |
61VXpXFzzeW 14.02.2017 |
And to think I was going to talk to soonmee in person about this.
FrnasiTY9 |
61VXpXFzzeW 14.02.2017 |
And to think I was going to talk to soonmee in person about this.
tJ0ZgJsOrpp 17.10.2016 |
That"s a slick answer to a channelgilg question
D0MgeqKpd |
W6X9j2Hixcew 14.02.2017 |
Yours is a clever way of thniinkg about it.
D0MgeqKpd |
W6X9j2Hixcew 14.02.2017 |
Yours is a clever way of thniinkg about it.
D0MgeqKpd |
W6X9j2Hixcew 14.02.2017 |
Yours is a clever way of thniinkg about it.
JxVj2Tha8 |
nkLaq0iDQuzn 14.02.2017 |
This is both street smart and intgelielnt.
JxVj2Tha8 |
nkLaq0iDQuzn 14.02.2017 |
This is both street smart and intgelielnt.
JxVj2Tha8 |
nkLaq0iDQuzn 14.02.2017 |
This is both street smart and intgelielnt.
BTkCy7pWCt |
6U6JxiKAR 18.10.2016 |
What"s it take to become a sublime exedonupr of prose like yourself?
eMsUFqI2nLb |
rMiwAXkxF 14.02.2017 |
Hi the well and stories therein have been great in leading me back home. Some of the stories touched more than others. It has been my pleasure knowing Kris,Lou and their famSly.io very Happy Birthday and may the Lord continue to bless your ministry in all u do. You do inspire others. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
eMsUFqI2nLb |
rMiwAXkxF 14.02.2017 |
Hi the well and stories therein have been great in leading me back home. Some of the stories touched more than others. It has been my pleasure knowing Kris,Lou and their famSly.io very Happy Birthday and may the Lord continue to bless your ministry in all u do. You do inspire others. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
izGU2XBshbx |
38418PWbH 14.02.2017 |
Posts like this make the innteret such a treasure trove
izGU2XBshbx |
38418PWbH 14.02.2017 |
Posts like this make the innteret such a treasure trove
izGU2XBshbx |
38418PWbH 14.02.2017 |
Posts like this make the innteret such a treasure trove
BTkCy7pWCt |
6U6JxiKAR 18.10.2016 |
What"s it take to become a sublime exedonupr of prose like yourself?
LqOaCAB6cG |
iTHQCSLkBEzo 14.02.2017 |
It"s like you"re on a misoisn to save me time and money!
LqOaCAB6cG |
iTHQCSLkBEzo 14.02.2017 |
It"s like you"re on a misoisn to save me time and money!
LqOaCAB6cG |
iTHQCSLkBEzo 14.02.2017 |
It"s like you"re on a misoisn to save me time and money!
SVNo0XNkjY |
O6hNhWcWyb 14.02.2017 |
It"s always a relief when someone with obvious exrstpiee answers. Thanks!
SVNo0XNkjY |
O6hNhWcWyb 14.02.2017 |
It"s always a relief when someone with obvious exrstpiee answers. Thanks!
SVNo0XNkjY |
O6hNhWcWyb 14.02.2017 |
It"s always a relief when someone with obvious exrstpiee answers. Thanks!
BTkCy7pWCt |
6U6JxiKAR 18.10.2016 |
What"s it take to become a sublime exedonupr of prose like yourself?
gX8Trr3T |
wGfYvRHuw 14.02.2017 |
Nom, I’m probably naive for saying this but I think we will adress all of those things in one form or another. Especially under the pressure of a national bk or some of the other dire aleetnarivts. There is a self correcting mechanism in there somewhere, but it wont kick in fully intil the iceburg is in clear site.
gX8Trr3T |
wGfYvRHuw 14.02.2017 |
Nom, I’m probably naive for saying this but I think we will adress all of those things in one form or another. Especially under the pressure of a national bk or some of the other dire aleetnarivts. There is a self correcting mechanism in there somewhere, but it wont kick in fully intil the iceburg is in clear site.
irnNU8EX |
p07JXixl 14.02.2017 |
Th"ats the best answer of all time! JMHO
irnNU8EX |
p07JXixl 14.02.2017 |
Th"ats the best answer of all time! JMHO
irnNU8EX |
p07JXixl 14.02.2017 |
Th"ats the best answer of all time! JMHO
love anal |
ruHPVHUKRmLSjEQBzsx 04.03.2017 |
qkzsQ1 Wow! This can be one particular of the most useful blogs We ave ever arrive across on this subject. Basically Magnificent. I am also an expert in this topic therefore I can understand your hard work.
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