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Sápmi Talent 2013

GOVVEN bargobáji govat

Jeagilveagi geasseleaira 8.-10.8.2012
Gielda ásaha oktasaš bálvalusčuoggá
Stáhtaásahusaid sámegielat bálvalusat Ohcejohkii
Njeallje stáhtaásahusa dáidet fállagoahtit sámegielat bálvalusaid ovttas Ohcejogas. Gielda ohcá doarjaga prošektii mainna KELA, Boles, Maistráhtta ja Bargo- ja ealáhusguovddáš ásahit oktasaš bálvalusčuoggá Ohcejohkii. Boahtte áiggis bálvalusčuokkis sáhttá fállat daid ásahusaid sámegielat bálvalusaid miehta Suoma.

Ohcejoga gieldda ássiid vejolašvuohta fidnet stáhtaásahusaid bálvalusaid sámegillii iežaset gielddas sáhttá juo dán jagi buorránit. Stáhta ásaha ruhtadanortnega mainna fidne ruđa oktasaš bálvalusčuoggáid ásaheapmi. Doarjja čujuhuvvo earenoamážit gielddaide ja guovlluide, gos leat heajumus bálvalusat guhkes gaskkaid dahje eará sierranas dili geažil.

Ohcejoga gieldda ealáhusossodat lea ožžon dákkár prošektii fárrui Álbmotealáhuslágádusa (KELA), Boles, Maistráhta ja Bargo- ja ealáhusguovddáža (TE/BE-guovddáš).

Ohcejoga bálvalusčuoggás galgá leat bálvalusrávvejeaddji guhte veahkeha olbmuid stáhta ásahusaid áššiiguin. Ealáhushoavda Hanna-Leena Talvensaari áššečilgehusa mielde bálvalusrávvejeaddji lea maid gieldda ealáhusčálli. Bálvalusat, maid gielda fállá oktasašbálvalusčuoggás, sáhtášedje leat dálvvi áigge turismarávven, eanadoallo- ja boazodoarjagat ja fitnodatrávven.

Talvensaari árvvoštallá ahte juos doaimmaid álggaheapmái ja álggahanmuttu bajásdollui fidnejuvvo ruhtadeapmi, de sáhttá dalle váldit čielgasa oktasašbálvalusčuoggá vejolašvuođas buvttadit dáid stáhtaásahusaid bálvalusaid sámegillii Ohcejoga gieldda lassin maiddái sihke ásahusaid doaibmanguovllus muđui ja viiddidit maŋŋá sámegielat bálvalusaid fállama miehtá riikka.

Suoma ruhtaministeriija lea álmmuhan ahte stáhtadoarjaga sáhttá oažžut eanemustá 70 proseantta goasttádusain, ja doarjaga oažžun ii váikkut gieldda eará stáhtadoarjagiidda. Doarjja čujuhuvvo váldoáššis oktasašbálvalusa vuođđudangoasttádusaide, muhto sierra dáhpáhusas dan sáhttá oažžut maiddái bajásdoallangoasttádusaide. Doarjagii lea várrejuvvon oktiibuot 1 miljon euro jahkái 2010. Muđui galgá stáhtaásahusat gokčat oktasašbálvalusa goluid dan mielde man ollu olbmot geavahit bálvalusaid doppe.

Ohcamušaid galgá sáddet 15.4.2010 diibmu 15.30 rádjai ruhtaministeriijai. Doarjagiid juohkimis mearriduvvo 31.5.2010 rádjai. Doarjja čujuhuvvo earenoamážit gielddaide ja guovlluide, gos leat heajumus bálvalusat guhkes gaskkaid dahje eará sierranas dili geažil.

Gieldda váldostivra gieđahalai ášši njukčamánu 23. Beaivvi ja mearridii guovtti jiena vuostá ohcat doarjaga oktasaš bálvalusčuoggá ásaheapmái. Tapiola Ovllá ja Paltto Samuel jienasteigga vuosttá dannego sudno mielas bálvalusat hedjonit bálvalusčuoggá ásahemiin. Eará áirasat ledje dan mielas ahte bálvalusčuoggá ásaheapmi buoridivččii bálvalusaid.


Čujuhus dahje epoasta
Zz1w2xjS   ZFVFQ26xJ 27.10.2015
Dear Sir/Madam, I am concerned about the reenct attacks on Homeopathy.Recently a group of peopletook large amounts of Homeopathic remedies.I do not understand the purpose of thisdemonstration because it does not prove anything.If it is to prove that the remedies have noaction it does not make sense because the remedies will only work on a particular personwith a particular illness with a particular remedy based on a legnthy consultation andgathering of all the symptoms the person has.But there demonstration only proved that homeop-athic medicines are safe.Still I would like to know exactly what this group was trying to door demonstrate.I also hear people criticize the suggestion of water having memory.I am notsure if this is true or not true but there is something that cannot be explained at themoment.There are many things that cannot be explained in fact there are many things that couldnot be explained at one time going back just a few hundred years or thousands of years.So at the moment stands the history of Homeopathy of two hundred years or so,used by the elite,people in important positions of office,as well as the ordinary people.Science cannot proveeverything at the moment.After all they are imperfect humans like everyone else but I do givethem credit as they have made many discoveries and they continue to do so. Coming up to thepresent day,if its good enough for the Queen,its good enough for us the ordinary people.Aperson should have the ability to choose if they want to use homeopathy or not.If a treatmentdoes not work for a person then that person will not keep going back for more.I recieve medicaltreatment from my GP and I also use homeopathy at times.I find that both provide me withbenefits.As for the placebo effect this I believe can happen with any kind of therapy eithernatural or otherwise.In fact there are many other therapies who`s benefits can`t be explainedbut homeopathy is the one that is picked out for the attacks.Correct me if I am wrong but theplacebo effect to occur requires an adult human being not a animal and not a child and also itrequires faith in the person providing the placebo and in the placebo itself whithout thereciever knowing that it is in fact a placebo.I dont` think I myself could get a placebo effectas I have taken medicines which I strongly believed would work particularly if I was seeing anew practitioner or a new therapy but I did not get the response I expected on the other handI have tried a new therapy or remedy whether homeopathic,pharmaceutical,or other treatment notbelieving it would work but it worked well to my surprise.I think to much credit is given tothe placebo effect.Yours SincerelyMr Balbir Harbias
v5mCPCeMeqEX   XU4uBYLF 14.02.2017
Kez:Bwahahaha – I am so in love with you, your family and your blog. You could add a couple more, eg the Homeschooling Dad who is always the only man at any weekday gathering and has mothers fluttering around him like moths round a lightbulb. Also the Chronic Vacillator who stumbles from one category to the other, is classical one week and unschooling the next but passes it off as ct0;e2lec8ic” (me).
v5mCPCeMeqEX   XU4uBYLF 14.02.2017
Kez:Bwahahaha – I am so in love with you, your family and your blog. You could add a couple more, eg the Homeschooling Dad who is always the only man at any weekday gathering and has mothers fluttering around him like moths round a lightbulb. Also the Chronic Vacillator who stumbles from one category to the other, is classical one week and unschooling the next but passes it off as ct0;e2lec8ic” (me).
Wgip21F2U4z   kOLbvwd3 14.02.2017
It"s wouerdfnl to have you on our side, haha!
Wgip21F2U4z   kOLbvwd3 14.02.2017
It"s wouerdfnl to have you on our side, haha!
Wgip21F2U4z   kOLbvwd3 14.02.2017
It"s wouerdfnl to have you on our side, haha!
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
Zz1w2xjS   ZFVFQ26xJ 27.10.2015
Dear Sir/Madam, I am concerned about the reenct attacks on Homeopathy.Recently a group of peopletook large amounts of Homeopathic remedies.I do not understand the purpose of thisdemonstration because it does not prove anything.If it is to prove that the remedies have noaction it does not make sense because the remedies will only work on a particular personwith a particular illness with a particular remedy based on a legnthy consultation andgathering of all the symptoms the person has.But there demonstration only proved that homeop-athic medicines are safe.Still I would like to know exactly what this group was trying to door demonstrate.I also hear people criticize the suggestion of water having memory.I am notsure if this is true or not true but there is something that cannot be explained at themoment.There are many things that cannot be explained in fact there are many things that couldnot be explained at one time going back just a few hundred years or thousands of years.So at the moment stands the history of Homeopathy of two hundred years or so,used by the elite,people in important positions of office,as well as the ordinary people.Science cannot proveeverything at the moment.After all they are imperfect humans like everyone else but I do givethem credit as they have made many discoveries and they continue to do so. Coming up to thepresent day,if its good enough for the Queen,its good enough for us the ordinary people.Aperson should have the ability to choose if they want to use homeopathy or not.If a treatmentdoes not work for a person then that person will not keep going back for more.I recieve medicaltreatment from my GP and I also use homeopathy at times.I find that both provide me withbenefits.As for the placebo effect this I believe can happen with any kind of therapy eithernatural or otherwise.In fact there are many other therapies who`s benefits can`t be explainedbut homeopathy is the one that is picked out for the attacks.Correct me if I am wrong but theplacebo effect to occur requires an adult human being not a animal and not a child and also itrequires faith in the person providing the placebo and in the placebo itself whithout thereciever knowing that it is in fact a placebo.I dont` think I myself could get a placebo effectas I have taken medicines which I strongly believed would work particularly if I was seeing anew practitioner or a new therapy but I did not get the response I expected on the other handI have tried a new therapy or remedy whether homeopathic,pharmaceutical,or other treatment notbelieving it would work but it worked well to my surprise.I think to much credit is given tothe placebo effect.Yours SincerelyMr Balbir Harbias
6xH03OwFC0   I3kUOk7nTNX 14.02.2017
A minute saved is a minute eaednr, and this saved hours!
6xH03OwFC0   I3kUOk7nTNX 14.02.2017
A minute saved is a minute eaednr, and this saved hours!
6xH03OwFC0   I3kUOk7nTNX 14.02.2017
A minute saved is a minute eaednr, and this saved hours!
j2aqXlgQFrN0   gv2jSKK0 14.02.2017
Yeah, that"s the tikcet, sir or ma"am
j2aqXlgQFrN0   gv2jSKK0 14.02.2017
Yeah, that"s the tikcet, sir or ma"am
j2aqXlgQFrN0   gv2jSKK0 14.02.2017
Yeah, that"s the tikcet, sir or ma"am
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
Zz1w2xjS   ZFVFQ26xJ 27.10.2015
Dear Sir/Madam, I am concerned about the reenct attacks on Homeopathy.Recently a group of peopletook large amounts of Homeopathic remedies.I do not understand the purpose of thisdemonstration because it does not prove anything.If it is to prove that the remedies have noaction it does not make sense because the remedies will only work on a particular personwith a particular illness with a particular remedy based on a legnthy consultation andgathering of all the symptoms the person has.But there demonstration only proved that homeop-athic medicines are safe.Still I would like to know exactly what this group was trying to door demonstrate.I also hear people criticize the suggestion of water having memory.I am notsure if this is true or not true but there is something that cannot be explained at themoment.There are many things that cannot be explained in fact there are many things that couldnot be explained at one time going back just a few hundred years or thousands of years.So at the moment stands the history of Homeopathy of two hundred years or so,used by the elite,people in important positions of office,as well as the ordinary people.Science cannot proveeverything at the moment.After all they are imperfect humans like everyone else but I do givethem credit as they have made many discoveries and they continue to do so. Coming up to thepresent day,if its good enough for the Queen,its good enough for us the ordinary people.Aperson should have the ability to choose if they want to use homeopathy or not.If a treatmentdoes not work for a person then that person will not keep going back for more.I recieve medicaltreatment from my GP and I also use homeopathy at times.I find that both provide me withbenefits.As for the placebo effect this I believe can happen with any kind of therapy eithernatural or otherwise.In fact there are many other therapies who`s benefits can`t be explainedbut homeopathy is the one that is picked out for the attacks.Correct me if I am wrong but theplacebo effect to occur requires an adult human being not a animal and not a child and also itrequires faith in the person providing the placebo and in the placebo itself whithout thereciever knowing that it is in fact a placebo.I dont` think I myself could get a placebo effectas I have taken medicines which I strongly believed would work particularly if I was seeing anew practitioner or a new therapy but I did not get the response I expected on the other handI have tried a new therapy or remedy whether homeopathic,pharmaceutical,or other treatment notbelieving it would work but it worked well to my surprise.I think to much credit is given tothe placebo effect.Yours SincerelyMr Balbir Harbias
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
OiRtXmnb   zzEqcw2Yjq8v 10.10.2016
Now I feel stuidp. That"s cleared it up for me
T75waktR   30ovR74fWS 14.02.2017
Congrats to Natalie Portman for her Oscar for 'Leon, the Professional'. After all, every Star Wars fanboy should be as artistic as her and be a soft-core pron star at 12. Why, they need to get lives. Look at her, she does a Trilogy and now she has the spare cash for a moocher &##efboy;ri9nd&339; and to campaign mercilessly for over a year to obtain an Oscar.Mold
T75waktR   30ovR74fWS 14.02.2017
Congrats to Natalie Portman for her Oscar for 'Leon, the Professional'. After all, every Star Wars fanboy should be as artistic as her and be a soft-core pron star at 12. Why, they need to get lives. Look at her, she does a Trilogy and now she has the spare cash for a moocher &##efboy;ri9nd&339; and to campaign mercilessly for over a year to obtain an Oscar.Mold
dDmfYByKrlL   WzuAtcrx 14.02.2017
Thikning like that is really amazing
dDmfYByKrlL   WzuAtcrx 14.02.2017
Thikning like that is really amazing
dDmfYByKrlL   WzuAtcrx 14.02.2017
Thikning like that is really amazing
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
OiRtXmnb   zzEqcw2Yjq8v 10.10.2016
Now I feel stuidp. That"s cleared it up for me
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
OiRtXmnb   zzEqcw2Yjq8v 10.10.2016
Now I feel stuidp. That"s cleared it up for me
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
nccUWpjj5   sEqdcZVaCQ5 17.10.2016
Fell out of bed feeling down. This has brehgtined my day!
ylKhHpAhE   jz4eQy8junU 14.02.2017
I got really excited when I saw that Jon tweeted this. I’m just glad that he updated on the emgerency, and I have a lot of respect for Jon and the rest of the band, I think its great that they keep their family matters private, yet they still keep in touch with us fans by posting updates like this. I’ve been praying for Jon and his family, and will continue to pray for them.P.S. that sketch is amazing, and those lyrics(?) are beautiful.
ylKhHpAhE   jz4eQy8junU 14.02.2017
I got really excited when I saw that Jon tweeted this. I’m just glad that he updated on the emgerency, and I have a lot of respect for Jon and the rest of the band, I think its great that they keep their family matters private, yet they still keep in touch with us fans by posting updates like this. I’ve been praying for Jon and his family, and will continue to pray for them.P.S. that sketch is amazing, and those lyrics(?) are beautiful.
aeufzlOHCk   xornxc3U8 14.02.2017
Super exctied to see more of this kind of stuff online.
aeufzlOHCk   xornxc3U8 14.02.2017
Super exctied to see more of this kind of stuff online.
aeufzlOHCk   xornxc3U8 14.02.2017
Super exctied to see more of this kind of stuff online.
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
nccUWpjj5   sEqdcZVaCQ5 17.10.2016
Fell out of bed feeling down. This has brehgtined my day!
pHBh8iqZY9   vavstzA9Y5 14.02.2017
I am glad to hear there is sonmihteg now in effect. I wish this would spread through all the prisons. I had someone very close to me who was sentenced to prison and there was NO therapy. He had to kick the habit all on his own.
pHBh8iqZY9   vavstzA9Y5 14.02.2017
I am glad to hear there is sonmihteg now in effect. I wish this would spread through all the prisons. I had someone very close to me who was sentenced to prison and there was NO therapy. He had to kick the habit all on his own.
0mqxnV5L   ymVFfxr3Xfw 14.02.2017
That"s not just the best anrews. It"s the bestest answer!
0mqxnV5L   ymVFfxr3Xfw 14.02.2017
That"s not just the best anrews. It"s the bestest answer!
0mqxnV5L   ymVFfxr3Xfw 14.02.2017
That"s not just the best anrews. It"s the bestest answer!
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
nccUWpjj5   sEqdcZVaCQ5 17.10.2016
Fell out of bed feeling down. This has brehgtined my day!
F9p63KmCDLh   ZISS9YJ5iSCr 14.02.2017
I think it’s ungenerous to judge a critic by their success as a fiction writer. After all, some of our finest critics do not write fiction.But I agree that Shiv8ni&#a217;s skills lie more in provocative marketing than in thoughtful, measured analysis.
F9p63KmCDLh   ZISS9YJ5iSCr 14.02.2017
I think it’s ungenerous to judge a critic by their success as a fiction writer. After all, some of our finest critics do not write fiction.But I agree that Shiv8ni&#a217;s skills lie more in provocative marketing than in thoughtful, measured analysis.
SHHqVrGnE2gp   ATtRfs3X 14.02.2017
This is just the pefrcet answer for all forum members
SHHqVrGnE2gp   ATtRfs3X 14.02.2017
This is just the pefrcet answer for all forum members
SHHqVrGnE2gp   ATtRfs3X 14.02.2017
This is just the pefrcet answer for all forum members
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
ga4vHeVaRCug   G91alTU5Jtz 18.10.2016
The hosnety of your posting is there for all to see
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
ga4vHeVaRCug   G91alTU5Jtz 18.10.2016
The hosnety of your posting is there for all to see
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
ga4vHeVaRCug   G91alTU5Jtz 18.10.2016
The hosnety of your posting is there for all to see
VaSj3aeF7L   kNxVjUOx 14.02.2017
If U had just heard the judge say that UR lawyer failed to call witnesses Pu2;cr2cial to UR defense” and you had just heard UR lawyer threaten to walk out on your trial, would you cordially shake UR lawyer’s hand and exchange pleasantries before he walked out of the courtroom?U would if he knew from day one an absolute jury fix was in?
VaSj3aeF7L   kNxVjUOx 14.02.2017
If U had just heard the judge say that UR lawyer failed to call witnesses Pu2;cr2cial to UR defense” and you had just heard UR lawyer threaten to walk out on your trial, would you cordially shake UR lawyer’s hand and exchange pleasantries before he walked out of the courtroom?U would if he knew from day one an absolute jury fix was in?
RASTQx8xiAs   n6smDMhw 14.02.2017
BION I"m imseprsed! Cool post!
RASTQx8xiAs   n6smDMhw 14.02.2017
BION I"m imseprsed! Cool post!
RASTQx8xiAs   n6smDMhw 14.02.2017
BION I"m imseprsed! Cool post!
Vástit dán cealkámuššii