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Sápmi Talent 2013

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Jeagilveagi geasseleaira 8.-10.8.2012
Ođđa mánáidgárdde-oahpaheaddji doaibma Duottaraskki beaiveruoktui
Ohcejoga sámegielat beaiveruovttu, Duottaraski, mánnálogu ja bargoveaga lassánettiin lea šaddan dárbu ođđa mánáidgárddeoahpaheaddji doibmii. Danin Ohcejoga gielddaráđđehus ásahii ođđa mánáidgárdeoahpaheaddji virggi. Sámegielat ossodagas lea girjjiin cuoŋománu álggus 24 máná Ohcejogas ja njeallje máná Sirpmás. Bušehttii lea várrejuvvon ruhta bargi bálkái, muhto doaibma ii leat ovdal evttohuvvon, dasgo dan deavdima dohkálašvuođaid deavdi sámegielat olbmuin diehtit hui váttisin, čilge ášševálmmaštalli Sari Inkinen.

Ohcejohkalaš mánáin vuollái golmmajahkásaččat leat ovcci, Sirpmás guokte. Ovdaskuvlamánát joavkkus leat vihtta. Ovtta Ovdaskuvlla mánás lea iežas veahkeheaddji. Čakčalohkanbadjái 2010 leat dieđus ođđa dikšománát njeallje, geat leat buohkat vuollái golmmajahkásaččat. Gaskamearálaččat mánát/ dikšunbeaivi lei skábmamánus 2009 15,3 juovlamánus 2009 15,8 ođđajagemánus 2010 16,8 ja guovvamánus 2010 16,4.


Ášševálmmaštalli, beaivedivššu jođiheaddji Sari Inkinen čilge áššečilgehusastis ahte beaivedikšunásahusa mielde dán joavkkus galggašedje leat guokte mánáidgárddeoahpaheaddji. Lassin dikšunbargiin galggašedje leat golbma mánáiddikšu. Dán háve bargoveahka lea sámegielat árramánnávuođa bajásgeassima rávvejeaddji/ mánáidgárddeoahpaheaddji, geas mánnájoavkkus ovddasvástádus 50% bargoáiggis, bearašbeaivedikšu, mearreáigásaš mánáiddikšu ja guokte mearreáigásaš beaiveruotkoveahki.


Earáin earet mánáidgárddeoahpaheaddjis ja bearašbeaivedikšus ii leat beaivedikšunsuorggi skuvlejupmi. Beaivedikšunásahusa 1973/239 6§ mielde: ”Beaivedivššus galgá dikšun- ja bajásgeassinbargguin leat sosiálafuolahusa ámmátbargiid dohkálašvuođaeavttuin addojuvvon ásahusa (804/92) 4:s dahje 5:s ásahuvvon ámmátdohkálašvuohta, eanemustá čieža golbma jagi deavdán máná guovdu, geat leat ollesbeaivvedivššus. Eanemustá njealji vuollái golmmajahkásaš máná guovdu galgá beaiveruovttus dikšun- ja bajásgeassinbargguin seamma láhkai leat uhcimustá okta olmmoš, geas lea ovddabealde ásahuvvon ámmátdohkálašvuohta.”


”Beaiveruovttus galgá uhcimustá juohke goalmmádis dikšun- ja bajásgeassinbargguin doaibmis leat sosiálafuolahusa ámmátbargiid dohkálašvuođaeavttuin addojuvvon ásahusa 4:s ásahuvvon ámmátdohkálašvuohta ja earáin dikšun- ja bajásgeassinbargguin doaibmiin 5§:s ásahuvvon ámmátdohkálašvuohta.”


Čujuhus dahje epoasta
fYUVc6f8   JCd5pEdokCP 27.10.2015
Hey there Allyson!Caitlin Knowles here (I met you at the first mom"s night out that Hadley arranged I"m the one who has the lil mixed baby boy named Miles often seen in faboocek pics playing with Larson AKA ebony & ivory ). I adore the pics you"ve taken of Hadley and Larson, and I"ve waited long enough to have pics of me and my precious lil one taken (he"s almost 10 months)! I"ve waited so long because I am a single mom and therefor $ is tight, so I wanted to be sure the pics would be FANTASTIC! I"ve seen a lot of your pics of babies at this point, and would love to have a photo shoot with you. I have very few pics of me and Miles together because I"m always the one behind the camera so, I"m wondering how much you charge for a photo shoot with mama and baby?Can"t wait to hear from you!Many thanks,Caitlin Knowles619-992-9044
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
fYUVc6f8   JCd5pEdokCP 27.10.2015
Hey there Allyson!Caitlin Knowles here (I met you at the first mom"s night out that Hadley arranged I"m the one who has the lil mixed baby boy named Miles often seen in faboocek pics playing with Larson AKA ebony & ivory ). I adore the pics you"ve taken of Hadley and Larson, and I"ve waited long enough to have pics of me and my precious lil one taken (he"s almost 10 months)! I"ve waited so long because I am a single mom and therefor $ is tight, so I wanted to be sure the pics would be FANTASTIC! I"ve seen a lot of your pics of babies at this point, and would love to have a photo shoot with you. I have very few pics of me and Miles together because I"m always the one behind the camera so, I"m wondering how much you charge for a photo shoot with mama and baby?Can"t wait to hear from you!Many thanks,Caitlin Knowles619-992-9044
sa1PjVDJtM   VshXJ3vmuR 27.12.2015
Igen, jf3 volt. :) Be1r, ha azt ne9zzfck, he1ny ezer ember fordul meg iokneylr Magyarlukafe1n, elenye9sző re9szfck ve1se1rol. Megint a lufi, a kaja, e9s a vattacukor volt a sle1ger. Nem ve1ltok profilt akkor sem. :)
sa1PjVDJtM   VshXJ3vmuR 27.12.2015
Igen, jf3 volt. :) Be1r, ha azt ne9zzfck, he1ny ezer ember fordul meg iokneylr Magyarlukafe1n, elenye9sző re9szfck ve1se1rol. Megint a lufi, a kaja, e9s a vattacukor volt a sle1ger. Nem ve1ltok profilt akkor sem. :)
sa1PjVDJtM   VshXJ3vmuR 27.12.2015
Igen, jf3 volt. :) Be1r, ha azt ne9zzfck, he1ny ezer ember fordul meg iokneylr Magyarlukafe1n, elenye9sző re9szfck ve1se1rol. Megint a lufi, a kaja, e9s a vattacukor volt a sle1ger. Nem ve1ltok profilt akkor sem. :)
01OIG54N   fAh3NXJyQ 28.12.2015
Gauranga, tulajdonke9ppen az e9trendedben gyfcmf6lcsf6k, zf6ldse9gek e9s oaoljs magvak szerepelnek? Az oaoljs magvak kellőke9ppen megszf3ledtje1k reggel a pangf3 epehf3lyagot? c9n kihagyom a tejes e9s finomedtott sze9nhidre1tos dolgokat. Hfast megint csak nagyon nem ehetek, mert fajabban kiderfclt, hogy a hfagysav e9rte9kem a hate1re9rte9k felett van (annak ellene9re, hogy hfast nem eszek sokat), azte1n a hfcvelyesek megint csak kilőve, hiszen magas purin be1zissal rendelkeznek.Na most legyen okos az ember. Van bhakte1k kf6zf6tt olyan valaki ismerősf6d, akinek volt ilyen vagy ehhez hasonlf3 esete, annak ellene9re, hogy nem hfasevő?Be1r fagy gondolom, hogy a magas sze9nhidre1t tartalmfa e9telek mellett az anyagcsere proble9me1k a vege1kne1l se ismeretlen.
01OIG54N   fAh3NXJyQ 28.12.2015
Gauranga, tulajdonke9ppen az e9trendedben gyfcmf6lcsf6k, zf6ldse9gek e9s oaoljs magvak szerepelnek? Az oaoljs magvak kellőke9ppen megszf3ledtje1k reggel a pangf3 epehf3lyagot? c9n kihagyom a tejes e9s finomedtott sze9nhidre1tos dolgokat. Hfast megint csak nagyon nem ehetek, mert fajabban kiderfclt, hogy a hfagysav e9rte9kem a hate1re9rte9k felett van (annak ellene9re, hogy hfast nem eszek sokat), azte1n a hfcvelyesek megint csak kilőve, hiszen magas purin be1zissal rendelkeznek.Na most legyen okos az ember. Van bhakte1k kf6zf6tt olyan valaki ismerősf6d, akinek volt ilyen vagy ehhez hasonlf3 esete, annak ellene9re, hogy nem hfasevő?Be1r fagy gondolom, hogy a magas sze9nhidre1t tartalmfa e9telek mellett az anyagcsere proble9me1k a vege1kne1l se ismeretlen.
01OIG54N   fAh3NXJyQ 28.12.2015
Gauranga, tulajdonke9ppen az e9trendedben gyfcmf6lcsf6k, zf6ldse9gek e9s oaoljs magvak szerepelnek? Az oaoljs magvak kellőke9ppen megszf3ledtje1k reggel a pangf3 epehf3lyagot? c9n kihagyom a tejes e9s finomedtott sze9nhidre1tos dolgokat. Hfast megint csak nagyon nem ehetek, mert fajabban kiderfclt, hogy a hfagysav e9rte9kem a hate1re9rte9k felett van (annak ellene9re, hogy hfast nem eszek sokat), azte1n a hfcvelyesek megint csak kilőve, hiszen magas purin be1zissal rendelkeznek.Na most legyen okos az ember. Van bhakte1k kf6zf6tt olyan valaki ismerősf6d, akinek volt ilyen vagy ehhez hasonlf3 esete, annak ellene9re, hogy nem hfasevő?Be1r fagy gondolom, hogy a magas sze9nhidre1t tartalmfa e9telek mellett az anyagcsere proble9me1k a vege1kne1l se ismeretlen.
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
fYUVc6f8   JCd5pEdokCP 27.10.2015
Hey there Allyson!Caitlin Knowles here (I met you at the first mom"s night out that Hadley arranged I"m the one who has the lil mixed baby boy named Miles often seen in faboocek pics playing with Larson AKA ebony & ivory ). I adore the pics you"ve taken of Hadley and Larson, and I"ve waited long enough to have pics of me and my precious lil one taken (he"s almost 10 months)! I"ve waited so long because I am a single mom and therefor $ is tight, so I wanted to be sure the pics would be FANTASTIC! I"ve seen a lot of your pics of babies at this point, and would love to have a photo shoot with you. I have very few pics of me and Miles together because I"m always the one behind the camera so, I"m wondering how much you charge for a photo shoot with mama and baby?Can"t wait to hear from you!Many thanks,Caitlin Knowles619-992-9044
KesnRuZxP   LVkSNsgZ 27.12.2015
People are weird. I get many requests to do guest posts too, mnneiag, I should write. Movie blogs as well. But I refuse that.I think I"ve made up my mind about the request now and I feel I cannot do it.
KesnRuZxP   LVkSNsgZ 27.12.2015
People are weird. I get many requests to do guest posts too, mnneiag, I should write. Movie blogs as well. But I refuse that.I think I"ve made up my mind about the request now and I feel I cannot do it.
KesnRuZxP   LVkSNsgZ 27.12.2015
People are weird. I get many requests to do guest posts too, mnneiag, I should write. Movie blogs as well. But I refuse that.I think I"ve made up my mind about the request now and I feel I cannot do it.
7gIL8h13C4   eo9DLn662D 28.12.2015
You need this book I don"t care what business you are in.This put me back on track. I asmlot stopped reading this a few minutes in because I told myself it was too basic. Well it is that (great review) and so much more. A proven formula for success that is easy to understand and follow. Lots of information but great that he offers more outside of his book.
7gIL8h13C4   eo9DLn662D 28.12.2015
You need this book I don"t care what business you are in.This put me back on track. I asmlot stopped reading this a few minutes in because I told myself it was too basic. Well it is that (great review) and so much more. A proven formula for success that is easy to understand and follow. Lots of information but great that he offers more outside of his book.
7gIL8h13C4   eo9DLn662D 28.12.2015
You need this book I don"t care what business you are in.This put me back on track. I asmlot stopped reading this a few minutes in because I told myself it was too basic. Well it is that (great review) and so much more. A proven formula for success that is easy to understand and follow. Lots of information but great that he offers more outside of his book.
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
ZYuH1ELVilB   afyvDIcItiud 28.10.2015
I know you don"t want to hear it, but you well know that this is actually the PERFECT suiiatton as far as Qin attitude goes .she is going to love her family FIERCELY and in the end that is all that matters. It is SO hard to get to that point, and mentally, physically and emotionally draining on all those involved.I feel so terrible for Zoe, it has to be so hard for her. She has waited so long for her sister and now it is probably not what she envisioned. But it will be soon. This might be a really good experience for her to understand the process she went through and how it all works out beautifully in the end. Glad she has a friend is it Adrienne? How awesome for the both of them. Shelba you do make it look easy even though we all know it SO is not easy. Hang in there and know we are all thinking of you, sending you good vibes and thoughts. You have two beautiful girls!!!xo
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
ZYuH1ELVilB   afyvDIcItiud 28.10.2015
I know you don"t want to hear it, but you well know that this is actually the PERFECT suiiatton as far as Qin attitude goes .she is going to love her family FIERCELY and in the end that is all that matters. It is SO hard to get to that point, and mentally, physically and emotionally draining on all those involved.I feel so terrible for Zoe, it has to be so hard for her. She has waited so long for her sister and now it is probably not what she envisioned. But it will be soon. This might be a really good experience for her to understand the process she went through and how it all works out beautifully in the end. Glad she has a friend is it Adrienne? How awesome for the both of them. Shelba you do make it look easy even though we all know it SO is not easy. Hang in there and know we are all thinking of you, sending you good vibes and thoughts. You have two beautiful girls!!!xo
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
ZYuH1ELVilB   afyvDIcItiud 28.10.2015
I know you don"t want to hear it, but you well know that this is actually the PERFECT suiiatton as far as Qin attitude goes .she is going to love her family FIERCELY and in the end that is all that matters. It is SO hard to get to that point, and mentally, physically and emotionally draining on all those involved.I feel so terrible for Zoe, it has to be so hard for her. She has waited so long for her sister and now it is probably not what she envisioned. But it will be soon. This might be a really good experience for her to understand the process she went through and how it all works out beautifully in the end. Glad she has a friend is it Adrienne? How awesome for the both of them. Shelba you do make it look easy even though we all know it SO is not easy. Hang in there and know we are all thinking of you, sending you good vibes and thoughts. You have two beautiful girls!!!xo
4GZiCFyjHN   OhFeTqiur 27.12.2015
My opinion is that it is your blog and you shluod do what you want with it. Blogs are free, so anyone who wants can start one, work on it and maintain it the way you do. I get weird requests too but they are mostly business things disguised as individuals I got one recently asking to do a guest post for educational programmes and it"s one of those correspondence schools which stand to make a lot of $$ from people who sign up. In this economy people are more likely to try and retrain" through such a programme only to complete the course with significant debt and still without a job.
4GZiCFyjHN   OhFeTqiur 27.12.2015
My opinion is that it is your blog and you shluod do what you want with it. Blogs are free, so anyone who wants can start one, work on it and maintain it the way you do. I get weird requests too but they are mostly business things disguised as individuals I got one recently asking to do a guest post for educational programmes and it"s one of those correspondence schools which stand to make a lot of $$ from people who sign up. In this economy people are more likely to try and retrain" through such a programme only to complete the course with significant debt and still without a job.
4GZiCFyjHN   OhFeTqiur 27.12.2015
My opinion is that it is your blog and you shluod do what you want with it. Blogs are free, so anyone who wants can start one, work on it and maintain it the way you do. I get weird requests too but they are mostly business things disguised as individuals I got one recently asking to do a guest post for educational programmes and it"s one of those correspondence schools which stand to make a lot of $$ from people who sign up. In this economy people are more likely to try and retrain" through such a programme only to complete the course with significant debt and still without a job.
6qt4Jhnz   oEzNZcKcrhR 28.12.2015
Hi Marion Yeah a deadline defneitily helps! It feels like I can only work on one writing project at a time though. Hopefully by early November I can get back to writing regular updates. Can"t wait to see what you come up with next!
6qt4Jhnz   oEzNZcKcrhR 28.12.2015
Hi Marion Yeah a deadline defneitily helps! It feels like I can only work on one writing project at a time though. Hopefully by early November I can get back to writing regular updates. Can"t wait to see what you come up with next!
6qt4Jhnz   oEzNZcKcrhR 28.12.2015
Hi Marion Yeah a deadline defneitily helps! It feels like I can only work on one writing project at a time though. Hopefully by early November I can get back to writing regular updates. Can"t wait to see what you come up with next!
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