Ijahis idja- festival grew again IinteŠmes inn – festivaal jooŠttji lååkkmieŠrr kaggõõđi eŠpet Ijahis idja- music festival of the indigenous people was held on 17 – 19 August 2012 around the newly opened Sámi Cultural Centre Sajos in Inari. Aanrest 17-18.8.2012 riõššum IinteŠmes inn – alggmeerai musikkpodd kaaggi jooŠttji lååkkmeäŠreez eŠpet. Two day festival was organized already for the ninth time and attracted around 2200 visitors over the two days. IinteŠmes inn musikkpoodd rieŠššeš vuõssmõs vuâra SääŠmkultturkõõskõõzz Sajõõzzâst da tõn šillju rajjum festivaalvuuŠdest. Festival was successful and Sajos served well as a festival venue. Festivaal leäi oŠnnstam da Sajos tuåimmji festivaalpäiŠǩǩen puârast. The most popular event of the festival was the saturday ´s concert, which main artists were the Sámi popsinger Sofia Jannok and the rock band from Greenland called Nanook. IinteŠmes iin sueŠvetjeäŠǩǩää konsertt leäi puârast vuâstta valddum da väŠlddvoddõõttjen leŠjje sääŠmpopp prinsess Sofia Jannok di ruânnjânnamneǩ rock-bändd Nanook. Ijahis idja ! IinteŠmes inn ! - consert was also performed in YLE Sápmi live broadcast in the internet. – konseert ǩiõččmõš leäi vuäittmõõžžâst še YLE Sápmin live stream vuõlttõssân interneeŠttest. Broadcast was extremely popular and people around the world attended to Ijahis idja- festival via broadcast. Vuõlttõs leäi puârast vuâstta valddum da tõn pääiŠǩ oummu vuässõŠtte pirr jânnam IinteŠmes iin konsertta.