Gööleme - Länsstyrelsen i Dalarna Fishing - Länsstyrelsen i Dalarna startsidan webbkarta Sisvege A:ste Ö:se sökfunktion Goltelh Contents A to Ö Webbekaarhte Animals & nature Aalkoesæjroe Fishing Juvrh jïh eatneme Animal welfare Gööleme Disease control Aajhtseme sjædtoeh jïh juvrh Endangered plants and animals Gööleme Fishing Juvrevaarjelimmie Hunting and Wildlife Vaarjelimmie eatneme Motor traffic off road Vaejsjieh Outdoor life Vijreme jïh vilth Protected nature Gööleme Fishing Lïeneståvroe jielije guelietjïerth barka, guhkiem jïh nænnoes göölemejieleme jïh ræjhkoes jïh joekehts sporte- jïh eejehtimmiegööleme. The County Administrative Board works for viable fishery resources, a long-term and sustainable fishing industry and rich and diverse sporting and recreational fishing. Göölemenjoelkedassh stuvrieh Fishing regulations govern Jïjnjh njoelkedassh gååvnesieh dovne eejehtiemmiegöölemen jïh göölemen barkojne bïjre, jïh dah dijpieh gaskem jeatjebem gusnie datne åadtjoeh gööledh, gåessie datne åadtjoeh gööledh jïh guktie datne åadtjoeh gööledh. There are many regulations in place relating to both recreational and commercial fishing. These govern where you are allowed to fish, when you are allowed to fish and how you should fish. Jis datne sietiestjaetsine göölh dellie bïevnesh gååvnesieh göölemekåarhtesne maam datne åastah göölemen åvteste. If you fish in fresh water, information is available on the fishing permit you purchase for fishing. Jis datne sïjhth daejredh mah njoelkedassh mah mearosne jallh stoerre jaevrine, dellie mijjese bieljielidh. If you require information about which rules apply for sea or lake fishing, contact us. Göölemehokse göölemem nænnoestidh Fish conservation strengthens fisheries Jieleme guelietjïerth bååstide skaepede jallh gorrede lïeneståvroe dååjre stoerre låhkoeh gueliehokseprogrammh. In order to restore and preserve viable fishery resources, the County Administrative Board supports a large number of fish conservation projects. Mijjieh juekieh staaten gueliehoksedåarjoeh, gueliemaaksoedåarjoeh jïh dåarjoebeetnegh EU:ste mah gelkieh gueliehokse barkose nuhtjedh. We allocate government conservation grants for fisheries, fishing license grants and EU grants, to be used for fish conservation measures. Mijjieh syökemh pryövebe luhpieh guelieh jïh kräftorh tjaatsan biejedh. We review applications for permission for planting fish and crayfish. Mijjieh sïjhtebe dåastodh guelieskiemtjelassh vijrebe heesieh jïh gïehtjede ij vaajtelh arth jïh gueliemaadtoeh lïenen tjaetside båetieh. We want to prevent the spread of fish diseases and stop any undesirable species and strains of fish from entering the county ' s water. Lïeneståvre pryövemegöölemem iktede jïh tjïrrehte guktie guelietjïerti evtiedimmiem dåerede. The County Administrative Board coordinates and conducts exploratory fisheries to monitor the development of the fishery resources. Mijjieh aaj dah nuepieh utnebe mah laakine gååvnesieh gueliej jieledebyjresem vaarjelidh. In addition, we use the opportunities provided by legislation to protect the natural fish habitat. Eejehtimmiegööleme gueliehokseste aevhkies Recreational fishing benefits from fish conservation Sveerjesne leah dan hijven tsiehkieh jïjnjh ovmessie såarhts eejehtimmiegöölemh, gööleme lïhkemes mearojne jïh gaedtieh, jaevrine jïh tjaetsine åarjeste noerhtese. Sweden has excellent conditions for many different types of recreational fishing, from fishing in the surrounding seas and along the coasts to sea and streams from south to north. Arth goh dååpmehke, loese, tåarske, makrille, raavre, haerrie, sihtege, göse jïh haavke leah vihkeles arth dan göölemen åvteste. Species like trout, salmon, cod, mackerel, char, grayling, perch, pike-perch and pike are important species for such fisheries. Lïeneståvroen dïedte regionalen evtiedimmie eejehtimmiegöölemistie jïh barka hijven guelienuepiej åvteste gueliehoksedajvh skaepede mij göölemekåarthth duaka jaavride jïh tjaatside. The County Administrative Board has the responsibility for regional development of recreational fishing and works to promote good fishing opportunities by forming fish conservation areas, which sell fishing permits for the sea and streams. Gueliehoksen tjïrrh dah nuepieh jeanadieh jïjnjh guelieh åadtjodh, jïh lïeneståvre göölemevaaksjojh muana mah göölemenjoelkedassi bïjre bievnieh jïh gïehtjedieh dah göölijh njoelkedasside dåeriedieh. Fish conservation increases the opportunities for good catches, and the County Administrative Board appoints fishing supervisors to provide information on fishing regulations and to ensure that they are complied with. Göölemejieleme lea vihkeles regionalen gyhtjelasse Contact us Lïeneståvroen regionalen dïedte göölemejielemem evtede. Your email address (optional) Lïeneståvroe naan luhpieh göölemasse barkojne vadta Send a copy of the message to the email address specified Lïeneståvroen luvnie datne maahtah gööleme barkojnelisensem ohtsedh jïh luhpiem ålem gööledh jïh dabran dïrregh mearosne gööledh, jïh datne maahtah aaj EU-dåarjoem ohtsedh. Message Lïeneståvroe luhpiem vadta tjaetsieåtnose Enter the code below to send your message Göölemeturismem jeanane Generate new image Sæjroem lahtesh Report error on page Tjïekh lahtesegoerem Hide comment form Reekth liejmieh sæjrosne Report error on page Mijjieh dov vuajnoeh dåastobe jis datne liejmieh dennie sæjroesne gaavnh. We welcome your comments if you find anything wrong with this page. Dov lahtesem redaktörese seedtebe gien sæjroen dïedte. Your comment (s) will be forwarded to the editor responsible. Lahtese Comments Tjaelieh daam koden juktie lahtesem seedth Enter the code below to send your message Genererh orre guvviem Generate new image