startsidan Foundations and trusts - Länsstyrelsen i Dalarna Sisvege A:ste Ö:se webbkarta Goltelh sökfunktion Webbekaarhte Contents A to Ö Aalkoesæjroe Business & associations Sïelth jïh siebrieh Foundations and trusts Båatsoeburrie Business development Beetneh-bïsseme Car scrapping Bïjle murhkeme Commercial fishing Gaahtjeme Competition Gööleme Enterprise allowance Jieleme-evtiedimmie Foundations and trusts Pantebaangkh Games and sports Prosjektedåarjoe Money laundering and terrorist financing Sïelthdåarjoe Project funding Spïele jïh sporte Reindeer husbandry Vaaksjomesïelth Security companies Juekieh bïevesh Foundations and trusts Lïeneståvroe lea vaaksjomereereme dejtie stiftelsidie mah lïenesne gååvnesieh jïh mijjen dïedte lea dejtie registreredh. The County Administrative Board is a supervisory authority for the foundations and trusts in the county and has the responsibility for registering them. Mij lea stifelse ? What is a foundation or trust ? Stiftelse lea jïjtjeraerehke jeeluve mij gïetede nænnoestamme ulmiem, jïh dam tseegkieh dan tjïrrh beetnegh vadteseprievine vadta, testamenesne, ståvroereektesne jallh seammaleejns. A foundation or trust is an independent capital sum which is administered permanently to satisfy a specific purpose. The foundation or trust is formed by means of a deed of gift, a will, the minutes of a board meeting or another document. Ståvroe jallh gïetedæjjan dïedte beetnegidie stuvredh. A board or a trustee has the responsibility of managing the finances. Laake njieljie ovmessie stiftelsehaamojde stuvrie: The law governs four different types of foundation or trust: daamhtaj stiftelsh normal foundations and trusts tjöönghkemestiftelsh fund-raising foundations and trusts kollektijvesjïehtedimmiestiftelsh collective agreement foundations and trusts voeresebeetnegh- jïh barkijestiftelsh pension trusts and personnel funds Kapitelen 10 stiftelselagen (SFS1994:1220) mietie galka gaajhkh stiftelsh tjaalasovveme, mohte eah dah stiftelsh mah ajve åådtje nuhtjedh nænnoestamme almetjasse / almetjidie. In accordance with Chapter 10 of the Foundation Act (SFS. Voerese- jïh barkijestifteslh edtjieh tryggandelagen (SFS. 1967:531) mietie åålegh bievnedh lïeneståvrose vaaksjomen åvteste, dïhte registerem tjaalasåvva dejtie stifelsidie. 1994:1220), all foundations and trusts must be registered, except foundations and trusts whose assets according to the deed of foundation may be used only for specified natural persons. Jis datne sijhth dåarjoem jallh stipendiem stiftelsistei datne ohtsemem ryöktesh aktuellen stiftelsasse seedth. Pension trusts and personnel funds shall, in accordance with the Safeguarding of Pension Commitments etc.. Act (SFS. Lïeneståvroen database gusnie datne maahtah vuejneh mah stiftelsh Sveerjesne gååvnesieh, dej ulmieh, bieljielimmiealmetjh jov nov vijrebasse. 1967:531) always be reported for supervision to the County Administrative Board, which maintains a register of these foundations and trusts. Vaaksjomedarjomh leah iktedamme tjïjhtje sijjide laantesne Contact us Lïeneståvroe Östergötlanden lïenesne gïetede stiftelsh mah leah Östergötlanden, Jönköpingen jïh Kalmaren lïenine. Foundations and trusts Lïeneståvroe Skånen lïenesne gïetede stiftelsh mah leah Kronobergen, Blekingen jïh Skånen lïenine. Your email address (optional) Lïeneståvroe Västra Götalanden lïenesne gïetede stiftelsh mah leah Hallanden jïh Västra Götalanden lïenine. Send a copy of the message to the email address specified Lïeneståvroe Dalarna lïenesne gïetede stiftelsh mah leah Värmlanden, Örebroen, Dalarna jïh Gävleborgen lïenine. Message Lïeneståvroe Västernorrlanden lïenesne gïetede stifelsh mah leah Västernorrlanden jïh Jämtlanden lïenine. Enter the code below to send your message Lïeneståvroe Norrbottenen lïenesne gïetede stiftelsh mah leah Västerbottenen jïh Norrbottenen lïenine. Generate new image Sæjroem lahtesh Report error on page Tjïekh lahtesegoerem Hide comment form Reekth liejmieh sæjrosne Report error on page Mijjieh dov vuajnoeh dåastobe jis datne liejmieh dennie sæjroesne gaavnh. We welcome your comments if you find anything wrong with this page. Dov lahtesem redaktörese seedtebe gien sæjroen dïedte. Your comment (s) will be forwarded to the editor responsible. Lahtese Comments Tjaelieh daam koden juktie lahtesem seedth Enter the code below to send your message Genererh orre guvviem Generate new image