Åarjelsaemiengiele / Sydsamiska Back to the start page for this theme ÅarjelsaemiengieleSydsamiska Various types of interpreting (ca 2 sidor) ToelhkestimmiedïenesjeTolktjänst Tell caregivers what you need (ca 1 sida) Jeatjah gïelide toelhkestidh Written information not translated (ca 1 sida) Dïhte sæjhta jiehtedh barkijh, jis daarpesje, edtjieh toelhkem utnedh gosse bievnieh. Maahta jïjtje krïevedh toelhkem åadtjodh, jis ij naan gihtjieh jis dam daarpesje. If you have difficulty speaking or understanding Swedish, you are entitled to an interpreter when you see a doctor, dentist or other caregiver. Dellie tjïeltem beavna, man dïedtem tjaangedæjjatoelhki åvteste åtna. Caregivers can usually arrange an interpreter for you. Tjaangedæjjah gïeh toelhkem daarpesjieh gosse healsoe- jïh skïemtjehoksem gaskesadtedh daamhtaj lea fuelhkieh jïh voelph gïeh maehtieh viehkine årrodh. Tell the staff that you need an interpreter when you first make an appointment. Gusnie gaskeladtja ? Various types of interpreting (ca 2 sidor) Maahta tjïelten telefovnevïekselem bievnedh mij maahta vijriebasse saehtedh. Tell caregivers what you need (ca 1 sida) Toelhkestimmiejarnge Written information not translated (ca 1 sida) Jeenjemes laantedigkie / regijovnh toelhkejarngem utnieh mearan naan dïenesjh utnieh mejtie maehtieh bievnedh. An interpreter is under an oath of confidentiality and cannot disclose information about you without your approval. Toelhkejarngesne berkieh sjïereööhpehtamme toelhkide: Family and friends who interpret for you are not subject to confidentiality. Bieljehts-tjelmehtstoelhkh bieljehts-tjelmehtsidie jallh dejtie mahte bieljehts jallh tjelmehts persovnidie. Various types of interpreting Toelhkh darjoeh guktie govlijes almetjh jïh bieljehts / mahte bieljehts maehtieh gaskesadtedh. Various types of interpreting Toelhkedïenesje namhtah jïh maahta toelhkem dongkedh laantedigkien toelhkejarngen tjïrrh gaajhkh tsiehkine gosse veanhta dam daarpesjidh. An interpreter translates what caregivers say in a way that you can understand and that enables you to influence your treatment (see Patient Act). Dam dejtie dovne bieljehts maanabaeleste, mahte bieljehts, geervebieljehts, bieljehts-tjelmehts jïh govlijes. You may be entitled to an interpreter when you see a doctor, dentist or other caregiver. Gusnie gaskeladtja ? There are various types of interpreting: Jis toelhkem daarpesje maahta jïjtse laantedigkien toelhkejarngem bievnedh. The interpreter may be at the appointment in person. Hälso- och sjukvårdslagen / Healsoe- jïh skïemtjehokselaake, SFS., 1982:763 The interpreter may participate on a speaker phone. Soptsesedïenesje lea namhtah dïenesje jis gïele-, soptsese- jallh gïeledåeriesmoerem åtna. Soptsesedïenesjisnie soptsesedïenesjetoelhkestæjjah berkieh. The interpreter may be able to video conference— a computer and web camera will allow you, the caregiver and the interpreter to communicate with each other. Soptesedåarjoe, mij lea soptsesedïenesjetoelhkestæjjah lea persovneles gaskesadtemedåarjoe bïeljelimmine mah ovvihties jïh gïerve damtedh. Group interpreting may be appropriate if several people speak the same language and will receive the same information. Dah jiehtieh baakoeh ikth vielie jïh / jallh tjïelkesieh soptsesem jallh vuekiem guktie gaskesadta. A typical situation is when several different parents get together at a child welfare centre. Telefovnedåarjoe, mij lea viehkiem åådtje golmepaartesoptsestimmieh ringkedh gusnie soptsesedïenesjetoelhke aalka jïh jis daerpies tjïelkese jïh bïhkede men dan mænngan barre duekesne gååvnese. Ask your caregivers what kind of interpreting is available to you. Lohkeme- jïh tjaelemedåarjoe, mij lea viehkiem åådtje prieviem jïh tjaalegh lohkedh jïh / jallh tjaeledh, våålese tjaala tjåanghkosne jïh jienebe. Tell caregivers what you need Gusnie gaskeladtja ? Tell caregivers what you need Laantedigkien telefovnevieksele daajra jis gååvnese Soptsesedïenesje laantedigkesne jallh ij. Make sure to let the staff know that you need an interpreter either when you make an appointment or well in advance. Telesoptsese Explain what language you want. Telesoptsese lea namhtah jïh abpe rïjhkesne dïenesje jis gïele-, soptsese- jallh gïeledåeriesmoerem åtna. If you cannot go to the appointment, the interpreter must be informed ahead of time. Telesoptsesisnie soptsestimmietoelhkh berkieh jïh dah ajve sveerjen gïeline toelhkestidh. Some county councils charge you for the services of the interpreter if you fail to cancel. Desnie maahta dej dïenesjigujmie viehkiem åadtjodh: Each county council has its own cancellation procedures. Teletoelhkh gïeh gïerve baakoeh jïh jiehtesh toelhkestieh jis dåeriesmoerem åtna govledh jallh guarkedh maam jeahta. Written information not translated Toelhke aath bïhkede guktie dah leah jis dam daarpesje. Written information not translated Telesoptsese lea meatan dåarjojne abpe soptsesesne. Interpreters do not normally translate written material. Dah maehtieh tjaeledh maam jiehtesåvva jïh dam hïejmese seedtedh. contains information in a number of different languages about childhood diseases, the healthcare system in general, etc.. Gusnie gaskeladtja ? Various types of interpreting (ca 2 sidor) Toelhke ringkie dïsse maam sæjhta ringkedh jïh meatan dåarjojne orre. Tell caregivers what you need (ca 1 sida) Redaktööre: Written information not translated (ca 1 sida) Goerehtæjja: Tekstem goerehte Hjälpmedelsinstituhten ektesne. Reviewer: Anna Åberg, national adviser, legal division, Sveriges kommuner och Landsting, Stockholm Gaajhkh sisvegisnie lea barkeme, goerehtamme jïh dååhkesjahteme redaksjovneste jïh redaksjovneraereste 1177 Vårdguiden. The content has been processed, reviewed and approved by the editorial team and the editorial council at 1177 Vårdguiden.