Departemeantta birra - The Ministry -
Máhttodepartemeanttas (Kunnskapsdepartementet) (KD) lea ovddasvástádus servodatsektoriin mat leat deaŧalaččat midjiide jus galgat stuorrut ja ovdánit – sihke ovttaskas olmmožin ja servodahkan. The Ministry of Education and Research is responsible for kindergarten, education and research, sectors important to our growth and development – both as individuals and as a society.
Mánáidgárddiin, oahpahusásahusain ja dutkanbirrasiin lea seammás deaŧalaš kulturguoddi- ja kulturgaskkusteaddjidoaibma. At the same time the kindergardens, educational institutions and the research establishments play important roles as cultural agents and purveyors of culture.
MD bargá ahte ovdánahttin, rievdan ja nuppastuhttin galgá vázzit giehtalaga árbevieruid ja árvvuid seailluhemiin ja viidáseappot doalvvuhemiin. Development and change must go hand in hand with conservation and transfer of tradition and values.
Norggas galgá leat buorre ja beaktilis oahppovuogádat ja árjjalaš ja hutkkás dutkanbirrasat. The work of the Ministry is aimed at ensuring that Norway has a sound and well functioning educational system and productive and creative research environments.
Mii dárbbašit daid ásahusaid jus mii galgat nágodit deaividit hástalusaiguin máilmmus gos kapitála ja máhttu rastidit rájiid, gos diehtojuohkin- ja bioteknologiija buvttihit ođđa vejolašvuođaid ja ehtalaš hástalusaid, gos máhttu lea deaŧaleamos kapitála. We need these institutions if we are to meet the challenges in a world where capital and knowledge transcend boundaries, where information technology and biotechnology create new opportunities and ethical challenges, where knowledge is the most important asset.
KD ubmil lea ahte buohkain galgá leat vejolašvuohta searvat ja váikkuhit máhttoservodaga ovdáneapmái. The Ministry seeks to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and influence development in the knowledge society.
Vuođđoskuvlaoahppu lea gielddaid ovddasvástádus, ja joatkka oahppu lea fas fylkkagielddaid ovddasvástádus. Stáhtaráđđi lea departemeantta bajemus jođiheaddji. An important condition for achieving this goal is the existence of a knowledge sector that is able to develop, communicate and exploit new knowledge.
Maŋimuš ođasmahttojuvvon: 14.01.2012 Last updated: 14.01.2012