Proposišuvnnat ja dieđáhusat leat áášebáhpárat mat ovddiduvvojit Stuorradiggái. The ministries publishes several types of documents: Lágat ja njuolggadusat leat lágat, láhkaásahusat, láidestusat ja dakkáraččat mat gullet departemeantta ovddasvástádussurggiide. Propositions and reports are documents presented to the Storting. Johtočállosat leat diehtojuohkinčállosat departemeanttas guoskevaš beliide lágaid ja láhkaásahusaid dulkomiid birra. Acts and regulations include laws, regulations, guidelines, etc. related to the Ministry ’ s areas of responsibility. Ulbmil lea árvvoštallat almmolaš doaibmabijuid ekonomalaš ja hálddahuslaš váikkuhusaid. Circular are information from the ministry to affected parties about interpretations of laws and regulations. NÁČaid (Norgga almmolaš čielggademiid) ráhkadit lávdegottit dahje bargojoavkkut maid departemeanttat nammadit. Norwegian Official Reports are made by committees and work groups appointed by the Ministry. Raporttaid ja plánaid ráhkadit dábálaččat departemeantta olggobeallásaš dutkit dahje lávdegottit. Dat sáhttet leat raporttat, analysat (guorahallamat) ja kártemat mat geigejuvvojit departementii. Reports and plans are usually made by external researchers or a committee, and include reports, analysis and surveys delivered to the Ministry. Bagadusat ja gihppagat muitalit departemeantta politihka ja geavada birra, čuvgehussan eanebuidda. Guidelines and brochures inform about the Ministry ’ s politics and policies, and target a wider audience. Ealáhus- ja guolástusdepartemeanta Core values of Norway ' s defence sector [Láhka, Ráđđ, 31.12.2013] [Guidelines and brochures, Ministry of Defence, 12.09.2014] Lága dievasteakstas The defence sector promotes certain general values. Sámi logut muitalit 5 Health System in Transition, Norway Čielggaduvvon sámi statistihkka 2012 Health system review [Raporta, Gielda- ja ođasmahttindepartemeanta, 13.11.2013] [Report, Ministry of Health and Care Services, 01.09.2014] Sámi statistihka fágalaš analysajoavku almmuha jahkásaččat raportta mas leat sámi statistihka birra čielggadeamit. Norway ’ s fifth national report to the Convention on Biological Diversity Raporta veahkeha lasihit máhtolašvuođa maid ráđđehus ja Sámediggi sáhttet geavahit sámepolitihkalaš barggus, sihke ráđđádallamiin, bušeahttaráhkkanemiin ja doaimmaid ovddideamis. [Report, Ministry of Climate and Environment, 10.07.2014] Sámi logut muitalit 6 The report presents information on status and trends for biodiversity in Norway, measures undertaken to implement the Convention since 2009, successes and remaining Challenges. Čielggaduvvon sámi statistihkka 2013 Integrated Management of the Marine Environment of the North Sea and Skagerrak (Management Plan) [Raporta, Gielda- ja ođasmahttindepartemeanta, 13.11.2013] [Report to the Storting, Ministry of Climate and Environment, 27.06.2014] Dieđ St. 48 (2012–2013) Barriers to digitizatioen Sámedikki doaimma birra 2012 Executive summary of KPMG report to the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation [Stuorradiggedieđáhus, Gielda- ja ođasmahttindepartemeanta, 04.10.2013] [Report, Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, 18.06.2014] [Plána, Gielda- ja ođasmahttindepartemeanta, 04.09.2013] On the assignment from the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, KPMG has undertaken a mapping and analysis of barriers for digitalization among Norwegian Companies. Boahtteáiggi fuolahus MOOCs for Norway [Stuorradiggedieđáhus, Dearvvašvuođa- ja fuolahusdepartemeanta, 19.04.2013] [Norwegian Official Report (NOU.), Ministry of Education and Research, 16.06.2014] Johtučálus Sámediggeválggaid láhkaásahusa rievdadusaid birra – diehtu jienasteddjiide geat besset duššefal ovddalgihtii jienastit Sámediggeválggas Norway in Europe. The Norwegian Government ' s Strategy for Cooperation with the EU 2014-2017 [Johtočállosat, Gielda- ja ođasmahttindepartemeanta, 18.03.2013] [Plan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 11.06.2014] Rievdadus almmuhuvvui ja fápmuduvvui juovlamánu 19. b. 2012. Action plan against Radicalisation and Violent Extremism [Stuorradiggedieđáhus, Gielda- ja ođasmahttindepartemeanta, 28.09.2012] [Plan, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, 10.06.2014]