Ođasmahttin-, hálddahus- ja girkodepartemeanta - regjeringen.no Ministry of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs - regjeringen.no
Ođasmahttin-, hálddahus- ja girkoministtar The Ministry coordinates public sector reform and is responsible for government administration policy, competition policy, ICT policy, church affairs, government employer policy and Sami / national minority issues.
Eanet ministara birra Minister of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs
Ráđđehus nanne sámi gielaid áŋgiruššama About the minister
2011 rájes Sámediggi hálddaša sullii 360 miljovnna ruvnno, oktiibuot 13 miljovnna ruvnno lassáneapmi. New version of the Requirements specification for PKI in the public sector
Norgga girku lea okta bušeahttavuoitiin ráđđehusa jagi 2011 stáhtabušeahttaárvalusas. The Norwegian ministry of government administration, reform and church affairs is launching a revised version of the Requirements specification for PKI in the public sector.
Evttohuvvo ahte julludeapmi girkui lasihuvvo oktiibuot 158 milj. ruvnnuin. The new version replaces the current version 1.02 from January 2005.
Stuora huksendoaibma 2011:s Every citizen now able to look public authorities in the cards
2011 stáhtabušeahtain Ráđđehus ain láhče viiddis stáhtalaš huksendoaimma. A public electronic post journal for the civil service (OEP) is launched as the first of its kind in the world.
Háhkanbušeahtta Ođasmahttin- hálddahus- ja girkodepartemeantta vuolde lea 3,2 miljárdda ruvnno. – From this day on everyone is able to get access to the documents of the central civil service.
Ráđđehus árvala 25 milj. ruvdnosaš álgojuolludusa Šloahta dáhki ođasteapmái jagi 2011. Until now, only journalists had the right to do so..
Prošeavtta buohkanas golut leat meroštallojuvvon 112,6 milj. ruvdnui, ja bargguid lea áigumuš álggahit boahtte jagi vuosttaš jahkebeali. OEP is democracy and openness in practice, reform minister Rigmor Aasrud says.
Sámi mediain lea leamašan positiiva ovdáneapmi duhátjahkemolsuma rájes. Earenoamážiid TV-sáddagat leat geasuhan, ja sámi interneahttamediat geavahuvvojit dávjjibut. More than half of the adult Norwegian population has acquired the eID called " MinID ", and the number of users and the extent of on-loggings are still rising.
Dattetge lea sámegielat áviissaid deaddilanlohku njiedjan. - MinID has developed into a formidable success; the use has doubled over the last year.
Dat ovdanboahtá raporttas Sámi logut muitalit – 3, man sámi statistihka fágalaš lađastanjoavku odne almmuhii. This is why the government proposes an extra allocation of NOK 13 million, minister of government administration and reform, Ms Rigmor Aasrud, says.
8,4 miljon dokumeantta eai jávkka 135 applications for more than NOK 28 million
- Buohkaide galgá leat čielggas ahte 8,4 miljon dokumeantta mat odne leat ovddeš elektruvnnalaš poastajournálas (EPJas) eai jávkka. - The response is overwhelming.
Dan cealká ođasmahttinministtar Rigmor Aasrud komentan preassa čállimii ahte ođđa elektruvnnalaš poastajournála sáhttá dagahit ahte olbmot eai šat beasa ovddeš poastajounála sisdoalu lohkat. This shows that the Norwegian web community is characterized by innovative power and will, creativity and knowledge, minister Rigmor Aasrud says.
Buorre gulahallan gaskal Ráđđehusa ja Sámedikki Service for removal of web information launched
Vuogádatlaš gulahallan stáhta ja Sámedikki gaskkas lea ávkkálaš goappaš beliide ja vuolggaha buori čovdosiid. Eanas áššiin olahat ovttamielalašvuođa, čállá ođasmahttin- hálddahus- ja girkoministtar Rigmor Aasrud Nordlysas 05.08.2010. Anybody who finds unwanted information about oneself on the internet is now able to contact the Norwegian Data Inspectorate ’ s new service slettmeg.no (“ deleteme.no ”) for advice.
Davviriikkalaš sámegiela bálkkašupmi juhkkojuvvo njealját gearddi čakčat 2010. 86 per cent of the citizens of Norway think that their country is close to being a perfect country to live in.
Buohkat bovdejuvvojit árvalit evttohasaid jagi 2010 giellabálkkašupmái. We are also satisfied with public services.
Evttohusat nuppástuhttit láhkaásahusa bálká- ja bargoeavttuid birra mat gullet almmolaš soahpamušaide These are conclusions from the nationwide Citizen Survey which measures how satisfied Norwegian citizens are with municipal, regional and government services.
Ođasmahttin-, hálddahus- ja girkodepartemeanta (OHD) ja Bargodepartemeanta (BD) leat ovttasráđiid sádden gulaskuddamii evttohusaid nuppástuhttit láhkaásahusa bálká- ja bargoeavttuid birra mat gusket almmolaš soahpamušaide. The Cabinet decided on 18 Dec 2009 that certain changes in the ministry ’ s structure be implemented from 1 January 2010.
EU lea analyseren Norgga digitála riikan. As a consequence, this website is being updated.
Dađistaga eanet olbmot geavahit mobiilatelefuvnna surfet neahtas. Inger-Anne Ravlum today was appointed State Secretary in the Ministry of Government Administration and Reform.
Dál lea ráđđehus.no dakkár hámis mii heive mobiilatelefuvdnii. The Ministry ’ s name will from 01.01.2010 be Ministry of Reform and Church Affairs.
Vásáhusat konsultašuvdnaortnegiin lei váldofáddá go ođasmahttin-, hálddahus- ja girkoministtar Rigmor Aasrud galledii Sámedikki geassemánus. Rigmor Aasrud is appointed minister in charge of the Ministry of Government Administration and Reform, and of church affairs in the Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs and the Department of Sami and minority policy in the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion.
Kánada álgoálbmotáššiid ja davviguovlluid ovddideami miministtar, Chuck Strahl galledii ođasmahttinministara duorastaga geassemánu 10. beaivvi. Dan lassin Chucks lei čoahkkin gielddaministariin ge. Until 20 December 2009 she also has the political responsibility for the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, with the exception of the department of immigration and the department of integration and cultural diversity.