Stáhta bearranguovddáža (SB) váldobargu lea gáibidit ráŋggáštusgáibádusaid (sáhkuid), maid justiisaeiseválddit leat addán (politiija ja duopmostuolut). The Norwegian National Collection Agency -
SB bearrá maiddái buhtadusaid, duoguštemiid, áššegoluid ja geaidnojohtolatdivvadiid. Initially, the purpose of SI was to collect all economical imposed penalties and damages issued by the Norwegian police force and the courts of justice.
Muhtun stáhtalaš orgánat geavahit SB iežaset gáibádusaid bearramii. Today, SI collects numerous governmental fees, charges, and debts.
Ovdamearkkat leat ii-máksojuvvon NRK-liseansa, mohtorvuojániid mávssetkeahtes jahkedivat (Duollo- ja divatetáhtta), Rehketdoalloregisttara maŋŋonandivat ja Stáhta oahppoloatnakássa mávssetkeahtes oahppoloanat. In addition, SI is given the responsibility to develop and introduce new financial computer systems for the entire Norwegian police force.
Áiggi mielde SB oažžu eanet bargoaddiid – geassemánu 31.b.2012 rádjái lei lohku 36. This task was initiated in the beginning of the year 2000.
SB jođiha ja ovdánahttá oktasaš áššemeannudanvuogádaga dábálaš namsmánniide ja SB:i, ja hálddaša maiddái diehtobása bággogessosiid ovttastahttimii. SB:s lea lassin ovddasvástádus doaimmahit politiija- ja leansmánneetáhta ekonomiijavuogádaga. SI has been given restricted authority to act as a government enforcement office on their portfolio of claims, in accordance with the Norwegian law of enforcement.
SB bearai 2011:s oktiibuot 3 785 milj. ruvnno. The number of permanent employees has grown from 65 in 1991 to 361 in 2012.
SB ásahuvvui geassemánu 1.b.1990. In 1991 SI collected a total of 355 million Norwegian kroner.
Njukčamánu 1.b.2012 bargoveahka vástidii 347 jahkedoaimma. In 2011 SI collected a total of NOK 3,78 billion.
Maŋimuš ođasmahttojuvvon: 31.10.2012 Last updated: 16.07.2013