Julevusámegiella / Lulesamiska Back to the start page for this theme JulevusámegiellaLulesamiska Various types of interpreting (ca 2 sidor) DålkkådievnastusTolktjänst Tell caregivers what you need (ca 1 sida) Dålkkum ietjá gielajda Written information not translated (ca 1 sida) Bargge galggi vieledit iehtjádij siegen makkir kultuvralasj ja gielak duogásj la ulmutjin. Merkaj bargge, jus la dárbulasj, galggi diededahttijn dålkåv adnet. If you have difficulty speaking or understanding Swedish, you are entitled to an interpreter when you see a doctor, dentist or other caregiver. Máhttelis la iesj dålkåv rávkkat jus ij aktak gatjáda jus dakkirav dárbaj. Caregivers can usually arrange an interpreter for you. De aktavuodav válldá kommuvnajn, mij åvdåsvásstádusáv válldá sisijåhttedålkåjs. Tell the staff that you need an interpreter when you first make an appointment. Sisijåhttijn gudi dárbahi dålkåv gå aktavuodav válldi varresvuohta- ja skihpasujtujn li álu lagámusá ja rádna gudi máhtti viehkedit dålkkut. Various types of interpreting (ca 2 sidor) Gejna aktavuodav válldá ? Tell caregivers what you need (ca 1 sida) Máhttá kommuvna telefåvnnåguovdátjijn viehkev oattjotjit gejna ságastit. Written information not translated (ca 1 sida) Måttijn lánndadikkijn / dajvajn la dålkkåguovdásj gå muhtema åvdåsvásstádusáv adni dievnastusájt gaskostit. An interpreter is under an oath of confidentiality and cannot disclose information about you without your approval. Siejvvemgielladålkå mánnávuohtabieljedimijda, dat javllá ulmutja gudi li bieljedime riegádimrájes jali li bieljeduvvam árra álldarin ja gejn la siejvvemgiella vuostasj giellan. Family and friends who interpret for you are not subject to confidentiality. Dålka bielljetjalmedimulmutjijda jali sieldes nievres tjalmme- ja bielljevigák ulmutjijda. Various types of interpreting Dålkå dahki vaj la máhttelis gullijda ja bieljedimijda / bielljevigákulmutjijda guládallat. Various types of interpreting Fámon la goappátjagá mánnávuohtabieljedimijda, bielljevigákulmutjijda, ållessjattukbieljedimijda, bielljetjalmedimijda ja gullijda. An interpreter translates what caregivers say in a way that you can understand and that enables you to influence your treatment (see Patient Act). Dålkkådárbon la máhttelis aktavuodav válldet ietjas lánndadikke dålkkåguovdátjijn. You may be entitled to an interpreter when you see a doctor, dentist or other caregiver. Láhkaásadibme There are various types of interpreting: Varresvuohta- ja skihpasujttoláhka, SFS 1982:763. The interpreter may be at the appointment in person. Hålladievnastus / Taltjänst The interpreter may participate on a speaker phone. Hålladievnastus la mávsodak dievnastus jus ulmutjin la jiedna-, hålla- jali giellagássjelisvuoda. Hålladievnastusán barggi hålladievnastusdålkå. The interpreter may be able to video conference— a computer and web camera will allow you, the caregiver and the interpreter to communicate with each other. Hålladoarjja, mij merkaj hålladievnastusdålkå doajmmi persåvnålasj guládallamdoarjjan aktavuodajn ma dåbdduji juorren ja vájve. Group interpreting may be appropriate if several people speak the same language and will receive the same information. Gärddodi ja / jali tjielggiji hålav jali guládallamvuogev. A typical situation is when several different parents get together at a child welfare centre. Telefåvnnådoarjja, mij merkaj viehkev oadtju riŋŋgit gålmåoasákságastallamav manna hålladievnastusdålkkå álgat ja dárbon tjielggi ja gádot boasto dádjadusáv, valla ietján la sjávot. Ask your caregivers what kind of interpreting is available to you. Låhkåm- ja tjállemdoarjja, mij merkaj viehkev oadtju låhkåt ja / jali tjállet brevav ja tjállagijt, tjálálvisájt tjállet tjåhkanimijn ja nåv vil. Tell caregivers what you need Gejna aktavuodav válldá ? Tell caregivers what you need Lánndadikke telefåvnnåguovdásj diehtá jus gávnnu Hålladievnastus / Taltjänst ietjas lánndadikken jali ij. Make sure to let the staff know that you need an interpreter either when you make an appointment or well in advance. Teletal vidnudahka Explain what language you want. Teletal l mávsodak ja rijkkagåbttje dievnastus jus ulmutjin li jiedna-, hålla- jali giellagássjelisvuoda. If you cannot go to the appointment, the interpreter must be informed ahead of time. Teletal vidnudagán barggi ságastallamdålkå ja dålkkuji val dárruj. Some county councils charge you for the services of the interpreter if you fail to cancel. Máhttelis la danna viehkev oadtjot tjuovvo dievnastusáj: Each county council has its own cancellation procedures. Teletaldålkå gudi dålkkuji gássjelis bágojt ja moallánagájt jus la gássjelisvuohta gullat jali dádjadit mij håladuvvá. Written information not translated Dålkkå tjielggi aktijvuodajt jus dav dárbaj. Written information not translated Teletal oassálasstá doarjjan ålles ságastallamin. Interpreters do not normally translate written material. Máhtti tjállet mij javladuvvá ja l máhttelis oadtjot dajt häjmmaj rájadum. contains information in a number of different languages about childhood diseases, the healthcare system in general, etc.. Gejna aktavuodav válldá ? Various types of interpreting (ca 2 sidor) Ságastimdålkkå Teletal vidnudagán vásstet ja aktan gárvet ságastallamav. Tell caregivers what you need (ca 1 sida) Dåjmadiddje: Written information not translated (ca 1 sida) Gähttje: Täksta l gehtjadum aktan Hjälpmedelsinstitutet / Viehkkenävvoinstituhtajn. Reviewer: Anna Åberg, national adviser, legal division, Sveriges kommuner och Landsting, Stockholm Gájkka sisadno l aj giehtadaládum, gehtjadum ja dåhkkidum redaksjåvnås ja redaksjåvnnårádes 1177 Vårdguiden. The content has been processed, reviewed and approved by the editorial team and the editorial council at 1177 Vårdguiden.