## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in ## Copyright: Sámediggi/Divvun/UiT ## Licence: GPL v3+ # List all jspwiki files that should be created from source files in the # JSP_PAGES variable. The filename pattern is as follows: # # dir/filename.lexc => filename-dir.jspwiki if CAN_DOCC JSP_PAGES=root-morphology.jspwiki \ crk-phon-phonology.jspwiki \ nouns-stems.jspwiki \ verbs-stems.jspwiki \ nouns-affixes.jspwiki \ numerals-stems.jspwiki \ particles-stems.jspwiki \ pronouns-stems.jspwiki \ punctuation-stems.jspwiki \ verbs-affixes.jspwiki # clitics-morphology.jspwiki \ # compounding-morphology.jspwiki \ # abbreviations-stems.jspwiki \ # acronyms-stems.jspwiki \ # adjectives-oahpa-stems.jspwiki \ # adjectives-stems.jspwiki \ # adpositions-stems.jspwiki \ # adverbs-stems.jspwiki \ # conjunctions-stems.jspwiki \ # interjections-stems.jspwiki \ # nouns-oahpa-stems.jspwiki \ # numerals-stems.jspwiki \ # particles-stems.jspwiki \ # propernouns-stems.jspwiki \ # smi-propernouns-stems.jspwiki \ # subjunctions-stems.jspwiki \ # adjectives-oahpa-affixes.jspwiki \ # adjectives-affixes.jspwiki \ # propernouns-affixes.jspwiki ALLINONE_JSP_PAGE=$(srcdir)/$(GTLANG).jspwiki LINKS=$(srcdir)/Links.jspwiki endif # CAN_DOCC include $(top_srcdir)/am-shared/doc-dir-include.am