!!!Alphabet * t2:0 t between prefix and vowel-initial stem * t3:t t to s in VTA-4 * t4:c t to c in VTI-1 * w2:w for keeping the final -w in mow * y2:0 epenthetic joiner in reduplication of vowe-initial stems * y3:0 epenthetic joiner in reduplication of vowe-initial stems * i2:0 vta5-i epenthesis * %>:0 suffix boundary * %<:0 prefix boundary * %^LOC:0 Locative suffix alternation trigger * %^DIM:0 Diminutive alternation trigger * %^EGLOT:0 Conjunctive êh trigger * %^POS:0 Possessive alternation trigger * %^DUPL1:0 Reduplication consonant place holder * %^DUPL2:0 Reduplication consonant place holder * %^MI:0 wici-mi consonant place holder * %^EA:0 ê to â in 1, 2 person of ê verbs * %^TS:0 t to s in VTA-4 verbs before some i-init suf * %^NII:0 n to h or 0 in VII verbs when before k-init suf * %^WI:0 w to 0 in vta-2 verbs when before k-init suf * %^IO:0 VTACw w + i become o * %^VS:0 Ruling out verbs from the w/i deletions in conjunction with possessives. !!!Sets * Vow = a e i o u y â ê î ô A E I O U Y Â Ê Î Ô ; * ShortVow = a ê i o A E I O ; * LongVow = â ê î ô Â Ê Î Ô ; * Vow2 = a e i o u â ê î ô A E I O U Â Ê Î Ô ; !!!Rules __o:w in possessive prefix__ , w- in front of î, a, â (?) in possessive forms: mahkwan:wahkwan, mîpit:wîpit, mîyaw:wîyaw __o:0 in possessive prefix__ , Okimasis p. 140 __i:0 after possessive prefix__ , ospiton __t2:t between prefix and vowel__ , joiner for nouns with initial vowel. __t:c in diminutives __ Okimasis 2004: 13, Rule 2. __Diminutives - t2 changes to c __ , for the joiner. There are exeptions, but for they we have to make rules, or mark them with a dummy __i:o alternations __ for suffix initial vowel, stem final -Cw __Vowel final stems: vowel deletion when suffix has initial a or i __ , when the suffix niska, wâwi+a wâwi+ihk wâwi+is, oskâyi+a, êsa+ihk __w:0 alternations __ in -Cw stems __i:ii- alternations in stem__ , Okimasis p. 13 pikiw : pikîs __o:oo- alternations in stem__ , initially in stem, and for stem vowel when final -oy/ow okimâw:nitôkimâm, nitohtôsâpom tohtôsâpoy tohtôsâpôhk, cohcôsâpôs, cahcahkâyôhk, cahcahkâyôs __a:aa alternations in stem __ for stem vowel when final -ay __y:0 alternations __ for stem vowel when final -Vy __i:0 in suffix for stem final -Vw/Vy __ (first) : Okimasis 2004: 26, Rule 2, 8: Vow + (w/y) + ihk cahcahkâyow+ihk, tohtôsâpoy+ihk, cahcahkâyow+is, cohcôsâpoy+is, o+pikiw+iyiwa maniway+i VERBS __h glottal stop for initial vowel stems in verbs: Conjunctive__ __e and ee to aa rule in first and second person__ __a to ee rule in first and second person__ __a to ee rule in first and second person__ __a to ee rule in first and second person__ __n:h before k suf in VII__ __i:0 in VTA-Vw__ __w2:0 in VTA-Vw__ __Lengthening of vowels before dissappearing stem final __ __n:0 before k suf in VII__ __i:o i to o when after %^IO in VTACw__ __VTACw w to nothing when before %^IO__ __Matching weak/strong reduplication consonant placeholder %^DUPL1 with stem-initial consonant__ __Setting double weak+strong reduplication consonant placeholder %^DUPL2 with stem-initial consonant__ __Inserting epenthetic y in weak reduplication of vowel-initial stem__ __Inserting epenthetic y in strong+weak reduplication of vowel-initial stem__ __Unspecified Actor t:c in VTAVw__ __Cns mi epenthesis__ __Cns mi epenthesis2__ __s:0 in kost- VTA-4__ __i2:i in vta-5i__