!!!Free and Open source Plains Cree analyser giella-crk ;Authors: Divvun and Giellatekno teams, community members ;Software version: 2012 ;Documentation license: GNU GFDL ;SVN Revision: $Revision: 68217 $ ;SVN Date: $Date: 2013-01-16 11:31:33 +0200 (Wed, 16 Jan 2013) $ !!!giella-crk This is free and open source Plains Cree morphology. !!!Plains Cree morphological analyser INTRODUCTION TO MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSER OF Plains Cree LANGUAGE. !!!Definitions for Multichar_Symbols !!Analysis symbols The morphological analyses of wordforms of Plains Cree are presented in this system in terms of the following symbols. (It is highly suggested to follow existing standards when adding new tags). POS * +N * +V * +Prop * +Adv * +CC * +CS * +Interj * +Pron * +Num * +Arab * +Rom * +PUNCT = punctuation symbols * +LEFT = the left part of a paired punctuation symbol * +RIGHT = the right part of a paired punctuation symbol * +CLB = clause boundary symbols * +Loc Locative * +Dim Diminutive * +Ipc Indeclinable Particle * +Dem Demonstrative * +Def This is the intransitive demonstrative, i.e. the definite. * +Prox Demonstrative Proximate * +Med Demonstrative Medial * +Dist Demonstrative Distal * +Foc Focus particle Verbal MSP * +Prs * +Fut * +Prt * +Prf * +Cnj * +Int This tag is for the Future Intentional * +Def This tag is for the Future Definite * +Ind Indicative, aka Independent * +Imp Imperative, consider deleting +Imp tag * +Del Delayed imperative * +Imm Immediate imperative, consider deleting +Imp tag * +Sbj Subjunctive, aka Conjunct mode, ê- * +Cond TODO: Should Future Conditional be tagget Fut only? Conor: we will split the Future tags * +1Sg first singular * +2Sg etc * +2Sg/Pl Used in the syncretic 2sg/pl -> 1pl in the VTA paradigms * +3Sg * +1Pl 1Pl is exclusive plural (I, them, not you) * +2Pl * +3Pl * +12Pl 12Pl is inclusive plural (I, you, ...) * +4Sg Fourth Person inanimate singlar (used only in the VII paradigms) * +4Pl Fourth Person inanimate plural (used only in the VII paradigms) * +4Sg/Pl * +5Sg/Pl * +1SgO objective conjugation * +2SgO * +2Sg/PlO Used in the syncretic 2sg/pl -> 1pl in the VTA paradigms * +3SgO * +SgO * +1PlO * +2PlO * +3PlO * +PlO * +4Sg/PlO ambiguous 4th person (both Singular and Plural) * +5Sg/PlO ambiguous 5th person (both Singular and Plural) * +UnspecTI1 Unspecified actor forms Okimāsis, where TI -t stem becomes -c p. 118 * +X Unspecified actor forms Okimāsis p. 118 * +Inf infinitive (infinite?) * +Pos postitive * +Neg negative * +ConNeg accompanying negative form Nominal MSP * +Sg singular * +Pl plural * +Px1Sg person prefixes for nouns * +Px2Sg * +Px3Sg * +Px4Sg * +Px1Pl obviative * +Px12Pl inclusive * +Px2Pl * +Px3Pl * +Px4Pl * +Der/Dim diminutive derivation * RdplW+ Reduplication Type 1 (Weak) * RdplS+ Reduplication Type 2 (Strong) * +Der/Com Comitative circumfix (wîci-...-m) * +Der/X VTI x-actor to VII-1 * +AI intransitive with animate subject, * +II intransitive with inanimate subject, * +TA transitive with animate object, and * +TI transitive with inanimate object. * +AN animate noun * +IN inanimate noun * +Incl me too, etc. * +Qst yes-no question particle ci Preverbs !!Auxiliary symbols These symbols either shape or govern the morphophonological structure * %> suffix border * %< prefix border * +WAK tag to keep track of -wak plurals * %^LOC Locative * w2 mowêw:mow2 * t2 Prefix in possessives * t3 t to s in VTA-4 * t4 t:c in VTI-1 with unspecified actor * y2 epenthetic joiner in reduplication of vowel-initial stems * y3 epenthetic joiner in reduplication of vowel-initial stems * i2 vta-5i epenthesis. * h2 Prefix in possessives * %^EGLOT glottal stop after e, for eh- in conjunctive order * %^EA ê to â in 1, 2 person of ê-stems * %^TS t3 to s in VTA-4 verbs before some i-init suf * %^NII n to h or 0 in VII verbs when before k-init suf * %^WI w to 0 in vta-2 verbs when before i-init suf * %^IO VTACw w + i becom o * %^MI Wici epenthesis !!Usage tags These tags distinguish different special-purpose analysers and generators from each other. Thus, for examples, we have normative and descriptive analysers, and generators for different purposes. * +Err/Orth tag for substandard forms * +Use/NG not-generate, for ped generation isme-ped.fst Flagdiacritics These are documented in Chapter 8 of Beesley/Karttunen, p. 456 zB. For indicative, there are prefixes, so here we need one flag for each person-number combination. Note that for the inverse objective conjugation, the flag refers to the __prefix__, not to the subject. So ''indsg1'' refers to either subject = 1Sg or object = 1Sg. The 3-3 forms are prefixless. The conjunct form always has the ê- prefix, and future conditional never has a prefix. * @U.verb.FutCon@ Future Conditional * @U.order.cnj@ Conjunct * @U.verb.fut@ Future Conditional Prefixes with a certain phonological content: * @U.perspref.NULL@ test * @U.perspref.NI@ test * @U.perspref.KI@ test * @U.person.NULL@ test * @U.person.NI@ test * @U.person.KI@ test * @U.verb.1sgindep@ * @U.verb.2sgindep@ * @U.verb.3osgindep@ * @U.verb.1plindep@ * @U.verb.12plindep@ * @U.verb.2plindep@ * @U.verb.3plindep@ * @U.noun.1sg@ * @U.noun.2sg@ * @U.noun.3sg@ * @U.noun.4sg@ * @U.noun.1pl@ * @U.noun.12pl@ * @U.noun.2pl@ * @U.noun.3pl@ * @U.noun.4pl@ * @U.noun.abs@ * @U.noun.dep@ LEXICON Root is where it all starts * NounPrefixes ; * VerbPrefixes ; * Pronoun ; * Propernouns ; * Punctuation ; * Particles ; * Numerals ; !!!Alphabet * t2:0 t between prefix and vowel-initial stem * t3:t t to s in VTA-4 * t4:c t to c in VTI-1 * w2:w for keeping the final -w in mow * y2:0 epenthetic joiner in reduplication of vowe-initial stems * y3:0 epenthetic joiner in reduplication of vowe-initial stems * i2:0 vta5-i epenthesis * %>:0 suffix boundary * %<:0 prefix boundary * %^LOC:0 Locative suffix alternation trigger * %^DIM:0 Diminutive alternation trigger * %^EGLOT:0 Conjunctive êh trigger * %^POS:0 Possessive alternation trigger * %^DUPL1:0 Reduplication consonant place holder * %^DUPL2:0 Reduplication consonant place holder * %^MI:0 wici-mi consonant place holder * %^EA:0 ê to â in 1, 2 person of ê verbs * %^TS:0 t to s in VTA-4 verbs before some i-init suf * %^NII:0 n to h or 0 in VII verbs when before k-init suf * %^WI:0 w to 0 in vta-2 verbs when before k-init suf * %^IO:0 VTACw w + i become o * %^VS:0 Ruling out verbs from the w/i deletions in conjunction with possessives. !!!Sets * Vow = a e i o u y â ê î ô A E I O U Y Â Ê Î Ô ; * ShortVow = a ê i o A E I O ; * LongVow = â ê î ô Â Ê Î Ô ; * Vow2 = a e i o u â ê î ô A E I O U Â Ê Î Ô ; !!!Rules __o:w in possessive prefix__ , w- in front of î, a, â (?) in possessive forms: mahkwan:wahkwan, mîpit:wîpit, mîyaw:wîyaw __o:0 in possessive prefix__ , Okimasis p. 140 __i:0 after possessive prefix__ , ospiton __t2:t between prefix and vowel__ , joiner for nouns with initial vowel. __t:c in diminutives __ Okimasis 2004: 13, Rule 2. __Diminutives - t2 changes to c __ , for the joiner. There are exeptions, but for they we have to make rules, or mark them with a dummy __i:o alternations __ for suffix initial vowel, stem final -Cw __Vowel final stems: vowel deletion when suffix has initial a or i __ , when the suffix niska, wâwi+a wâwi+ihk wâwi+is, oskâyi+a, êsa+ihk __w:0 alternations __ in -Cw stems __i:ii- alternations in stem__ , Okimasis p. 13 pikiw : pikîs __o:oo- alternations in stem__ , initially in stem, and for stem vowel when final -oy/ow okimâw:nitôkimâm, nitohtôsâpom tohtôsâpoy tohtôsâpôhk, cohcôsâpôs, cahcahkâyôhk, cahcahkâyôs __a:aa alternations in stem __ for stem vowel when final -ay __y:0 alternations __ for stem vowel when final -Vy __i:0 in suffix for stem final -Vw/Vy __ (first) : Okimasis 2004: 26, Rule 2, 8: Vow + (w/y) + ihk cahcahkâyow+ihk, tohtôsâpoy+ihk, cahcahkâyow+is, cohcôsâpoy+is, o+pikiw+iyiwa maniway+i VERBS __h glottal stop for initial vowel stems in verbs: Conjunctive__ __e and ee to aa rule in first and second person__ __a to ee rule in first and second person__ __a to ee rule in first and second person__ __a to ee rule in first and second person__ __n:h before k suf in VII__ __i:0 in VTA-Vw__ __w2:0 in VTA-Vw__ __Lengthening of vowels before dissappearing stem final __ __n:0 before k suf in VII__ __i:o i to o when after %^IO in VTACw__ __VTACw w to nothing when before %^IO__ __Matching weak/strong reduplication consonant placeholder %^DUPL1 with stem-initial consonant__ __Setting double weak+strong reduplication consonant placeholder %^DUPL2 with stem-initial consonant__ __Inserting epenthetic y in weak reduplication of vowel-initial stem__ __Inserting epenthetic y in strong+weak reduplication of vowel-initial stem__ __Unspecified Actor t:c in VTAVw__ __Cns mi epenthesis__ __Cns mi epenthesis2__ __s:0 in kost- VTA-4__ __i2:i in vta-5i__ !!!Plains Cree noun stems Wolvengrey types: * NI1 C-Initial Regular NI Stem : cîmân “canoe, boat” * NI1 V-Initial Regular NI Stem : astotin “hat, cap” * NI2 C-Initial VW NI Stem : mîkisasâkay “beaded coat, beaded dress” * NI2 V-Initial VW NI Stem : oskasâkay “new coat, new dress” * NI3 C-Initial Cw NI Stem : pahkêkinw:pahkêkinw “leather, rawhide” * NI3 V-Initial Cw NI Stem : askêkin:askêkinw “fresh rawhide” * NI4 C-Initial Single-Syllable NI Stem : wâw– “egg” * NI4 V-Initial Single-Syllable NI Stem : osk-ây– “new item, new thing” * NI4 V-Initial Single-Syllable irregular NI Stem : ôs– “canoe, boat” * NI4w C-Initial Single-Syllable-/w/ NI Stem : mihkw– “blood” * NA1 C-Initial Regular NA Stem : pahkwêsikan “bannock” * NA1 V-Initial Regular NA Stem : asikan “sock” * NA2 C-Initial V-Glide NA Stem : kihc-ôkiniy “tomato” * NA2 V-Initial V-Glide NA Stem : ayapiy “net” * NA3 C-Initial C-/w/ NA Stem : masinahikanâhtik:masinahikanâhtikw– “pencil” * NA3 V-Initial C-/w/ NA Stem : askihkw– “kettle, pail” * NA4 C-Initial Single-Syllable NA Stem : niska “goose” (and siht– “spruce”) * NA4 V-Initial Single-Syllable NA Stem : esa “clam; shell” * NA4w C-Initial Single-Syllable-/w/ NA Stem : wâhkwa:wâhkw “roe, fish eggs; lump of roe” * NA4w V-Initial Single-Syllable-/w/ NA Stem : ihkwa:ihkw “louse” !!The stems !Animate and inanimate Nouns STEMS adds an affixmark and redirects to STEMLIST STEMLIST for nouns getting prefixes ni-, ki-, o- \\ DEP-KINTERMSSTEMS adds an affixmark and redirects to KINTERMLIST DEP-KINTERMLIST for dependent nouns getting prefixes n-, k-, o- \\ -tânis:itânis AN_KININFL "daughter" ; !¢nicânis yaml -kosis:ikosis AN_KININFL "son" ; !¢nikosis IN dependent nouns, which have no m-form(?) in Wolvengrey DEP-M-INIT-STEMS adds an affixmark and redirects to DEP-M-LIST DEP-M-LIST for dependent nouns getting prefixes n-, k-, o-, pluss generic form m- \\ maniway:aniway IN_DEP_INIT_M_SG "cheek" ; !yaml mîpit:îpit IN_DEP_INIT_M "tooth" ; !yaml Plains Cree verb stems The verbs are analysed as follows: * The verbs get prefixes in this file, marked with ''flag diacritics'' (the @ symbols) * Then come the stems themselves * Finally, and in another file, come the suffixes, including flag diacritics to ensure that the correct prefixes and suffixes are matched together The Plains Cree verbs are divided in four groups, but all of them are in the same verblexicon: # AI: Animate intransitive # II: Inanimate intransitive # TA: Transitive animate # TI: Transitive inanimate LEXICON VERBSTEMS here come all the verbstems \\ !!!Plains Cree noun morphology !!!Prefixes NounPrefixes redirects to AN-IN, BODY, INALIENABLE AN-IN adds the prefixes ni-, ki-, o-. Redirects to STEMS DEP-M-INIT adds the prefixes n-, k-, o- (which alternate to w- in twolc), and generic form m- . Redirects to DEP-M-INIT. DEP-KINTERMS adds the prefixes n-, k-, o- (which alternate to w- in twolc) Redirects to DEP-KINTERMSSTEMS Now, lexc directs us to the ../stems/nouns.lexc file, where we find all the nominal stems. The suffixes are then found at the end of this file. !!!Suffixes !!The declensions for Animates * LEXICON AN_DECL_0POSS for the animate declension, Dim: -isis and -is * LEXICON AN_DECL_PL for the animate declension, Dim: -isis and -is * LEXICON AN_DECLis for the animate declension, Dim: -is diminutives * LEXICON AN_DECLisis for the animate declension, Dim: -isis diminutives * LEXICON AN_DECL for the animate declension, poss.-im-, Dim: -is * LEXICON ANimDECLisis for the animate declension, poss.-im-, Dim: -isis * LEXICON ANimDECLis for the animate declension, poss.-im-, Dim: -is * LEXICON ANimDECLw for the animate declension, stem -w, poss.-im-, Dim: -is * LEXICON AN_DIM both for lexicalised and derivated diminutives * LEXICON ANimDECLnaahk for the animate declension, poss.-im-, Dim: -is, , with collectiv loc * LEXICON ANABSDECLnaahk for the animate absolute declension, with collectiv loc * LEXICON ANimDECLnaahk-NOPOSS for the animate declension, poss.-im-, Dim: -is, , with collectiv loc * LEXICON ANABSDECL for the animate absolute declension * LEXICON ANABSDECL_PL for the animate absolute declension * LEXICON AN_KININFL_MONOG Lexicon with reduces possessive paradigm: only one wife/husband * LEXICON AN_DECL-ATIM for atim and mistatim. * LEXICON ANPOSS-ATIM is also there to handle the highly irregular atim and mistatim * LEXICON ANVOC * LEXICON AN_KININFL * LEXICON AN_KININFL_PL * LEXICON AN_DIMPOSS Possessive suffixes to diminutives * LEXICON AN_KINiyINFL Special treatment for kinship nouns ending with -iy - should be done in twolc? * LEXICON AN_DEP_INIT_M for the inanimate possessive declension * LEXICON ANABLGENERIC generic forms Sg, Pl, Loc and diminutives !!The declinations for Inanimates * LEXICON INimDECLw_ONESYLL_SG for the inanimate declension, stem -w, poss.-im-, dim. -is, only Sg * LEXICON INimDECL for the inanimate declension, poss.-im-, dim. -is * LEXICON INimDECLisis for the inanimate declension, poss.-im-, dim. -isis * LEXICON IN_DECL for the inanimate declension, Dim: -is- and -isis- * LEXICON IN_DECL_PL for the inanimate declension, plural Dim: -is- and -isis- * LEXICON IN_DECLis for the inanimate declension, Dim: -is- * LEXICON IN_DECLisis for the inanimate declension, Dim: -isis- * LEXICON IN_DECL_OSI for the inanimate declension of ôsi, an irregular noun * LEXICON IN_DIM for the inanimate diminutives * LEXICON INABSDECL for inanimate absolute declension * LEXICON INABSDECL_PL for inanimate absolute declension * LEXICON INimDIM the diminutives with poss.-im-, Dim: -is * LEXICON INimDIMisis the diminutives with poss.-im-, Dim: -isis * LEXICON INimDIM-SG the diminutives with poss.-im-, Dim: -is LEXICON IN_DIMDECL Declensions inanimate diminutives, adding +Dim , not in use * LEXICON INDEP-DERIV_M_SG for hardcoded noun:diminutive for inalienables * LEXICON IN_DEP_INIT_M_PL for the inanimate possessive declension, plural lemmas * LEXICON IN_DEP_INIT_M for the inanimate possessive declension * LEXICON INABLGENERIC generic forms Sg, Pl, Loc and diminutives * LEXICON IN_DEP_INIT_M_DIM for the inanimate possessive declension * LEXICON IN_DEP_INIT_M_SG inanimate possessive declension, only Sg !!Animate possessive suffixes * LEXICON ANSUFF_SG * LEXICON ANSUFF_0POSS * LEXICON SG_OBV * LEXICON ANSUFF_Pl_0POSS * LEXICON ANSUFF_PL * LEXICON PL_OBV !!Inanimate possessive suffixes * LEXICON INSUFF_SG * LEXICON INSUFF_PL * LEXICON INSUFF_LOC * LEXICON ANiySUFF_SG * LEXICON ANiySUFF_PL !!Singular/plural suffixes * LEXICON SG_ * LEXICON PLa * LEXICON PLak !!Locative suffixes * LEXICON LOC * LEXICON LOCahk * LEXICON LOCinaahk For collective locative !!Obviative suffix * LEXICON OBVIATIVE !!Special cases * LEXICON NOPREFIX gives diacr.flag for no prefix. Used for hardcoded forms in the lexicon !!!Plains Cree numerals !!The file for numerals * LEXICON Numerals !!Here starts the 999 numbers * LEXICON UNDERTHOUSAND * LEXICON HUNDREDS * LEXICON CUODI * LEXICON HUNDRED * LEXICON TENS * LEXICON TEN * LEXICON ONESTONEXT * LEXICON TEENS * LEXICON ONES * LEXICON CARDINAL * LEXICON NUM adds +Num+Ipc * __LEXICON NUM-PREFIXES __ * __LEXICON ARABIC __ arabic numerals * __LEXICON ARABICLOOPphone __ +358(0)16671254 * __LEXICON ARABICCASEphone __ * __LEXICON ARABICLOOP __ * __LEXICON ARABICLOOPORD __ ordinals * __LEXICON NUMARABTAG __ !!!Plains Cree particles The file * LEXICON pcle adds +Ipc * LEXICON fpcle this is for focus particles * LEXICON Particles \\ * cî+Ipc+Qst:cî # ; * namôya+Ipc+Neg:namôya # ; !!Plains Cree pronouns There are more pronoums to be added here. LEXICON Pronoun LEXICON Personal \\ niya+Pron+Pers+1Sg:niya # ; niya+Pron+Pers+1Sg:nîya # ; kiya+Pron+Pers+2Sg:kiya # ; LEXICON Interrogative \\ awîna+Pron+Interr+Sg:awîna # "who,whose" ; awîna+Pron+Interr+Pl:awîniki # "who" ; LEXICON Indefinite \\ awiyak+Pron+Indef+AN+Sg:awiyak # "someone" ; awiyak+Pron+Indef+AN+Pl:awiyakak # "some people" ; LEXICON Demonstrative \\ ANIMATE \\ awa+Pron+Dem+Prox+AN+Sg:awa # "this" ; awa+Pron+Dem+Prox+AN+Pl:ôki # "these" ; INANIMATE \\ ôma+Pron+Dem+Prox+IN+Sg:ôma # "this" ; ôma+Pron+Dem+Prox+IN+Pl:ôhi # "these" ; ôma+Pron+Def+Prox+IN+Sg:ôma # "this one" ; ôma+Pron+Def+Prox+IN+Pl:ôhi # "these one" ; Punctuation marks Punctuation contains period, comma, parentheses, etc. %,+CLB:%, # ; %.+CLB:%. # ; %.%.+CLB:%.%. # ; ^excl+CLB:%! # ; !^C^ Plains Cree verb morphology The Plains Cree verbs are divided in four groups: # AI: Animate intransitive # II: Inanimate intransitive # TA: Transitive animate # TI: Transitive inanimate !!!Prefixes LEXICON VerbPrefixes divides the lexicon into four modes: independent, conjunctive, imperative and future conditional * @U.order.indep@ INDEPENDENT ; * @U.order.cnj@ CONJUNCT ; * IMPERATIVE ; * FUTURE_CONDITIONAL ; LEXICON INDEPENDENT gives flags and prefixes for personprefix LEXICON IND_TENSE gives flags and prefixes for tense LEXICON FUTURE_CONDITIONAL gives flags for future conditional (no prefix) LEXICON CONJUNCT gives flag for conjunctive and prefix ê-, kâ-, kâki- LEXICON CNJ_TENSE gives prefixes and flags for tense in conjunctive LEXICON IMPERATIVE gives flag for imperative (no prefixes) Words marked GG are from Plains Cree Grammar guide and glossary Preverbs LEXICON PREVERBS just adds the prefix boundary Now, lexc directs us to the ../stems/verbs.lexc file, where we find all the verbal stems. The suffixes are then found in the section "Suffixes" right underneath. !!!Suffixes fst: AICONJ: stem AICONJw: stem (excl w) Wolv: AICONJ_n AICONJ_w LEXICON TACONJ_3 TACONJ_2 ; LEXICON TACONJ_4 TACONJ_2 ; Intransitive inanimate (II) LEXICON VIIw LEXICON VIIw_SG LEXICON VIIw_PL LEXICON VIIn LEXICON VIIn_SG LEXICON VIIn_PL LEXICON VIIw_ORDER LEXICON VIIw_SG_ORDER singular only LEXICON VIIw_PL_ORDER plural only LEXICON VIIn_ORDER LEXICON VIIn_SG_ORDER singular only LEXICON VIIn_PL_ORDER plural only LEXICON VIIw_SG_IND_TENSE plural only LEXICON VIIw_SG_CNJ_TENSE plural only LEXICON VIIw_PL_IND_TENSE plural only LEXICON VIIw_PL_CNJ_TENSE plural only LEXICON VIIn_SG_IND_TENSE plural only LEXICON VIIn_SG_CNJ_TENSE plural only LEXICON VIIn_PL_IND_TENSE plural only LEXICON VIIn_PL_CNJ_TENSE plural only LEXICON VIIw_IND_PERSON LEXICON VIIw_CNJ_PERSON LEXICON VIIw_FUT_CON_PERSON LEXICON VIIw_SG_IND_PERSON plural only LEXICON VIIw_SG_CNJ_PERSON plural only LEXICON VIIw_SG_FUT_CON_PERSON plural only LEXICON VIIw_PL_IND_PERSON plural only LEXICON VIIw_PL_CNJ_PERSON plural only LEXICON VIIw_PL_FUT_CON_PERSON plural only LEXICON VIIn_IND_PERSON LEXICON VIIn_CNJ_PERSON LEXICON VIIn_FUT_CON_PERSON LEXICON VIIn_SG_IND_PERSON plural only LEXICON VIIn_SG_CNJ_PERSON plural only LEXICON VIIn_SG_FUT_CON_PERSON plural only LEXICON VIIn_PL_IND_PERSON plural only LEXICON VIIn_PL_CNJ_PERSON plural only LEXICON VIIn_PL_FUT_CON_PERSON plural only LEXICON VIIw_IND_NULL LEXICON VIIw_IND_SG_SUFFIX singular LEXICON VIIw_IND_PL_SUFFIX plural LEXICON VIIn_IND_NULL LEXICON VIIn_IND_SG_SUFFIX w final singular LEXICON VIIn_IND_PL_SUFFIX w final plural LEXICON VIIw_CNJ_NULL LEXICON VIIw_CNJ_SG_SUFFIX singular LEXICON VIIw_CNJ_PL_SUFFIX plural LEXICON VIIn_CNJ_NULL LEXICON VIIn_CNJ_SG_SUFFIX w final singular LEXICON VIIn_CNJ_PL_SUFFIX w final plural LEXICON VIIw_FUT_CON_NULL LEXICON VIIw_FUT_CON_SG_SUFFIX singular LEXICON VIIw_FUT_CON_PL_SUFFIX plural LEXICON VIIn_FUT_CON_NULL LEXICON VIIn_FUT_CON_SG_SUFFIX w final singular LEXICON VIIn_FUT_CON_PL_SUFFIX w final plural Intransitive animate (AI) LEXICON VAIw LEXICON VAIw_PL LEXICON VAIn LEXICON VAIn_PL LEXICON VAIw_ORDER LEXICON VAIw_PL_ORDER plural only LEXICON VAIn_ORDER LEXICON VAIn_PL_ORDER plural only LEXICON VAIw_PL_IND_TENSE plural only LEXICON VAIw_PL_CNJ_TENSE plural only LEXICON VAIn_PL_IND_TENSE plural only LEXICON VAIn_PL_CNJ_TENSE plural only LEXICON VAIw_IND_PERSON LEXICON VAIw_CNJ_PERSON LEXICON VAIw_FUT_CON_PERSON LEXICON VAIw_IMP_PERSON LEXICON VAIw_PL_IND_PERSON plural only LEXICON VAIw_PL_CNJ_PERSON plural only LEXICON VAIw_PL_FUT_CON_PERSON plural only LEXICON VAIw_PL_IMP_PERSON plural only LEXICON VAIn_IND_PERSON LEXICON VAIn_CNJ_PERSON LEXICON VAIn_FUT_CON_PERSON LEXICON VAIn_IMP_PERSON LEXICON VAIn_PL_IND_PERSON plural only LEXICON VAIn_PL_CNJ_PERSON plural only LEXICON VAIn_PL_FUT_CON_PERSON plural only LEXICON VAIn_PL_IMP_PERSON plural only LEXICON VAIw_IND_NI LEXICON VAIw_IND_NI_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIw_IND_NI_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIw_IND_KI LEXICON VAIw_IND_KI_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIw_IND_KI_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIw_IND_NULL LEXICON VAIw_IND_NULL_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIw_IND_NULL_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIn_IND_NI LEXICON VAIn_IND_NI_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIn_IND_NI_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIn_IND_KI LEXICON VAIn_IND_KI_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIn_IND_KI_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIn_IND_NULL LEXICON VAIn_IND_NULL_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIn_IND_NULL_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIw_CNJ_NULL LEXICON VAIw_CNJ_NULL_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIw_CNJ_NULL_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIn_CNJ_NULL LEXICON VAIn_CNJ_NULL_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIn_CNJ_NULL_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIw_FUT_CON_NULL LEXICON VAIw_FUT_CON_NULL_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIw_FUT_CON_NULL_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIn_FUT_CON_NULL LEXICON VAIn_FUT_CON_NULL_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VAIn_FUT_CON_NULL_PL_SUFFIX Transitive inanimate (TI) * LEXICON VTI * LEXICON VTI_PL Plural * LEXICON VTIw NOTE: These inflect just as VAI -w final stems, so they are redirected to those paradigms LEXICON VTIt_ORDER . LEXICON VTIt_PL_ORDER plural only NOTE: imperative and fut con go straight to person lexica LEXICON VTIt_PL_IND_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTIt_PL_CNJ_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTIt_IND_PERSON LEXICON VTIt_CNJ_PERSON LEXICON VTIt_FUT_CON_PERSON LEXICON VTIt_IMP_PERSON LEXICON VTIt_PL_IND_PERSON plural only LEXICON VTIt_PL_CNJ_PERSON plural only LEXICON VTIt_PL_FUT_CON_PERSON plural only LEXICON VTIt_PL_IMP_PERSON plural only LEXICON VTIt_IND_NI LEXICON VTIt_IND_NI_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTIt_IND_NI_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VTIt_IND_KI LEXICON VTIt_IND_KI_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTIt_IND_KI_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VTIt_IND_NULL LEXICON VTIt_IND_NULL_SG_SUFFIX NOTE: X actor will eventually derive to VII, so it is not yet included as per Arok's paradigm LEXICON VTIt_IND_NULL_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VTIt_CNJ_NULL LEXICON VTIt_CNJ_NULL_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTIt_CNJ_NULL_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VTIt_FUT_CON_NULL LEXICON VTIt_FUT_CON_NULL_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTIt_FUT_CON_NULL_PL_SUFFIX Transitive inanimate (TA) The VTA verbs split in different orders. There are 5 stem classes in Wolv, 1-5 (VTA-1 through VTA-5) LEXICON TACONJ_1 Regular verbs * LEXICON TACONJ_2 -Vw stem-ending verbs; where + i suf deletes w and i * LEXICON TACONJ_2-PL -Vw stem-ending verbs; when deletes w and i plural only forms * LEXICON TACONJ_3 -Cw stem-ending verbs; where w and i fuse to o * LEXICON TACONJ_4 -t stem-ending verbs; where t becomes s in some cases * LEXICON TACONJ_5 verbs that take a -i in 2sg imm. imp. due to moraic constraints * LEXICON TACONJ_5-TS verbs that take a -i in 2sg imm. imp. due to moraic constraints, but also have stem final t becoming s in some cases. LEXICON VTACONJ_WICI Regular verbs * LEXICON VTACONJvw_WICI -Vw stem-ending verbs; where + i suf deletes w and i * LEXICON VTACONJvw_PL_WICI -Vw stem-ending verbs; when deletes w and i plural only forms * LEXICON VTACONJcw_WICI -Cw stem-ending verbs; where w and i fuse to o * LEXICON VTACONJt_WICI -t stem-ending verbs; where t becomes s in some cases * LEXICON VTACONJi_WICI verbs that take a -i in 2sg imm. imp. due to moraic constraints * LEXICON VTACONJti_WICI verbs that take a -i in 2sg imm. imp. due to moraic constraints, but also have stem final t becoming s in some cases LEXICON VTA_ORDER Note: Imp and Fut Con don't take tense LEXICON VTAvw_ORDER Note: Imp and Fut Con don't take tense LEXICON VTAvw_PL_ORDER Note: Imp and Fut Con don't take tense LEXICON VTAcw_ORDER Note: Imp and Fut Con don't take tense LEXICON VTAcw_PL_ORDER Note: Imp and Fut Con don't take tense LEXICON VTAt_ORDER Note: Imp and Fut Con don't take tense ; Independent is same as TA regular LEXICON VTAi_ORDER Note: Imp and Fut Con don't take tense ; Conjugates as TA regular except in 2sg IMM IMP LEXICON VTAti_ORDER Note: Imp and Fut Con don't take tense ; Independent is as TA regular, Imp as TAi, all else is as TAt LEXICON VTAvw_IND_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTAvw_CNJ_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTAvw_PL_IND_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTAvw_PL_CNJ_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTAcw_IND_TENSE LEXICON VTAcw_CNJ_TENSE LEXICON VTAcw_PL_IND_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTAcw_PL_CNJ_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTAt_IND_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTAt_CNJ_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTAi_IND_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTAi_CNJ_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTAti_IND_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTAti_CNJ_TENSE plural only LEXICON VTA_IND_PERSON LEXICON VTA_CNJ_PERSON LEXICON VTA_FUT_CON_PERSON LEXICON VTA_IMP_PERSON LEXICON VTAvw_IND_PERSON LEXICON VTAvw_CNJ_PERSON LEXICON VTAvw_FUT_CON_PERSON LEXICON VTAvw_IMP_PERSON Identical to TA IMP LEXICON VTAvw_PL_IND_PERSON LEXICON VTAvw_PL_CNJ_PERSON LEXICON VTAvw_PL_FUT_CON_PERSON LEXICON VTAvw_PL_IMP_PERSON LEXICON VTAcw_IND_PERSON LEXICON VTAcw_CNJ_PERSON LEXICON VTAcw_FUT_CON_PERSON LEXICON VTAcw_IMP_PERSON LEXICON VTAcw_PL_IND_PERSON LEXICON VTAcw_PL_CNJ_PERSON LEXICON VTAcw_PL_FUT_CON_PERSON LEXICON VTAcw_PL_IMP_PERSON LEXICON VTAt_IND_PERSON LEXICON VTAt_CNJ_PERSON LEXICON VTAt_FUT_CON_PERSON LEXICON VTAt_IMP_PERSON LEXICON VTAi_IND_PERSON LEXICON VTAi_CNJ_PERSON LEXICON VTAi_FUT_CON_PERSON LEXICON VTAi_IMP_PERSON LEXICON VTAti_IND_PERSON LEXICON VTAti_CNJ_PERSON LEXICON VTAti_FUT_CON_PERSON LEXICON VTAti_IMP_PERSON LEXICON VTA_IND_NI NOTE: No local, as local forms are always with ki- LEXICON VTA_IND_NI_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTA_IND_NI_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VTA_IND_KI LEXICON VTA_IND_KI_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTA_IND_KI_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VTA_IND_NULL NOTE: never local LEXICON VTA_IND_NULL_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTA_IND_NULL_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAvw_IND_NI NOTE: No local, as local forms are always with ki- LEXICON VTAvw_IND_NI_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAvw_IND_NI_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAvw_IND_KI LEXICON VTAvw_IND_KI_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAvw_IND_KI_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAvw_IND_NULL NOTE: never local LEXICON VTAvw_IND_NULL_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAvw_IND_NULL_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAcw_IND_NI NOTE: No local, as local forms are always with ki- LEXICON VTAcw_IND_NI_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAcw_IND_NI_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAcw_IND_KI LEXICON VTAcw_IND_KI_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAcw_IND_KI_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAcw_IND_NULL NOTE: never local LEXICON VTAcw_IND_NULL_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAcw_IND_NULL_PL_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAt_IND_KI LEXICON VTAt_IND_KI_SG_SUFFIX LEXICON VTAt_IND_KI_PL_SUFFIX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~