!!!How to evaluate the output of the FST, as a part of the developing work Here are some tips for the linguist, all commands are based on working in the crk-catalogue !!Make an alias to the crk-catalog Add this to your .bashrc or .profile: {{{ alias crk="pushd ~/main/langs/crk" }}} Open a new terminal window: In any catalogue, write 'crk' ENTER. !!Test that all noun lemmas are possible to generate as base form {{{ sh test/data/testnounlemmas.sh }}} !!Look at fst-output ! A certain form for all lemmas The example is for animate nouns, all the continuation lexicons for these nouns start with AN {{{ grep ' AN' src/morphology/stems/nouns.lexc |\ egrep -v '^(\!|LEX)' | tr ":" " " | cut -d " " -f1 |\ sed 's/$/+N+AN+Loc/' | dcrk | less }}} ! The paradigm for a certain lemma The example is for an inanimate noun, but one can use any of the paradigms in the test/data-catalogue {{{ cat test/data/NI-par.txt | sed 's/^/ôtênaw/' | dcrk | less }}} !!Run only one yaml-test Remove all yamltests (check in your local modifications first!): {{{ rm test/src/gt-norm-yamls/* }}} Get the yaml-file you want to test, e.g.: {{{ svn up test/src/gt-norm-yamls/V-mato_gt-norm.yaml make check }}} !!Compare the lingvistic output of all yaml-tests for a certain PoS Remove all yamltests (check in your local modifications first!) - the example is for verbs: {{{ rm test/src/gt-norm-yamls/* }}} Get the yaml-file you want to test, e.g.: {{{ svn up test/src/gt-norm-yamls/U-all_gt-norm.yaml }}} make check !!Make/update all yaml-tests in one for a certain PoS (and a certain pattern?) This example is adding all verbs into one file: {{{ head -11 test/src/gt-norm-yamls/V-AI-matow_gt-norm.yaml > test/src/gt-norm-yamls/U-all_gt-norm.yaml tail +11 test/src/gt-norm-yamls/V* | grep -v "==" >> test/src/gt-norm-yamls/U-all_gt-norm.yaml}}} This example is adding all nouns with final -y into one file: {{{ head -11 test/src/gt-norm-yamls/N-AN-amisk_gt-norm.yaml > test/src/gt-norm-yamls/A-Ny-all_gt-norm.yaml tail +11 test/src/gt-norm-yamls/N*y_gt-norm.yaml | grep -v "==" >> test/src/gt-norm-yamls/A-Ny-all_gt-norm.yaml }}} !! Make a new yaml-file The example is for the inanimate noun ôtênaw. Use an already functioning yaml-file as a starting point (here N-AN-amiskw_gt-norm.yaml). You still have to do a little editing afterwords, like correcting the docu about the lemma, and making it more readable by adding empty lines. And you must of course correct the output. {{{ head -12 test/src/gt-norm-yamls/N-AN-amisk_gt-norm.yaml\ > test/src/gt-norm-yamls/N-IN-otenaw_gt-norm.yaml cat test/data/NI-par.txt | sed 's/^/ôtênaw/' | dcrk |\ tr '\t' ':' | sed 's/:/: /' | grep -v '^$' |\ sed 's/^/ /' >> test/src/gt-norm-yamls/N-IN-otenaw_gt-norm.yaml }}} Comment: The last sed-command should give 5 whitespaces !! Documentation on unix-commands * [Unix for linguists|/doc/tools/docu-unix.html] * [Some unix commands explained, with examples, and example files, but in Saami|/doc/tools/unix_korpus_kursa.html] * [Basic unix-commands, external link|http://mally.stanford.edu/~sr/computing/basic-unix.html] * [More fun with sort, external link|http://www.softpanorama.org/Tools/sort.shtml] * [awk can be useful too, external link|http://www.softpanorama.org/Tools/awk.shtml]