!!!Plains Cree noun morphology !!!Prefixes NounPrefixes redirects to AN-IN, BODY, INALIENABLE AN-IN adds the prefixes ni-, ki-, o-. Redirects to STEMS DEP-M-INIT adds the prefixes n-, k-, o- (which alternate to w- in twolc), and generic form m- . Redirects to DEP-M-INIT. DEP-KINTERMS adds the prefixes n-, k-, o- (which alternate to w- in twolc) Redirects to DEP-KINTERMSSTEMS Now, lexc directs us to the ../stems/nouns.lexc file, where we find all the nominal stems. The suffixes are then found at the end of this file. !!!Suffixes !!The declensions for Animates * LEXICON AN_DECL_0POSS for the animate declension, Dim: -isis and -is * LEXICON AN_DECL_PL for the animate declension, Dim: -isis and -is * LEXICON AN_DECLis for the animate declension, Dim: -is diminutives * LEXICON AN_DECLisis for the animate declension, Dim: -isis diminutives * LEXICON AN_DECL for the animate declension, poss.-im-, Dim: -is * LEXICON ANimDECLisis for the animate declension, poss.-im-, Dim: -isis * LEXICON ANimDECLis for the animate declension, poss.-im-, Dim: -is * LEXICON ANimDECLw for the animate declension, stem -w, poss.-im-, Dim: -is * LEXICON AN_DIM both for lexicalised and derivated diminutives * LEXICON ANimDECLnaahk for the animate declension, poss.-im-, Dim: -is, , with collectiv loc * LEXICON ANABSDECLnaahk for the animate absolute declension, with collectiv loc * LEXICON ANimDECLnaahk-NOPOSS for the animate declension, poss.-im-, Dim: -is, , with collectiv loc * LEXICON ANABSDECL for the animate absolute declension * LEXICON ANABSDECL_PL for the animate absolute declension * LEXICON AN_KININFL_MONOG Lexicon with reduces possessive paradigm: only one wife/husband * LEXICON AN_DECL-ATIM for atim and mistatim. * LEXICON ANPOSS-ATIM is also there to handle the highly irregular atim and mistatim * LEXICON ANVOC * LEXICON AN_KININFL * LEXICON AN_KININFL_PL * LEXICON AN_DIMPOSS Possessive suffixes to diminutives * LEXICON AN_KINiyINFL Special treatment for kinship nouns ending with -iy - should be done in twolc? * LEXICON AN_DEP_INIT_M for the inanimate possessive declension * LEXICON ANABLGENERIC generic forms Sg, Pl, Loc and diminutives !!The declinations for Inanimates * LEXICON INimDECLw_ONESYLL_SG for the inanimate declension, stem -w, poss.-im-, dim. -is, only Sg * LEXICON INimDECL for the inanimate declension, poss.-im-, dim. -is * LEXICON INimDECLisis for the inanimate declension, poss.-im-, dim. -isis * LEXICON IN_DECL for the inanimate declension, Dim: -is- and -isis- * LEXICON IN_DECL_PL for the inanimate declension, plural Dim: -is- and -isis- * LEXICON IN_DECLis for the inanimate declension, Dim: -is- * LEXICON IN_DECLisis for the inanimate declension, Dim: -isis- * LEXICON IN_DECL_OSI for the inanimate declension of ôsi, an irregular noun * LEXICON IN_DIM for the inanimate diminutives * LEXICON INABSDECL for inanimate absolute declension * LEXICON INABSDECL_PL for inanimate absolute declension * LEXICON INimDIM the diminutives with poss.-im-, Dim: -is * LEXICON INimDIMisis the diminutives with poss.-im-, Dim: -isis * LEXICON INimDIM-SG the diminutives with poss.-im-, Dim: -is LEXICON IN_DIMDECL Declensions inanimate diminutives, adding +Dim , not in use * LEXICON INDEP-DERIV_M_SG for hardcoded noun:diminutive for inalienables * LEXICON IN_DEP_INIT_M_PL for the inanimate possessive declension, plural lemmas * LEXICON IN_DEP_INIT_M for the inanimate possessive declension * LEXICON INABLGENERIC generic forms Sg, Pl, Loc and diminutives * LEXICON IN_DEP_INIT_M_DIM for the inanimate possessive declension * LEXICON IN_DEP_INIT_M_SG inanimate possessive declension, only Sg !!Animate possessive suffixes * LEXICON ANSUFF_SG * LEXICON ANSUFF_0POSS * LEXICON SG_OBV * LEXICON ANSUFF_Pl_0POSS * LEXICON ANSUFF_PL * LEXICON PL_OBV !!Inanimate possessive suffixes * LEXICON INSUFF_SG * LEXICON INSUFF_PL * LEXICON INSUFF_LOC * LEXICON ANiySUFF_SG * LEXICON ANiySUFF_PL !!Singular/plural suffixes * LEXICON SG_ * LEXICON PLa * LEXICON PLak !!Locative suffixes * LEXICON LOC * LEXICON LOCahk * LEXICON LOCinaahk For collective locative !!Obviative suffix * LEXICON OBVIATIVE !!Special cases * LEXICON NOPREFIX gives diacr.flag for no prefix. Used for hardcoded forms in the lexicon